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English III Vocab

English III Semester Exam

abstain to choose or do without; to refrain from
acquiesce accept something reluctantly but without protest
affinity natural attraction or liking for a person or a thing; a close relationship
altercation a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public
arbitrary based on one's own wishes; not fixed by rules; absolute, despotic
array an orderly arrangement of persons or objects; splendid dress
assail make a concerted or violent attack on; criticize (someone) strongly
audacious fearlessly daring; bold; insolent; contemptuous of decorum
beleaguer lay siege to; beset with difficulties
browbeat to frighten with a stern manner of harsh words; to bully
brunt the worst part or chief impact of a specified thing
bureaucracy the collection of departments of appointed officials through which a government is run; inflexible governmental procedures
catharsis a purging; a purifying by ridding of emotions, especially through the experience of art
contraband smuggled goods
convivial fond of eating and drinking with friends; festive; social
credence belief; acceptance as valid or true
deign to grant or agree condescendingly to do something; stoop
deprecate express disapproval of
derogatory disparaging; belittling; meant to show an unfavorable opinion
dissipate to spread in every direction; to scatter; to waste
entity a being; something with independent existence, either in actuality or in one's mind; a discrete unit
entomology the branch of zoology that deals with insects
epicure a person who has refined tastes in eating and drinking
exonerate absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case
expedite make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly
fastidious hard to please; easily disgusted; overly dainty
forgo refrain from
idyll a short description of peaceful country life; a scene suitable for such a work
inane senseless; pointless; stupid
incoherent (of spoken or written language) expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear
incredulous (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something
ingratiate to bring oneself into someone's good graces or favor
omnivorous eating every kind of food, both animal and vegetable; eagerly taking in everything
oscillate to move back and forth like a pendulum; to vary between two or more opinions, thoughts, or actions; to vacillate
palliate make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause
phalanx a body of troops or police officers, standing or moving in close formation; a bone of the finger or toe
plebian a commoner
politic wise in looking out for one's own interest; prudent; shrewd
predecessor a person who held a job or office before the current holder; a thing that has been followed or replaced by another
premeditate planned or plotted; closely considered beforehand; deliberate
prototype an original model on which subsequent forms are based; a standard example
provocation action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately; testing to elicit a particular response or reflex
proxy a person who is given the authority to act or standing in for another; written proof of such authority
query a question; to question
redress remedy or set right
scapegoat a person or thing who takes the blame for the mistakes or crimes of others
secular not belonging to or bound by religious rule
shibboleth a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important
tepid slightly warm; lukewarm; lacking warmth of feeling or enthusiasm
transient lasting or used for a short time only; not permanent
Created by: georgia.smith
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