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基礎2 単語練習(確認テスト2用)

Practice for Final Exam (Basic English 2)

奨学金 scholarship
(料理の)材料 ingredients
都合が悪い unavailable
海外研修 study abroad
卒業式 graduation ceremony
できるだけすぐに as soon as possible
履修登録 course registration
正門 main entrance
少なくとも at least
期末試験 final exam
経済学 Economics
覚えている remember
調査,研究 research
締め切り deadline
就職の面接試験 job interview
気温 temperature
平均 average
蒸し暑い humid
ドイツ語 German
アラビア語 Arabic
直行便 direct flight
クラシック音楽 classical music
バレエの上演 ballet performance
入国 immigration
入国審査 passport control
手荷物受取所 baggage claim
両替 currency exchange
税関 customs
電子デバイス electronic device
搭乗券 boarding pass
目的地 destination
荷物を預ける check in
手荷物預り証 claim tag
出発 departure
帰りの航空券 return ticket
Created by: 1420601181363113
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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