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Nouns Bulk 1 to 32

Nouns Superset 1 to 32

redes sociales social networks
encuestas polls; surveys
inmobiliario real-estate
asesinato assasination; murder
atentado attack, assault
escala scale
escala layover, stop
escala ladder
vivienda apartment; housing;
armonía harmony
bandera banner; flag
asta mast; pole; shaft; horn
luto mourning; bereavement;
jornada (hhohr nada) day; business day; workday
sencillo simple (noun)
ser humano human being
cadena chain
todocamino SUV
balas bullets
prueba proof
fabricante manufacturer
dirigentes leader
trucos tricks
lujo luxury
pulsera bracelet
cerebro brain
asalto assault; attack
asalto round (boxing)
enfermedad disease; illness
Turquía Turkey
fuentes sources
autobús escolar school bus
viuda widow
herencia inheritance
gastos expenses
hipoteca mortgage
mujer woman; wife
atracador robber; bandit
genio genius;
perfil profile; outline; silhouette;
operación operations; transactions
burbuja bubble
inquilinos tenants
propietario owner
empresa company; business
ayuntamiento city hall; local government
sede headquarters
gemelo twin
complejo complex
factura bill, invoice
sueldo salary
éxito success
presupuesto budget
presión pressure
rescate rescue
mitad half; halfway point
socios partners, members, associates
periodista journalist
acreedores creditors
consejero delegado CEO
comercio electrónico e-commerce; internet business
comercio minorista retail business
cifra de negocios sales figures
cifra figure; number
ingresos revenue (or gross income)
beneficios profit (b)
ganancias profit (g)
provecho profit (p)
ventaja advantage or lead (over someone else); benefit; perk (job benefit)
títulos shares; titles
subida rise, increase
alza rise, increase
tipos rates
tipo impositivo tax rate
consumo consumption
impuestos taxes
mezcla mixture; mix; blend;
embajador ambassador
embajada embassy
aspirante contender; candidate
campaña campaign
partido (s.m.) party (in politics)
partidario supporter; partial; in favour of
asunto matter, issue, case
mandato term of office
medidas measures
postura position; stance
respaldo support; backing
apoyo support; backing
votante voters
sondeos polls; surveys;
la polémica controversy
escándalo scandal
rebeldía rebellion
valla fence
debilidad weakness
gatillo trigger
disparo gunshot; shot
tiroteo gunfire; shooting
balazo bullet wound
herida wound; injury
emfermo (s.m.) patient; sick person
frenazo sudden halt; hitting the brakes;
freno brake (of a car)
mascota pet
tiburón shark
paraguas umbrella
anillo ring
entorno environment
desarrollo development
supuesto assumption
preso prisoner
violador rapist
antecedentes background
gestión management
aseguradora insurance company
tasa de paro unemployment rate
descenso decline; fall; drop
temporada season
tormenta storm
acontecimiento event; occurrence
coyuntura situation; circumstances;
titular headline
resumen summary
encuentro meeting; conference
reunión meeting; reunion
rueda de prensa press conference
cartelera billboard
politico politician
legado legacy
renacimiento rebirth
pared wall
muro wall
piedra stone
vidrio glass
pedazo piece
demanda lawsuit
pleito lawsuit
acciones shares; titles
accionista shareholder
bolsa de valores stock exchange
fondo de alto riesgo hedge fund
bono bond
tecla key; button;
grabación recording
terapia therapy
papel (s.m.) role; part;
compromiso engagement
prometida fiancée
aventura (s.m.) affair
intimidad privacy
pirateo hacking (computer)
acercamiento reconciliation (improvement in relations)
seguidores followers
carrera race
reinado reign
trazado sketch; drawing
pila battery
propinas tips
gestor management; manager; agent;
sonido sound
tesoro (thay-soh-roh) treasury
caja box
imán magnet
imperio empire
habilidad ability
estabilidad stability
elenco cast
monja nun
condenado convict
