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Revolution Drill I
Question | Answer |
abstruse | adj. ambiguous, difficult to understand obscure |
altruism | n. unselfish devotion to others |
antagonized | v. cause to hate |
astute | adj. clever; keen, acute, bright; shrewd; perceptive |
augment | v. increase, enlarge, enhance; multiply |
august | adj. dignified, grand; venerable |
avoidance | n. act of avoiding, evasion; act of making void (Law) |
benign | adj. non-malignant; favorable; kind, gentle; compassionate |
camaraderie | n. friendship, fraternity, mutual trust and friendly relationship |
capitulation | n. surrender, giving in under agreed conditions |
casuistic | adj. pertaining to the study of moral conduct; pertaining to false reasoning |
cater | v. provide, supply (food, etc.); care for |
chaste | adj. celibate, pure, undefiled, modest, unaffected; virginal, not having had sexual intercourse; (Archaic) unmarried |
dejection | n. depression, sadness |
derogatory | adj. belittling, disparaging, scornful |
discernible | adj. distinguishable, recognizable, perceivable |
dissuade | v. deter, discourage, persuade against |
doltish | adj. stupid, idiotic |
effeminate | adj. lacking manly qualities, overly feminine (especially about a man) |
endowed | v. grant, award, give a gift of money or property; furnish with some quality or ability |
ensconce | v. insconce, establish oneself in safe or secure place; settle in in a relaxed manner; hide or place in a secure place |
ensnare | v. catch in a trap, lure, snare, net, entangle |
ensue | v. follow as a consequence of, happen as a result of |
entice | v. tempt, lure, seduce |
estival | adj. of or pertaining to the summer or the summer solstice; happening in the summer (also aestival) |
exhume | v. unearth from a grave, disinter; dig up |
factitious | adj. not natural, not genuine, false, artificial |
foiled | v. frustrate, balk; prevent someone from succeeding; cover or coat with a thin sheet of metal / adj. disappointingly unsuccessful |
frailty | n. delicateness, fragileness; flimsiness; weakness; weakness of character or constitution |
gelid | adj. icy, freezing, very cold |
gourmandize | v. Overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself |
gratuitous | adj. given without charge, free; unwarranted, having no apparent cause |
hapless | adj. unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated |
hibernal | adj. of or pertaining to winter; occurring in winter |
hoard | v. collect, gather, amass, stockpile (i.e. food, money, etc.) / n. accumulation or supply that has been carefully gathered |
humble | adj. unpretentious, poor, simple; modest, not prideful / n. humiliate, embarrass, shame; subdue, abase |
idyllic | adj. peaceful, charmingly rustic, pastoral, picturesque; of or pertaining to an idyll |
indigenous | adj. native; belonging naturally to a place; originating from a place |
inebriated | adj. intoxicated, drunk |
infringe | v. violate, break, disobey, transgress (a rule or law); trespass, encroach |
inimical | adj. hostile, unfriendly; harmful |
innuendo | n. hint, intimation, indirect suggestion (usually derogatory) |
inquisitive | adj. questioning, eager for knowledge, curious; nosy, prying |
intricacies | n. state of being complex; complexity, complication, entanglement |
lavish | v. give in large amounts, expend in great quantities |
laxness | n. looseness; negligence, carelessness; lack of strictness; vagueness |
longevity | n. long life; length of life |
loutish | adj. ill-mannered, boorish, awkward and stupid |
maniacal | adj. insane, affected by mania; acting in an abnormally enthusiastic or excited manner |
meager | adj. scant, poor, little, insufficient, lacking in amount of quantity; scrawny, lean (also meagre) |
moronic | adj. mentally deficient, retarded; foolish, stupid, idiotic, imbecilic (Informal) |
motility | n. mobility, capacity to move |
noisome | adj. obnoxious; stinky; offensive; unhealthy |
perdition | n. hell, purgatory; inferno, fire; destruction, ruin, loss |
postulate | v. presume, suppose; assume, take for granted; claim, stipulate; demand, require |
preeminent | adj. superior, supreme; predominant, prevalent; standing out, distinguished; venerable, respectable |
proverbial | adj. resembling a parable, similar to an adage, of a proverb; commonly known, widely known |
proximate | adj. next, closest, nearest; adjacent, nearby, located in close proximity |
relish | v. enjoy, take pleasure in, delight |
restiveness | n. nervousness, restlessness, uneasiness; stubbornness, obstinacy, uncontrollably |
retrench | v. save, economize; reduce, cut back, curtail; fortify with a retrenchment |
sane | adj. of sound mind; reasonable, judicious, prudent |
schism | n. division into two factions, separation into opposing parties |
sessile | adj. directly attached to the stem (Botany); permanently attached, fixed in place (Zoology) |
shrewd | adj. clever, sharp, crafty; intelligent, judicious, astute |
solecism | n. improper grammatical usage, incorrect speech; mistake, error; something which is improper or unacceptable; violation of good manners |
solemn | adj. grave, somber, serious; ceremonial, formal, dignified; sincere, earnest |
tactful | adj. possessing tact, exhibiting tact, showing skill in dealing with people |
tardiness | n. lateness; sluggishness, slowness |
trite | adj. hackneyed, unoriginal, stereotyped, stale |
trumpery | adj. of no genuine value; worthless |
unanimity | n. complete agreement, complete accord |
ungainly | adj. awkward, clumsy, lacking grace |
unpremeditated | adj. not premeditated, not preconceived; not prearranged, not preplanned |
virile | adj. masculine; strong, energetic |
wanton | n. lewd or lascivious person; pampered person; one who is flirtatious |
lapse | n. small error, mistake, failure / v. fail to reach an accepted standard |