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E1 Finals Guide_Paug

English 1 Finals Study Guide_Paugh_Spring 2018

tone the author/writer's attitude toward the subject
mood the feeling the reader gets from a story
author's purpose reason an author decides to write about a specific topic
dialect a way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people
slang informal language; jargon; colloquial speech
meter general pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
rhyme scheme regular pattern of rhyme at the ends of lines in a poem
sonnet a 14-line poem with a particular line scheme
iambic pentameter "iamb" is a pattern, an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. "penta" means five; 5 beats
foreshadowing clues to hint at events that will occur later in the plot
flashback reference an event that happened previously in the story or before it began
theme central idea of a piece of literature; a universal truth
figurative language expressions that are not necessarily literally true, but express meaning beyond literal level (symbolistic)
imagery descriptive words and phrases that recreate a sensory experience for the reader, meaning you can "imagine" the scene using your senses
simile comparison using "like" "as" "than"
metaphor a comparison that does NOT use like, as, than
argument taking a position to persuade others
support documents or reasoning that substantiate an argument
setting time, place and environment where a story takes place
direct characterization writer tells readers what kind of person a character is
indirect characterization process of revealing the personality of a character through the story
irony (verbal) saying one thing and meaning another
irony (situational) contrast between what we THINK/EXPECT to happen and what REALLY happens
dramatic irony occurs when the audience/reader knows something important that the characters in a story/play don't
climax the point of highest interest in a literary work
internal conflict struggle that occurs within a character
external conflict character v. outside force like nature, physical obstacle or another character
personification endowing non-human objects or creatures with human qualities or characteristics
imagery descriptive words and phrases that recreate a sensory experience for the reader/you can "imagine" the scene with your senses
symbolism person, place, thing or event that stands for itself or something else
rupt to break
sect to cut; divide
tele far; distant
scope see; observe
script to write
epi upon, over, other
voc voice; to call
pseudo false
spire breathe
thermo caused by heat; hot
theo God
ectomy to cut out
patri father
ortho straight; correct
pyro fire
megalo great; large
mania uncontrollable
dyno power; energy; strength
litera letter; literature
mal bad; ill; wrong
geo earth; soil; global
multi much; many
neo new
miso hating; hatred
pedi foot
sphere ball
Created by: msrussman
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