enfermera nurse
casamentero matchmaker; (marriage)
amorío affair
refugiado (ray-foo-hee-ado) refugee
delito crime; offense;
pena punishment; sentence;
pena de muerte death penalty
comienzo beginning
actuación performance; act;
rendimiento performance (in production)
desempeño performance (in task or duty)
término term; (period of time)
etapa period; stage; phase; leg (of race)
donantes donors
prensa press
cobertura coverage
portada cover; front page
mandatario president; chief executive
comicios elections
montón a lot; a pile
yacimiento (mineral) deposit; (oil) field;
campo field (in a form)
usuario (oosu-ario) user
araña spider
premio prize; award;
efectivo cash
autopista freeway; highway;
planta floor (in a building)
altura height
longitud length
ancho width
pulgada inch
locura insanity; madness
orgullo pride; arrogance
incendio fire;
instituto high school
ceguera blindness
guión (gee-yon) script
vacuna vaccine
pugna (poog-nah) fight; rivalry
tregua truce; ceasefire
orden order (command or oganization)
quiebra (key-ebb-rah) bankruptcy
supervivencia survival
medio ambiente environment
paso path; footsteps;
puja bid
estudio study
mago magician
conejo rabbit
juicio trial
cachorro puppy
cazador hunter
oferta (1) offer; proposal
oferta (2) sale;
bigote mustache
impago non-payment; default
auxilio help; assistance
cohete rocket
castigo punishment, penalty
psicópata psychopath
tamaño size
extranjero (n) abroad
pintura painting
el pintor painter
choque (1) clash; collision;
constancia perserverance
alcance reach (grasp); extent
rastro trace; trail;
minera miner
carbón coal
quiebra bankruptcy
bancarrota bankruptcy
endeudamiento debt (liability); indebtedness
mina mine (excavation)
sociedad (3) company
género gender
alcalde mayor
abrigo coat
urna ballot box
invitado guest
visita guest; visitor
decena ten; around ten;
disturbio riot; disturbance
batalla battle
príncipe prince
heredero heir (to throne or inheritance)
espada sword
lucha libre wrestling
torneo tournament
concurso competetion; contest;
vencedor winner; victor
esfuerzo effort
avance advance; progress
lástima pity; shameful situation;
recuerdo memory
esperanza (1) hope; expectation; confidence
recursos resources; financial means;
riqueza wealth
pobreza poverty
población population
acoso harassment, bullying
destitución dismissal; removal; firing;
traición treason
acusado accused; defendant
soborno bribery
falta (1) lack; shortage; absence
falta (2) offense (legal)
brecha gap
ritmo rate, pace, rhythm
plazo term (period of time)
restante remainder
empleado employee
esclavitud slavery
esclavo slave
trata human trafficking
sombra shadow, shade
pegatina sticker
casera (2) landlady
inquilino tenant
alquiler rent (payment)
actualización update;
curriculum résumé
préstamo loan
prestamista lender (moneylender)
prestatario borrower
acreedor creditor
bien assets (accounting)
pasivo liability
activos assets (accounting)
patrulla patrol (law enforcement)
suelo (1) ground; soil
suelo (2) floor
pala shovel
agujero hole (roundish opening)
tonelada ton
arcilla clay
pastilla pill; tablet
aporte contribution
denuncia complaint (legal); report
queja complaint; resentment;
pandilla gang
almacén warehouse; department store
tercio third (one-third)
patria homeland (country)
las letras the lyrics; the arts
torero bullfighter
cajero cashier
contribuyente taxpayer
contratista contractor
sindicato union
pintor [pintora] painter
huésped guest (of a hotel)
crimen crime
intento de homicidio attempted murder
tentativa de asesinato attempted murder
acusado accused; defendant
demandante plaintiff
juez judge
testigo witness
jurado jury
defensa defense (side in a court)
acusación prosecution (side in a court)
tribunal court
caso case
juicio trial
culpabilidad guilt
robo robbery
atraco armed robbery
banda gang
aficionado fan
calentador heater
