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Sp 2 more future

professions and irregular

(el) agricultor (the) farmer (male)
(la) agricultora (the) farmer (female)
(el) arquitecto (the) architect (male)
(la) arquitecta (the) architect (female)
(el) científico (the) scientist (male)
(la) científica (the) scientist (female)
(el) diseñador (the) designer (male)
(la) diseñadora (the) designer (female)
(el) ingeniero (the) engineer (male)
(la) ingeniera (the) engineer (female)
(el) mecánico (the) mechanic (male)
(la) mecánica (the) mechanic (female)
(el) técnico (the) technician (male)
(la) técnica (the) technician (female)
(el) veterinario (the) veterinarian (male)
(la) veterinaria (the) veterinarian (female)
(el) cartero (the) mail carrier (male)
(la) cartera (the) mail carrier (female)
(el) contador (the) accountant (male)
(la) contadora (the) accountant (female)
(el) dueño (the) owner (male)
(la) dueña (the) owner (female)
(el) gerente (the) manager (male)
(la) gerente (the) manager (female)
(el) secretario (the) secretary (male)
(la) secretaria (the) secretary (female)
(el) hombre de negocios (the) businessman
(la) mujer de negocios (the) businesswoman
(los) negocios (the) business
(las) artes (the) arts
(el) artista (the) artist (male)
(la) artista (the) artist (female)
(el) escritor (the) writer (male)
(la) escritora (the) writer (female)
(el) pintor (the) painter (male)
(la) pintora (the) painter (female)
(el) abogado (the) lawyer (male)
(la) abogada (the) lawyer (female)
(el) juez (the) judge (male)
(la) jueza (the) judge (female)
(los) jueces (the) judges
(el) político (the) politician (male)
(la) política (the) politician (female)
(el) derecho (the) (study of) law
(la) ley (the) law
(la) política (the) politics
bilingüe bilingual
(la) carrera (the) career
(el) colegio (the) high school
(la) escuela técnica (the) technical school
(el) futuro (the) future
ganarse la vida (me/te/se/nos/se goes before "ganar") to make a living
tener éxito to have success
graduarse (me/te/se/nos/se goes before "graduar") to graduate
hará there will be
(el) idioma (the) language
(el) militario military
(la) oficina (the) office
(la) profesión (the) profession
(las) profesiones (the) professions
(el) programa de estudios (the) course of studies
(el) salario (the) salary
seguir una carrera to pursue a career
(la) universidad (the) university (college)
seré I will be
serás you will be
será (s)he will be
seremos we will be
seréis you all will be
serán they will be
podré I will be able to
podrás you will be able to
podrá (s)he will be able to
podremos we will be able to
podréis you all will be able to
podrán they will be able to
sabré I will know
sabrás you will know
sabrá (s)he will know
sabremos we will know
sabréis you all will know
sabrán they will know
tendré I will have
tendrás you will have
tendrá (s)he will have
tendremos we will have
tendréis you all will have
tendrán they will have
haré I will make/do
harás you will make/do
hará (s)he will make/do
haremos we will make/do
hariéis you all will make/do
harán they will make/do
iré a I will go to
irás a you will go to
irá a (s)he will go to
iremos a we will go to
iréis a you all will go to
irán a they will go to
el examen the exam
la licencia the license
__________ licenciado(a) licensed ___________
__________ autorizado(a) licensed (authorized) _________
la certificación the certification
__________ diplomado(a) or certificado(a) o titulado(a) certified _________
Popular Spanish sets




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