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Revolution Drill I

abstruse adj. ambiguous, difficult to understand obscure
altruism n. unselfish devotion to others
antagonized v. cause to hate
astute adj. clever; keen, acute, bright; shrewd; perceptive
augment v. increase, enlarge, enhance; multiply
august adj. dignified, grand; venerable
avoidance n. act of avoiding, evasion; act of making void (Law)
benign adj. non-malignant; favorable; kind, gentle; compassionate
camaraderie n. friendship, fraternity, mutual trust and friendly relationship
capitulation n. surrender, giving in under agreed conditions
casuistic adj. pertaining to the study of moral conduct; pertaining to false reasoning
cater v. provide, supply (food, etc.); care for
chaste adj. celibate, pure, undefiled, modest, unaffected; virginal, not having had sexual intercourse; (Archaic) unmarried
dejection n. depression, sadness
derogatory adj. belittling, disparaging, scornful
discernible adj. distinguishable, recognizable, perceivable
dissuade v. deter, discourage, persuade against
doltish adj. stupid, idiotic
effeminate adj. lacking manly qualities, overly feminine (especially about a man)
endowed v. grant, award, give a gift of money or property; furnish with some quality or ability
ensconce v. insconce, establish oneself in safe or secure place; settle in in a relaxed manner; hide or place in a secure place
ensnare v. catch in a trap, lure, snare, net, entangle
ensue v. follow as a consequence of, happen as a result of
entice v. tempt, lure, seduce
estival adj. of or pertaining to the summer or the summer solstice; happening in the summer (also aestival)
exhume v. unearth from a grave, disinter; dig up
factitious adj. not natural, not genuine, false, artificial
foiled v. frustrate, balk; prevent someone from succeeding; cover or coat with a thin sheet of metal / adj. disappointingly unsuccessful
frailty n. delicateness, fragileness; flimsiness; weakness; weakness of character or constitution
gelid adj. icy, freezing, very cold
gourmandize v. Overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
gratuitous adj. given without charge, free; unwarranted, having no apparent cause
hapless adj. unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated
hibernal adj. of or pertaining to winter; occurring in winter
hoard v. collect, gather, amass, stockpile (i.e. food, money, etc.) / n. accumulation or supply that has been carefully gathered
humble adj. unpretentious, poor, simple; modest, not prideful / n. humiliate, embarrass, shame; subdue, abase
idyllic adj. peaceful, charmingly rustic, pastoral, picturesque; of or pertaining to an idyll
indigenous adj. native; belonging naturally to a place; originating from a place
inebriated adj. intoxicated, drunk
infringe v. violate, break, disobey, transgress (a rule or law); trespass, encroach
inimical adj. hostile, unfriendly; harmful
innuendo n. hint, intimation, indirect suggestion (usually derogatory)
inquisitive adj. questioning, eager for knowledge, curious; nosy, prying
intricacies n. state of being complex; complexity, complication, entanglement
lavish v. give in large amounts, expend in great quantities
laxness n. looseness; negligence, carelessness; lack of strictness; vagueness
longevity n. long life; length of life
loutish adj. ill-mannered, boorish, awkward and stupid
maniacal adj. insane, affected by mania; acting in an abnormally enthusiastic or excited manner
meager adj. scant, poor, little, insufficient, lacking in amount of quantity; scrawny, lean (also meagre)
moronic adj. mentally deficient, retarded; foolish, stupid, idiotic, imbecilic (Informal)
motility n. mobility, capacity to move
noisome adj. obnoxious; stinky; offensive; unhealthy
perdition n. hell, purgatory; inferno, fire; destruction, ruin, loss
postulate v. presume, suppose; assume, take for granted; claim, stipulate; demand, require
preeminent adj. superior, supreme; predominant, prevalent; standing out, distinguished; venerable, respectable
proverbial adj. resembling a parable, similar to an adage, of a proverb; commonly known, widely known
proximate adj. next, closest, nearest; adjacent, nearby, located in close proximity
relish v. enjoy, take pleasure in, delight
restiveness n. nervousness, restlessness, uneasiness; stubbornness, obstinacy, uncontrollably
retrench v. save, economize; reduce, cut back, curtail; fortify with a retrenchment
sane adj. of sound mind; reasonable, judicious, prudent
schism n. division into two factions, separation into opposing parties
sessile adj. directly attached to the stem (Botany); permanently attached, fixed in place (Zoology)
shrewd adj. clever, sharp, crafty; intelligent, judicious, astute
solecism n. improper grammatical usage, incorrect speech; mistake, error; something which is improper or unacceptable; violation of good manners
solemn adj. grave, somber, serious; ceremonial, formal, dignified; sincere, earnest
tactful adj. possessing tact, exhibiting tact, showing skill in dealing with people
tardiness n. lateness; sluggishness, slowness
trite adj. hackneyed, unoriginal, stereotyped, stale
trumpery adj. of no genuine value; worthless
unanimity n. complete agreement, complete accord
ungainly adj. awkward, clumsy, lacking grace
unpremeditated adj. not premeditated, not preconceived; not prearranged, not preplanned
virile adj. masculine; strong, energetic
wanton n. lewd or lascivious person; pampered person; one who is flirtatious
lapse n. small error, mistake, failure / v. fail to reach an accepted standard
Created by: thedanniest
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