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English Vocab

Apparel Clothing that serves as dresses or decoration
Besiege To attack by surrounding with military forces, to cause worry or trouble
Compress To press together, to reduce in size of volume; a folded cloth or pad applied to an injury
Denounce To condemn openly, to accuse formally
Dispatch To send off or out for a purpose to kill, an official message, promptness speed
Douse plunge into liquid, drench , to put out quickly, extinguish
Expressly plainly, in so many word; for a particular purpose
Famished Suffering severely from hunger from lack of something
Forsake To give up, renounce, to leave, abandon
Gainful Profitable; bring in money or some special advantages
Immense Very large or great; beyond ordinary means of measurment
Inept Totally without skill or appropriateness
Ingenious Showing remarkable originality, inventiveness, or resourceful; clever
Instantaneous Done in an instance; immediate
Irk To annoy, trouble, make weary
Libel A written statement that unfairly or falsely harms the reputation of the person about whom it is made; to write a published such a statement
Misgiving A feeling of fear, doubt, or uncertainty
Oaf A stupid person; a big clumsy, slow individual
Recede To go or move backward; to become more distant
Repast A meal, food
Constrain To force, compel; to restrain , hold back
Contemporarty Belonging to the same period of the time as oneself; a person of the same time
Depict To portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture
Disinterested Fair minded, free from self motives; indifferent
Encompass To encircle, go or reach around; to enclose; to include with a certain group or class
Adverse Unfavorable, negative , working against , hostile
Assailant A person who attacks (with blows or words)
Billow A large wave; to rise or swell like a wave
Arid Extremely dry, uninteresting ,dull
Confront To meet face to face, especially as a challenge comes to grip with
Groundless Without any good reason or cause; unjustified
Hypocrite A person who pretends to be what he or she is not or better then he or she really is; a two -faced person
Incomprehensible Impossible to understand
Manipulate To handle or use skillfully' to manage or control fro personal gain or advantage
Maximum The greatest possible amount or degree; reaching the greatest possible amount or degree
Mimic A person who does imitations; to imitate, to make fun of
Ruffle To wrinkle, make uneven; to annoy, upset, to flip through; a gathered strip of material used for trimming edges; a ripple; a low drumbeat
Serene Peaceful ,clam, free of emotional upset; clear and free of storm; majestic, grand
Sheepish Embarrassed; resembling ga sheep in meekness; timid
Stamina The strength needed to jeep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power
Barrage A rapid, large scale outpouring of something
Bigot An intolerant, prejudiced or biased person
Designate To indicate, point out; to appoint selected but not yet installed
Diversity Difference, variety, a condition of having many different types or forms
Enigma Someone or something that is extremely puzzling, that which cannot be understood or explained
Gloat To look at or think about with great intensity and satisfaction; to take great personal joy in
Global Relating to , or involving the entire world; comprehensive
Illusion A false idea
Motivative To provide with reason for going
Pacifist One who is against war or the use of violence; opposing war or violence
Queue A line of people waiting for something; to form such a line
Restrict To keep within set limits; to confine
Sage wise; a very wise person
Slake To satisfy, relieve, or bring, or to brig to an end
Terrain Landscape
Vocation Any trade
Vow Promise
Waylay To lie in wait for
Wither To dry up
Infuriate To make angry week 4 or 5????????????
Acquit To declare not guilty
Deem To think believe; to consider
Devastate To destroy
Discredit To throw doubt upon
Elusive Difficult to catch or to hold; hard to explain or understand
Generate To bring into existence
Idolize To worship as an idol
Ingratitude A lack or thankfulness
Keepsake Something kept in moratory
Mortal A being that must eventually die
Ovation An enthusiastic public welcome
Petty Unimportant
Plight A sorry condition or state
Repent To feel sorry for what one has done
Reverie A daydream
Revocation An act
Scan To examine closely
Strand A beach or shore
Strife Bitter disagreement
Topple To fall forward
Acute With a shape point
Bluster To talk or act in a noisy and threatening way
Bungle To act or work clumsily and awkwardly
Commentary A series of notes clarifying or explaining something
Duration The length of time that something continues or lasts
Eerie Causing fear
Facet one aspect
Fidelity The state of being faithful
Fray A brawl
Headstrong Willful, stubborn
Inhabitant One living permanently in a giving place
Numb Having lost the power of feeling or movement
Pacify To make peaceful or calm
Ravenous Greedy
Refute To prove incorrect
Remorse Deep and painful regret
Setback Something that interferes with progress
Smug Overly self-satisfied
Synopsis A brief statement giving a general view of some subject
Tarry To delay leaving
Agenda The program for a meeting
Amiable Friendly
Befuddle To confuse
Blight A disease that causes plants to die
Boisterous Rough and noisy in a cheerful way
Clarity Clearness
Compliant Willing to do what someone else wants
Conserve To preserve
Debut A first public appearance
Gory Marked by blooshed
Gross Overweight
Induce To cause, bring out
Leeway Extra space for moving along a certain route
Limber Flexible
Maze A network of paths through which it is hard to find one's way
Oracle Someone or something that can predict the future
Partisan A strong supporter of a person
Reimburse To pay back
Vacate To go away from
Vegabond An idle wanderer
Created by: isavell.naomi
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