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Master Word List 1

industrious hard-working
belligerent quarrelsome
polish refinement and culture
gaucheness awkwardness
list tilt; lean over
philanderer flirt; faithless lover
chary hesitant and reluctant to proceed
ensnare catch
redoubtable formidable; causing fear
immutable unchangeable
scad great quantity
lackluster dull
entice attract; lure
parsimony stinginess
sumptuous lavish; rich
limber flexible
oblique indirect; slanting
slur slander; insult to one's character or reputation
hedge limit or qualify
spunk spirit; pluck; courage
sage person celebrated for wisdom
braggart boaster
lugubrious mournful
stupefy make numb; stun; amaze
enliven make something more lively
stilted stiffly formal and unnatural
ungainly awkward
quixotic idealistic but impractical
restiveness impatience; difficult to control
hallow consecrate; make holly
harbinger forerunner
spur to incite or encourage
mealymouthed hypocritical; indirect in speech
luminary celebrity; dignitary
desecrate profane
nonentity a person of no importance
mutineer rebel
nefarious very wicked
begrudge resent
bilk cheat; swindle
cavil make frivolous objection
crass very unrefined; grossly insensible
protract prolong
prim proper; precise; formal
repugnance loathing
nettle annoy; vex
replete filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed; abundantly supllied
paltry insignificant; petty
munificent very generous
improvident thriftless
obsolete outmoded
dissuade discourage
extol praise
exhort urge
splenetic ill humor; irritability
unscathed unharmed
fetter shackle; restrict from freedom
slack sluggish; moving slowly
recoil to spring back; to shrink back
encumber burden
seedy run-down; decrepit; disreputable
boggle hesitate
hidebound inflexible; narrow-minded
gambol to jump about playfully
plod to walk heavily
buoyant lighthearted
raucous harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous
mellifluous sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious
pulchritude beauty
unsightliness unattractive
desultory aimless; degressing at random
gamely with courage
crestfallen dejected; dispirited
haughty scornfully and condescendingly proud
jettison throw overboard
embroil to involve in argument; contention
vouchsafe grant condescendingly; guarantee
diminution lessening; reduction in size
high-handed dictatorial; domineering
taper candle; decrease in thickness
Created by: minea
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