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Vocab 6-10

crypt hidden
path feeling
plus more
sed sit
contra against
lent full of
epist knowledge
in not
nomy law
err wander
Cryptic having a hidden or mysterious meaning
Antipathy feeling of intense dislike or hatred
Surplus a quantity that is more than is needed
Sedate calm, quiet, or composed
Contraband Prohibited or illegal items
Fraudulent deceitful; deliberately using trickery to achieve something
Epistle a long, instructive letter
Indiscreet lacking of good judgement; rude; offensive
Autonomy independence or freedom of will
Errant deviating from the regular or proper course
scen stage
quis ask
muta change
ex out
ap away
rid laugh
ten hold
prob test
ment mind
plat flat
Transcend to go beyond; exceed
Inquisition harsh, difficult, and prolonged questioning
Mutable constantly changing; fickle
Exalted raised or elevated
Appease to satisfy or relieve
Deride to mock or laugh at in contempt
Tenable capable of being held, maintained, or defended; against dispute
Reprobate without morals; noun-- a person without morals
Demented insane; mentally ill
Platitude a flat or dull remark; a cliche
sacro holy
simul false
sanct holy
matr mother
tempor time
phil love
art skill
caust to burn
circum around
counter opposite, contrary
Sacrilege the violation of anything held to be sacred
Dissemble to give a false or misleading appearance; conceal the truth
Sanctimonious showing religious devotion or piety that is usually false
Matronly having the qualities of a dignified, strong, mature woman
Extemporaneous done without advanced preparation; off-the-cuff
Philander to have many amorous affairs or flirtations
Artifice trickery, craftiness
Caustic harsh, bitter, or sarcastic in tone
Circumscribe to restrict
Counterintuitive different from what one would expect
lab work
luc light
lud to play
magna great, large
med middle
melano black
memor remember
neg no
nom name
nov new
Laborious requiring much work, effort, or perseverance
Elucidate to make something clear or easy to understand
Delude to cause someone to believe something that is not true
Magnanimous characterized by a kind or generous nature
Mediocre of middle quality
Melancholy a sad mood or feeling
Commemorate to call to remembrance, usually through a ceremony or observance
Renege to go back on a promise or commitment
Nominal in name only
Novel different from anything seen or known before
ranc rotten, stink
sat enough
path feeling
ped foot
port carry
put think
quer complain
rus reject
rap snatch
pul urge
Rancid having a rank, unpleasant smell or taste
Insatiable incapable of being satisfied or appeased
Pathos sympathy or pity
Expeditious prompt and efficient
Deportment a person's behavior or manners
Imputation accusation or insinuation
Querulous characterized by complaining and whining
Ruse an attempt (or action) meant to deceive someone
Rapt completely fascinated
Compulsory required by law or rule
Created by: ahabel10
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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