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GRE vocabulary
Question | Answer |
dissemble | to present a false appearance |
diffident | lacking self confidence |
diatribe | an abusive speech |
equivocal | not determined; uncertain |
portentous | momentous |
lucid | shinning bright; clear |
syllogism | deductive reasoning |
erudite | scholarly |
platitude | a trite or obvious remark |
enervate | to reduce in strenght |
erratic | ecstatic |
enigma | puzzling |
audacious | daringly bold |
opaque | antonym- lucid |
circumlocution | indirect ways of saying something |
abstain | to refrain from |
zeal | eager, desire |
estimable | deserving of high respect or regard |
imperturable | not capable of being disturbed |
inimical | hostile |
impervious | impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected |
gregarious | sociable; outgoing |
guile | deceit |
iconoclast | one who opposes established beliefs, customs or traditions |
garrulous | tending to talk a lot |
innocuous | harmless |
impetuous | quick to act without thinking |
implacable | unable to be calmed down |
inchoate | not fully formed |
ingenuous | showing innocence |
anomaly | odd; peculiar |
apathy | absence of emotion |
corroborate | confirm |
prodigal | lavishly abundant |
derisive | abusing vocally |
adulterate | to make impure |
assuage | to appease |
placate | to appease |
precipitate | hastily |
rapt | ecstatic |
capricious | whimsical |
fervid | burning; glowing; entusiasim |
axiom | maxim |
disparate | fundamentally different |
equivocate | to use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead |
dirge | mournful speech/poem |
euphemism | a nice way of something ugly |
exacerbate | to make worse |
esoteric | known or understood by only a few |
dupe | to deceive |
disabuse | to set right |
discern | to perceive; to recognize |
dogma | a strong belief |
emulate | to copy |
dilettante | someone with an amateurish/superficial opinion |
dilatory | intended to delay |
ameliorate | to improve |
efficacy | effectiveness |
ephemeral | lasting for only a short time |
enumerate | to count |
foment | to arouse or incite |
florid | embellished |
fawn | to grovel |
fanatical | showing great enthusiasm |
exigent | urgent |
chicanery | deception by means of guilt |
explicit | clearly stated or shown |
arbitrate | to judge a dispute between two opposing parties |
dogmatic | dictatorial in one's beliefs |
engender | to produce |
elegy | mournful speech/poem |
desultory | jumping from one thing to another |
austere | undecorated |
ardor | intense feelings |
attenuate | to weaken |
amalgamate | to combine |
abscond | to leave secretly |
banal | cliche |
antipathy | extreme dislike |
convoluted | intricate and complicated |
bolster | to support |
abyss | deep,dark hole |
deference | respect |
castigate | to punish harshly |
deride | to mock |
exonerate | to clear of blame |
exculpate | prove innocent |
credulous | gullible |
desiccate | to dry out thoughly |
abate | to reduce |
anachronism | out of date and time |
amabiguous | doubtful or uncertain |
caustic | bitting in wit |
aggrandize | to increase in power |
candid | imparcial and honest in speech |
insipid | lacking interest or flavor |
intransigent | uncompromising |
inundate | to overwhelm |
irascible | easily made angry |
laconic | using few words |
lament | to express sorrow |
laud | to give praise; to glorify |
lavish | extremely generous or extravagant |
lethargic | acting in an indifferent or slow, sluggish manner |
loquacious | talkative |
luminous | bright, brillant, glowing |
malinger | to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill |
malleable | capable of being shaped |