aceite oil
pintura (2) paint
cualquiera anybody; whoever
gasto expense
carga (3) burden
comportamiento behavior
idilio romance; love affair
fallo fault; mistake
juego game
ajedrez chess
empollón nerd; bookworm
seguridad (1) safety
seguridad (2) security
seguro (noun) insurance
vencimiento expiration or maturity (date)
ausencia absence; or lack
incumplimiento incompletion; failure to fulfill (an obligation); breach (of contract)
cumplimiento (1) fulfillment (of obligation)
cumplimiento (2) compliance
política (1) politics
política (2) policy
política exterior foreign policy
proyecto de ley bill (draft of law)
repaso review
reglamento regulations {r}
regla rule {r}
norma rules; regulation {n}
humo smoke
arco iris rainbow
paisaje landscape; scenery
cala cove
hierba grass
césped lawn; grass;
jardín trasero backyard
pasto pasture
raíz (raíces) root (roots)
semilla seed
hueso bone
caída drop, fall
fin (2) aim; purpose; goal;
principio (1) beginning
principio (2) principle
piel skin
mariposa butterfly
personaje character
capítulo chapter (book); episode (show)
conocimiento knowledge
idioma language
lectura reading material; act of reading; written work;
título (2) degree; certificate
beca scholarship or grant
permiso permission
puesto position (job)
junta meeting; committee
consejo board; council
hombre de negocios businessman
cordura sanity; sense;
remordimiento remorse
delirio delirium
disparates nonsense
tonterías nonsense
infancia childhood
niñez childhood
piedad mercy; pity
cautela caution
nimiedad insignificant details
coste cost
fracaso failure; disaster
pesar grief; sadness
detalle detail
cantidad quantity
actualidad current affairs; news
costumbre (1) habit
bendición blessing
disminución reduction; decrease
costumbre (2) custom
rendición surrender
tratado treaty
reto challenge
aborto abortion
prestaciones features
mente mind
gotera leak
clave password; key (most important concept)
contraseña password
nave ship; vessel
buque ship
buque de crucero cruise ship
pulpo octopus
ballena whale
campeón champion
rehén (ray-yen) hostage
consejo (1) advice
escritor writer
cirujano surgeon
cobarde coward
diosa goddess
canciller chancellor
científico (2) scientist
tripulación crew
huérfano orphan
ballenero whaler; whaling ship
aparcamiento parking lot
barbería barbershop
poblado village; town
muelle pier, wharf, quay
silla de ruedas wheelchair
escritorio desk
arbusto bush
gamba shrimp; prawn
casco helmet
cenizas ashes
célula cell
galleta cookie
avellana hazelnut
almendra almond
rasguño scratch
claxon horn (of a car)
fusil rifle; gun
cabello hair
cortacésped lawnmower
mazo mallet
llave key (to a lock)
pozo well
gota drop
almeja clam
nuez (nueces) nut
rapto abduction; kidnapping
esquina corner
quehacer chore
escenario stage
raza race (ethnic group)
retraso delay
marca brand; trademark
discurso speech
contenido content (inside something)
seísmo (say-ease-mö) earthquake
mercancía merchandize
manga sleeve
vistazo look; glance
meta goal (objective)
título de maestría master's degree
descanso rest
entrenamiento workout; training session
bienestar well-being
círculo circle
cuadrado square
bofetada slap
palmada pat
el mismo the same peron
lo mismo the same thing
amanecer dawn
atajo shortcut
procedimiento procedure
resto rest, remainder
tablero board (wooden panel or horizontal surface)
borrasca storm
espectáculo show (theatrical performance)
jarabe syrup
afeitado shave
flota fleet
mancha stain
halcón (1) falcon (bird)
liebre hare (animal)
simio ape
casualidad coincidence
jerarquía hierarchy
hallazgo discovery
ciudadanía citizenship
hambruna famine
sequía drought
liderazgo leadership
oracion prayer; formal speech
rezo prayer
destreza skill; dexterity
elogio praise
reino kingdom
regaño scolding
subvención subsidy
infortunio misfortune
sobredosis overdose
desafío challenge (difficult task)
