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Flavin AP105 Ch 13

Flvin AP105 Ch 13 Blood 2019

Leukocytes aka WBC
Erythrocytes aka RBC
If you draw blood into a purple top tube the sample you extract as is would be ____. Whole Blood
A CBC looks at ___. Blood Cells
All types of WBCs are: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes
Erythrocytes function: Transport O2 & Co2
Neutrophils & Monocyte function: Immune defense (phagocytosis)
Eosinophils function: Defense against parasites
Basophil function: Inflammatory response and Heparin secretion (hi)
Thrombocytes function: Blood clotting
Hemoglobin carries _____. Oxygen
___provides information about the volume of RBC's in a blood sample. Hematocrit
Platelets aka: Thrombocytes
The life span of an RBC is _____. 80 - 120 days.
If you spin whole blood down you would get what on top? Plasma
A _____ is a substance that can stimulate the body to make antibodies. Antigen
Universal donor is___ type. O
____ anemia results from dietary deficiency of vitamin B12 or from the failure of the stomach lining to produce intrinsic factor which allows B12 to be absorbed. Pernicious
_____ ____deficiencies are common among individuals with alcoholism and malnourished individuals. folic acid
An elevated WBC greater than 20,000 could indicate possible: Infection
If a mother is RH negative she will receive an injection of ___ to make sure future pregnancies are not at risk for blood type incompatibility. RhoGAM
A normal range for WBCs are: 5,000 - 10,000
Acute lymphocytic leukemia is common for children between the ages of 3 & 7. This constitutes ____ of all children. The most common form of blood cancer. 80%
________ is a common noncancerous WBC disorder appearing most often in adolescents and young adults between 15 & 25 years of age. Mononucleosis
Drugs known to help dissolve abnormal clots are called: TPA aka tissue plasminogen activator
____ is an X-linked bleeding disorder that affects more than 300,000 people around the world. (A bleeding disorder) Hemophilia
The blood specialist is called: Hematologist
Created by: Iteach4Docs



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