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Chp 6 Periodic Table

Questions and Answer Based on the Periodic Table

Where are the most reactive metals located on the Periodic Table? s block
Where are the lanthanides located on the Periodic Table d block
Group 18 is also known as Noble Gases
The _______ ________ shows the arrangement of elements in order of atomic number os that elemtns with similar properties fall in the same column, or group. Periodic Table
Otence means 8 valence electrons. Which of the following shows an octet in the valence level? 1s2-2s2-2p6-3s2-3p6
Are there any group numbers assigned for the lananides and actinides? No
Which group make up the s-block on the Periodic Table Groups 13-18
Inert means________. Non-Reactive
What is the name of group 2 on the periodic table Alkaline earth Metals
The d-block elements are also known as________ ________. transition metals
The d sublevel forst appears when n=______? 3
How many electrons fill the d-orbital? 10
How many electrons fill in s-orbital? 2
How many electrons fill in f-orbital? 14
How many electrons fill in p-orbital 6
Which block of the Periodic Table contains all 3 elements types? p block
How many electrons do halogens have in their valence level? 7
Electrons add to a p sublevel only after the s sublevel in the energy level is________. filled
The p-block consists of all of the elements in groups 13-18 with the exception of which element? He
Elements in the d-block are good conductors of ____ and have high luster Electricity
The alkali metals are soft and can be easily cut with a Knife
the actinides begin after_____. Lanthanum
which group contains the most reactive nonmetals? Halogens
What is the formula of the ion formed when potassium achieves noble-gas electron configuration? K+
A horizontal row of the periodic table is usually referred to as a group
The modern periodic tale is arranged in order of increasing atomic number
what is the element has the electron configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p2? Silicon
What type of ions have names ending in -ide? only anions
The sum of the protons and neutrons n an atom equals to the ___. Atomic number
Which of the following elements has the smallest ionic radius? N
Which of the following elements has the smallest first ionization energy? F
What is the charge on the strontium ion? 2+
What does the number 84 in the name krypton-84 represent? the atomic number
The first letter in a porperly written chemical symbol is always Capitalized
Mendeleev is credited with developing the first successful Periodic Table
Which of the following elements forms an ion with a 1-charge Fluorine
Elements in a group in the periodic table can be expected to have similar properties
what is the element with the highest electronegativity value? Fluorine
Which of the following is a cation? Ca2+
How many valence electrons are in an atom of Magnesium 2
The elements that border the zigzag line in the periodic table are Metalloids
Aragon, kyrpton, and xenon are Noble Gases
Which element listed is considered to be unreative based on its location on the periodic table Ca`
A vertical column of blocks in the periodic table are called periods
What is the purpose for the question marks in Mendeleev's periodic table? (Pg 161) Elements would be discovered to fill the empty spaces
Based on their location in the periodic table, would you expect magnesium and barium to have similar properties? Yes because there in the same group
Brittle non-metal
Luster metal
A gas at room temperature non metal
Malleable metal
Ductile metal
Where are the halogens located in the periodic table 17th group
What is the general electron configuration for group 17? ns2ps
Where are the alkali metals located in the periodic table? In the first group
Why is hydrogen located in group 1 even though it is not a metal? They have the same electronic configuration
Which of the symbols for alkaline-earth metals? Cd, Ba, Sr, F, Li Ba, Sr
Which noble gas has a duet instead of an octet in the highest occupied energy level? He
Which of the following is a nonmetal? K, Ne, Fe, S, Au, O O, S, Ne
Chlorine Electron configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p5
Sodium Electron configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1
Iron Electron Configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d6
Argon Electron Configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6
Alkali Metal in Period 2: Electron Configuration 1s2, 2s2
Noble gases in period 4: Electron Configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10,
Atomic Number 20 : Electron Configuration 1s2, 2s2,
Noble Gases period 1: Electron Configuration 1s2, 2s2
Which element in each pair has atoms with a larger atomic radius? Cesium or Potassium Cesium
Which element in each pair has atoms with a larger atomic radius? Beryllium or Magnesium Magnesium
Which element in each pair has atoms with a larger atomic radius? Fluorine or nitrogen Nitrogen
Which element in each pair has atoms with a larger atomic radius? Gallium or Germanium Gallium
Explain the difference between the first ionization energy and the second ionization energy of an element Second ionization energy has less electrons
Which of the elements in the pair has greater first ionization energy? Nitrogen or Beryllium Nitrogen
Which of the elements in the pair has greater first ionization energy? Helium or hydrogen Helium
Which of the elements in the pair has greater first ionization energy? Oxygen and Selenium Oxygen
What happens to the size of atoms (atomic radius) when a metal loses electrons to form a cation? It gets smaller
Arrange these elements in order of increasing ionization energy: bismuth, barium, cesium Cesium, Barium, bismuth
Which particle has the larger radius in each of the following? Li and Li+ Li
Which particle has the larger radius in each of the following? O and O2- O2-
Which particle has the larger radius in each of the following? Mg and Mg2+ Mg
Which of the elements in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? F and Cl F
Which of the elements in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? H and O O
Which of the elements in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? Na and Br Br
Which of the elements in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? Ba and N N
Which of the elements in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? A metal in group 15 uup
Which of the elements in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? the inner transition metal with an atomic number of 99 Es
Halogens F, Cl, Br, I
List the symbols for all the elemnts that have an electron configuration that ends in ns2 Bc, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, He
Location each of the following elements on the periodic table and decided whether its atoms are likely to form anions or cations Sulfur Anions
Location each of the following elements on the periodic table and decided whether its atoms are likely to form anions or cations. Chlorine Anions
Location each of the following elements on the periodic table and decided whether its atoms are likely to form anions or cations. Iron Cations
Location each of the following elements on the periodic table and decided whether its atoms are likely to form anions or cations. Potassium Cations
Location each of the following elements on the periodic table and decided whether its atoms are likely to form anions or cations. Lead Cation
Location each of the following elements on the periodic table and decided whether its atoms are likely to form anions or cations. Fluorine Anion
Location each of the following elements on the periodic table and decided whether its atoms are likely to form anions or cations. Argon Full
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