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GCSE Personal Quals

GCSE Spanish Personal Qualities

adaptable adaptable
adventurous aventurero
affectionate afectuoso
agreeable agradable
ambitious ambicioso
amiable amable, simpático
amusing gracioso
brave valiente
bright listo
broad-minded abierto de mente
calm calmado
careful prudente, cuidadoso
charming encantador
compassionate compasivo
conscientious meticuloso
considerate considerado
courageous corajudo
creative creativo
daring atrevido
determined determinado
diligent industrioso
diplomatic diplomático
discreet discreto
dynamic dinamico
easygoing llevadero
emotional emotivo
energetic energetico
enthusiastic entusiasta
exuberant exuberante
fair-minded imparcial
faithful fiel
fearless intrépido, sin miedo
frank franco
funny divertido, chistoso
fussy quisquilloso
generous generoso
gentle dulce, amable
good bueno
gregarious gregario, sociable
hard-working trabajador
helpful servicial
honest honrado
humorous gracioso
imaginative imaginativo
impartial imparcial
independent independente
intellectual intelectual
intelligent inteligente
intuitive intuitivo
inventive inventivo
kind amable
loving afectuoso
loyal leal
modest modesto
neat arreglado, meticuloso
nice simpático
optimistic optimista
passionate apasionado
patient paciente
persistent persistente
polite cortés
practical práctico
quiet tranquilo, calmado
rational racional, lógico
reliable fiable
reserved reservado
resourceful ingenioso
romantic romántico
self-confident seguro de mi mismo
self-disciplined disciplinado
sensible sensato
sensitive sensible
shy timido
sincere sincero
sociable sociable
straightforward directo
thoughtful atento, considerado
tidy arreglado, limpio
tough duro
unassuming modesto
understanding comprensivo
versatile polifacetico
warmhearted cariñoso, bondadoso
Created by: alg_modlangs
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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