tropiezo stumble; trip; hitch; slip;
rasgo characteristic; quality; attribute;
confesión (2) religion; (religious) persuasion
fondo (2) background
ocio leisure; spare time;
calefacción heating (system)
fondo (1) bottom (at the lowest part)
par pair (set of two)
pico (1) beak (of a bird)
pico (2) peak
martillo hammer
clavo nail (hardware)
pajita drinking straw
retrato portrait
pista (1) track (sports)
pista (2) lead; clue (hint);
fango mud
traje suit (clothing)
vestido dress; clothing;
maquillaje makeup
paja straw (dried grass); straw (for drinking);
palillo toothpick
volcán volcano
agradecimiento appreciation; gratitude;
aliado ally
alivio relief
apodo nickname
autoestima self-esteem
berenjena eggplant
bienes property; assets
blanco target; bullseye;
cabra goat
caridad charity
circo circus
colega colleague; coworker
condado county (region)
desfile parade; procession
dicha happiness; joy; bliss;
enmienda amendment
escaño seat (in parliament)
escudo shield
famoso celebrity
feria fair
flecha arrow
granja farm
hacha ax
la obra maestra masterpiece
leyenda legend
limosna alms; money (charity)
machista male chauvinist; sexist
media (s.m.) average
mirada gaze; glance;
montaña rusa roller coaster
noria Ferris wheel
payaso clown
pedido order (customer request)
revuelo stir; commotion; brouhaha;
risa laughter
sabiduría wisdom
tentempié light snack
testamento will
cese cessation; termination;
privación deprivation
estrés stress
fortaleza strength
sentido sense
trastorno disorder (medical)
magia magic
milagro miracle
travesura mischief; prank;
vergüenza shame; disgrace
puntuación rating
chatarra scrap; junk;
despedida farewell
estadística statistics
estreno release; debut; premiere;
patrón pattern
deseo wish; desire;
estafa fraud; con;
galardón award; prize
Marruecos Morocco
alimento food
calabaza pumpkin
caramelo candy
tarta pie
miel honey
lágrimas tears
latido heartbeat; beat;
olor smell;
pulmón lung
llanto crying; tears;
mandíbula jaw
cráneo skull
niñera babysitter; nanny
pastor shepherd
peatón pedestrian
sobreviviente survivor
nena baby; sweetie; honey;
autoridades authorities
consejo council; board;
emisora station; radio station;
garaje garage
gasolinera gas station
tumba grave; tomb;
importe amount
chivo expiatorio scapegoat
diario (2) newspaper (publication)
deuda debt
entrevista interview; meeting
broma prank; practical joke
calidad quality
auge (ow-hey) rise; growth; boom
paro (1) unemployment
poder (s.m.) power
trasero back; rear; butt (US)
voluntad will; wish; volition
apuesta bet
desecho discarded waste
encimera countertop
jarra pitcher; jug;
mármol marble
lanzamiento launch
destello flash; sparkle; glimmer
puñetazo punch (blow)
cebra zebra
contrincante opponent; rival
tropa troop
tripulante crew member
aduana customs (at airport)
ciudadano citizen
faro (1) lighthouse, beacon
despacho office
Países Bajos the Netherlands
mota speck; tiny bit;
polvo dust
fósforo matchstick
porro joint (of marijuana)
maqueta small scale model; mock-up; demo
globo balloon
zapatillas sneakers
faro (2) headlight
sonda probe
bote salvavidas lifeboat
ancla anchor
subasta auction (public bidding)
precio price (cost); fare; rate;
nombramiento appointment; nomination
escalada climb; rise; escalation;
compromiso commitment (obligation)
compromiso engagement (betrothal)
injerencia interference (meddling)
reseña review
capa layer
reparto distribution (share-out); delivery (drop);
filtración (2) leak of information (filter through a security barrier)
medicamento medicine
sigla abbreviation; acronym
blanqueo de dinero money laundering
fianza bail (bond for legal system)
ruiseñor nightingale (singing bird)
nube cloud
tronco trunk; log
sencillo (2) single (music)
máscara (2) mask (face covering)
doble double (look-alike); two;
trozo piece (portion; fragment; slice)
yerno son-in-law
