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S4 INIT COMP REV sets E-I rsp

hacer buen tiempo to be nice out (hacer in weather expressions is used in third-person singular only)
hacer calor to be hot (out) (hacer in weather expressions is used in third-person singular only)
hacer clic to click (computer mouse) (YO-GO)
hacer cola to get in line (YO-GO)
hacer frío to be cold (out) (hacer in weather expressions is used in third-person singular only)
hacer mal tiempo to have bad weather, to not be nice weather out ((hacer in weather expressions is used in third-person singular only))
hacer sol to be sunny (hacer in weather expressions is used in third-person singular only)
hacer un viaje to take a trip (YO-GO)
hacer una maleta to pack a suitcase (YO-GO)
hay there is, there are (defective verb; infinitive: haber)
iluminar to light up, to illuminate (reg)
imprimir to print (reg)
insertar to insert (reg)
interesar to interest, to be interesting (backwards-sentence verb used in third-person singular or plural form with IOP)
introducir to insert (reg)
ir to go (irreg)
empacar to pack (a suitcase) (reg)
despertarse to wake up (e-->ie, reflexive)
montar to put up (e.g., tent) (reg)
montar a caballo to ride a horse (reg)
morir to die (o-->ue)
mostrar to show (o-->ue)
nadar to swim (reg)
navegar to navigate, to surf (Web) (reg)
necesitar to need (reg)
oír to hear (YO-GO) (spelling change i--y between 2 vowels)
oprimir to press, to push (reg)
pagar to pay (reg)
pasar to pass, go; spend (time) (reg)
pasar por to go through, to pass by (reg)
pasar tiempo to spend time (reg)
pasarlo bien/mal to have a good/bad time (reg) (sometimes used reflexively: pasarselo bien/mal) (Lo paso bien. Me lo paso bien. I have a good time.)
patinar sobre hielo to ice-skate, to go ice-skating
pedir to ask for, to request, to order (e.g., at a restaurant) (e-->i)
jugar to play (u-->ue)
lanzar to throw, to kick (reg)
lavarse to wash (for oneself) (reg) (reflexive)
leer to read (reg)
levantar to raise, to lift (reg)
levantarse to get up (reg) (reflexive)
llamarse to call oneself, to be called, to be named (reflexive) (reg)
llegar to arrive, to get there (reg)
llevar to carry, to wear (reg)
mantener to maintain
mantenerse to keep oneself, to stay (en forma = in shape) (YO-GO) (e-->ie)
maquillarse to put on make-up (reg)
marcar to score (points); to dial (phone) (reg)
meter to put, to place (something somewhere) (reg)
meter un gol to get or score a goal (reg)
mirar to look at, to watch (reg)
mirarse to look at oneself (reg) (reflexive)
molestar to bother, to annoy (reg) (gustar-type verb used in third-person singular or plural with IOP)
esperar to wait (for); to hope, to expect (reg)
esquiar to ski (reg) (accent on i in singular forms and third-person plural)
estar to be (how you feel and where you are) (YO-OY) (irreg: accent on á in all second- and third-person forms)
estirarse to stretch (reg) (reflexive)
estudiar to study (reg)
examinar to examine (reg)
facturar to check, to check in (luggage) (reg)
faltar to lack, to be lacking (reg) (gustar-type verb used in third-person singular or plural with IOP) (often translated as to need: Me falta un lápiz = I need a pencil)
freír to fry (reg) (accent on i in all forms)
ganar to win; to earn (reg)
golpear to hit (reg)
guardar to guard, to save, to keep (reg)
guardar cama to stay in bed (when sick) (reg)
gustar to please, to be pleasing (translated frequently as to like) (used in third-person singular or plural with IOP; sometimes called backwards-sentence verb because the word order is largely reversed from typical Spanish sentences) (reg)
hablar to talk, to speak (reg)
hacer to make, to do (YO-GO)
embarcar to board (plane, ship) (reg)
empezar to begin, to start (e-->ie)
encantar to be delightful (gustar-type verb used in third-person singular or plural with IOP) (often translated as to need: Me encanta esquiar = I love to ski)
encender to light, to turn on (e-->ie)
encestar to make a basket (reg)
encontrar to find (o-->ue)
enfadar to make mad or angry (reg)
enojar to make mad or angry (reg)
enseñar to teach; to show (reg)
entender to understand (e-->ie)
enterrar to bury (e-->ie)
entrar (en) to enter, to go in(to) (reg)
entrar en linea to get in line (reg)
enviar to send (accent on i in all forms except nosotros and vosotros)
escribir to write (reg)
escuchar to listen to (reg)
Created by: MrPoppele
Popular Spanish sets




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