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de down
ob away from, against
inter within, among,between
sub under
re again
bio life
auto self
ject to throw or to push in
syn/sym the same
domin to lead
uni one, single
mono one, single
du 2
bi 2
tri 3
quad 4
pent 5
oct 8
dec 10
cent 100
gen family, life
scrip/scrib to write
frag/frac to break
vis/vid to see/look
spec to see/watch
man (u) hand
mitt/miss to send
chron/temp relating to time
mob/mot move
port to carry
cept to recieve
cred to believe
un, im, in, il, ir NOT
post after
trans across
dis away from, before
circum around
ant(i)/contr against
bene good
mal evil/bad
Grimace- Noun a sad , disappointed look, a frown
Wince- Verb to cringe or wince in pain
Tenacious- adjective determined, relentless, go getting
Exuberant- adjective thrilled , excited
Somber- adjective serious, sad
Fallible- adjective capable of making mistakes
Belligerent- adjective ready to fight, confrontational, aggressive, angry (belli-word root means war)
Intricate- adjective detailed, particular, involved (spider web)complex
Luminous- adjective bright, filled with light, en”lightened” (lumin--word root means light)
Apathy- Noun not caring
Condescend- Verb to look down upon someone
Empathy- Noun caring and feeling
Banish- Verb to dismiss or send out
Grieve- Verb to mourn over loss
Ponder- Verb to think about
Profound- adjective deep thoughtful
Indignant- adjective angry
Dilemma- Noun a serious problem
Decorum- Noun a polite manner
Contempt- Noun hatred, disgust
Rivulet- Noun a tiny little trickly stream
Hospitable- adjective a welcoming manner
Console- Verb to soothe
Ominous- adjective a dark foreshadowing
Faltering To move unsteadily, stagger, stumble
Pallid Pale or lacking of color
Cumbersome Bulky or heavy
Semblance appearance, likeness
Penchant A strong desire or wish to accomplish something
Pilgrimage A spiritual journey, a lengthy journey
Convulsions small seizures, mini violent motions
Enamored deeply in love with, infatuated
Raucous out of control, mischievous, chaos, out of control situation
Minutiae tiny little details of life… trivial details magazine, insignificant details
Dignitaries important people, people with dignity
Prowess courage and skill
Errant random ----off topic ----out of time
Tranquil peaceful
Junket a quick trip , like an errand
Gallantry a member of the elite, special people, like royalty
Adulation praise
Retribution payback or punishment
charisma--N a positive, magnetic personality, a quality of charm
complacent--ADJ quiet, calm, relaxed, almost withdrawn
frail---ADJ weak
sullen---ADJ sad, somber
concede---V to give in
vehement---ADJ like tenacious, passionate, strong
smug---ADJ arrogant, stuck-up
serene---ADJ tranquil, peaceful
relentless---ADJ unceasing, unstopping
jeer---V to sneer or mock, make fun of in an evil way
optimistic positive “open”
pessimistic negative, “pest”
capsize to turn over(in liquid)
concede to give in, give up
patriarchal male-based society
fledgling young “bird,” new to flight
indigenous native(from that area) to a land or area
illiterate not literate, can’t read
disconsolate glum, sad, depressed
descendent individuals who will continue a legacy--children
destiny one’s fate
legacy the impact one leaves behind after he or she is gone
rebellious going against, defiant, ready to fight (belli-root means to fight, war-like)
adversity problem, difficulty
obstinate stubborn
perverse contrary, argumentative, stubborn minded
conventional (custom) usual as in practice, “normal”, “regular”
vigil a spiritual time of “watching” and waiting
prophet someone who “sees” into the future and will lead
humility quiet, modest, unassertive, lack of arrogance
Created by: GStuart
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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