plantilla personnel(group of employees); staff; workforce
licenciado graduate (from college)
asesor advisor (counsel)
fiscal prosecutor
baldosa flooring tile; paving stone
pelaje fur (animal hair)
tatuaje tattoo
nata cream (milk fat)
humectante moisturizer (cosmetic product)
terraza terrace, balcony, deck
cubierta (2) deck (of a boat)
lancha boat
estanque (S-tan-K) pond or pool; (of water)
parrillada barbecue (grilled food)
joya (ho-ja) jewel; gem;
nevera refrigerator
motosierra chain saw
volante (1) steering wheel
ahijado (ayee-ha-do) godson
anfitrión host
compañero de trabajo coworker
contador accountant
gerente manager (of a store, hotel, bank)
padrino godfather
madrina godmother
halcón (2) hawk or hardliner (politics)
viajero traveler
archivo file; archive;
arruga wrinkle
boceto sketch; outline (preliminary draft)
bolsillo pocket
borde brink or edge (border)
bufanda scarf (for warmth)
pañuelo scarf (for decoration); hankerchief
maquillaje makeup (cosmetics)
acera sidewalk
andén platform (for passengers)
acuario aquarium
callejón alley
capilla chapel (part of a large church)
cuadra block (in a city)
orilla shore (of a lake or ocean)
prado meadow
posada inn
pasillo hallway
chimenea fireplace
chimenea chimney; smokestack
aliento breath (respiration)
seda silk
hierro iron (metal)
tobogán slide; chute;
retrato portrait
aliento encouragement (confidence)
altura level (position)
conciliación reconciliation (accounting)
deber duty
respiro breathing room; respite; break;
estruendo loud noise; crash
gesto gesture; facial expression;
grasa fat
grasa grease
malentendido misunderstanding
patrimonio heritage (cultural or wealth)
paso path; way
rato a while; in a little bit;
términos terms (conditions)
receta recipe
receta prescription
relámpago lightning (weather)
trueno thunder (weather)
salto jump; leap
caimán caiman; alligator
papagayo parrot; chatterbox
loro parrot; chatterbox
ala wings
osamenta skeleton
suerte luck; fate;
entierro burial; funeral
tanatorio funeral parlor
pugna fight; battle; conflict;
cirugía surgery
motín (1) mutiny
motín (2) riot
bulo unfounded rumor
multa fine
pesquisa investigation
fraude fraud
fiscalía district attorney's office
reo criminal; culprit;
foro forum (panel discussion)
cabildero lobbyist (profession)
legislador lawmaker; legislator;
la Cámara de Representantes House of Representatives
el senado the Senate
seguidor follower; supporter
aula classroom
entrada (1) entrance (doorway)
entrada (2) entrance or arrival (act of entering)
entrada (3) ticket (for entrance)
salida (1) exit (doorway to leave)
salida (2) departure (act of leaving)
puente bridge (structure)
carril lane (on highway)
peaje toll (fee)
letrero sign (signboard)
diamante diamond
corona crown
sierra (1) mountain range
sierra (2) saw (tool)
horno oven
cámara camera (photography)
furgoneta van
aguacate avocado
jeringa syringe
balde bucket
barro mud; clay
bombilla light bulb
can (canes pl) dog
careta mask
cubo bucket
dado die (singular of dice)
despensa pantry (food storage)
escultura sculpture
revista magazine
rompecabeza puzzle (game)
disfraz costume; disguise;
vela candle
cima summit; peak
colina hill
dispositivo device (mechanism)
caudal (2) fortune; wealth
ascenso promotion (to a position)
pasantía internship
patrocinio sponsorship
trono throne
visado visa
carrera (2) degree
hígado liver
remolque trailer (of a truck)
riñón kidney
taburete stool; feces
heces stool; feces
orina urine
cicatriz scar
lesión injury; lesion
coro chorus; choir
criado servant; maid;
mensajero messenger; courier
pasante intern
patrocinador sponsor
repartidor delivery person
tramposo cheat; swindler
casero landlord
acto (2) event; function; ceremony
acuerdo agreement
acuse acknowledgment
afirmación assertion; claim;
albergue shelter; hostel
asignatura subject (course in school)
barrera barrier
búsqueda (1) search (of something)
búsqueda (2) pursuit (of something)
caudal (1) flow; volume
certeza certainty
crianza (1) breeding;
crianza (2) upbringing
descarga discharge; shot;
enfoque approach; focus
entretenimiento entertainment
escapada getaway
espera wait (at a doctor's office)
esperanza hope
expectativa expectation
fuga escape; leakage;
giro turn
giro postal money order
huida escape (getaway)
imágen image
intromisión meddling (interference)
investigación research; investigation;
largo (2) length
mercadillo flea market
misa mass (religious service)
novedad novelty
odio hatred
olfato sense of smell
pena (2) pity (sad thing); shame;
pérdida loss
recibo receipt
siglo century
taquilla ticket office; locker
tentativa attempt
trama (1) plot (storyline)
trama (2) conspiracy (scheme)
vuelta (1) return
vuelta (2) turn; revolution;
asistencia sanitaria health care
avería fault; breakdown; failure (of device)
balazo (1) gunshot
carnet de conducir (carné) driver's license
hecho fact
recorrido trip; tour;
concesionario dealer; dealership;
dibujos animados cartoons
ensamble assembly (contruction)
indemnización compensation (legal)
localización de averías troubleshooting
bombardeo bombing
ametralladora machine gun
bala bullet
calzado footwear
camión de remolque tow truck
campana bell
cobertizo shed
colchón mattress
cometa (2) kite
cortina curtain
cubo de basura garbage can
estante shelf
ferretería hardware (parts)
gabardina raincoat
papel higiénico toilet paper
rosquilla donut
sello stamp
tornillo screw; bolt;
garra claw
pata leg (of a table or animal)
cartero mailman
espía spy
francotirador sniper
obispo bishop
pandillero gang member
tirador shooter
asesino murderer; killer
carpintero carpenter
cueva cave
taller workshop
taller de reparación repair shop (for cars); garage
aprieto difficult situation; trouble; predicament
enfrentamiento confrontation
derrota defeat
atasco blockage; congestion; traffic jam
Recursos Humanos Human Resources
Departamento de Cumplimiento Compliance Department
Consejo Directorio Board of Directors
sucursal branch; local office;
Control De Gestión Management Control
Junta Directiva Board of Directors
Consejo de Administración Board of Directors
funcionario officer; staff member
gerencia management
oficina office (room or space)
malversación embezzlement; misappropriation;
cosecha harvest
granjero farmer
coto preserve (reseverved land)
cortijo farm house; country house
aldea small village
casita cottage; small house;
arroyo stream
arena sand
venado deer
ciervo deer
ardilla squirrel
rayo bolt of lightning
rata rat
mapache racoon
jaula cage
peluca wig
pancarta banner; placard;
vestido de novia wedding dress
luna de miel honeymoon
cónyuge spouse
novios bride and groom
padrino de boda best man (at a wedding)
campanario bell tower
carruaje carriage
banda sonora soundtrack
emprendedor entrepreneur
escaparate showcase; shop window;
peluquero hairdresser; barber
rebaja discount; reduction
chiste joke (short funny story)
codicia greed
consulta inquiry
matrimonio marriage
peinado hairstyle
poesía poetry
fila line; row;
milla mile (distance)
puñotazo punch
repliegue withdrawal; retreat
ronda round (part of a series)
comisaría police station
esposas handcuffs
secuestro kidnapping
aceituna olive
pepino cucumber
trago (1) drink (small amount of liquid)
esqueleto skeleton
mejilla cheek
granizo hail
onda wave; ripple
valle valley
madrugada dawn
abeja bee
acero steel
anciano elderly
campesiono peasant
sujeto guy; person; individual
superviviente survivor
criada maid
auriculares headphones
medalla medal
secadora dryer (for clothes)
aterrizaje landing
destino destination
traslado transfer (to another place)
Created by: faisal0926
Popular Spanish sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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