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First Set of Memorization

Insouciant Showing a casual lack of concern; indifference
Jocose Playful humorous
Inchoate Incipient, still developing. Imperfectly formed. Lacking order.
Obdurate Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent.
Obstinate Stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually with implied unreasonableness; persistent.
Rarefy To make thin. Purify, refine, make spiritually pure.
Precipitate Bring about, cause to happen prematurely. Proceeding with undue haste.
Enervate Weaken or sap strength from
Prolifigate Recklessly extravagant or wasetful
Conflagaration Fire
Gainsay To deny or prove false
Pith Core, essence.
Fortitude mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously:
Mettle Courage and fortitude. Disposition of temperament.
Gist Central point/grounds for legal action
Propitiate Gain or regain favor of; appease or conciliate
Alacrity Cheerful or speedy willingness
Aggregate Whole made up of consistent parts.
Appreciable Enough to be perceived considerable.
Abdicate Formally give up, power and responsibility.
Abjure Formally renounce, repudiate, recant.
Repudiate Reject, cast off, deny authority.
Wily Crafty, cunning, tricky
whereas while on the contrary
vituperate verbally abuse
verbose wordy
underscore emphasize
trifling Unimportant, frivolous, shallow.
Transitory Temporary
Torrid Passionate, hot
Requite Reciprocate, revenge, repay.
Restive Restless, impatient, uneasy, under the control of another.
Torpor Sluggish, lethargic, apathy, period of inactivity.
Turbid Turbulent
Tepid Lukewarm
Turgid Swollen, bombastic
Perquisite PERK An incidental payment, benefit, privilege, or advantage over and above regular income, salary, or wages:
Turgid Swollen, bombastic
Tumid Swollen, pompous
Timorous Timid, fearful
Stolid Unemotional, not easily moved
Supplicate Seek humbly. Ask. Beg.
Supercede take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use); supplant.
Supplant Take the place of through sneaky tactics
Stoic Indifferent to pleasure or pain. Enduring without complaint.
Standing Status, rank, not movable.
Risible Laughable, related to laughing
Sportive Playful, merry, joking around
Specious Seemingly true, but actually false.
Meretricious Deceptively pleasing. Tastelessly showy.
Spearhead Be leader of
Indignation Anger or annoyance by what is perceived as unfair treatment
Spate Sudden outpouring or rush; flood.
Slight 1. Thin/delicate 2. snub/ignore
Nominal In name only, trivial, small and unimportant
Slew Large number or quantity
Sedulous Persevering, persistent and diligent in one's efforts
Sacrosanct Sacred, above criticism
Inviolable Never to be dishonored or broken
Rustic Related to country life
Rhetoric Study of persuasion through speaking or writing . Language that is pretentious, but empty in meaning.
Reproach Blame, disgrace, criticize
Reprove Reprimand
Unbraid Separate, unravel.
Render Give, submit, surrender, declare formally, cause to become.
Censure Express severe disapproval
Quibble Make trivial arguments to evade something important
Ranks Personnel; a groups of people all together.
Qualified Modified, limited conditional on something else.
Prodigious Large , impressive
Prodigal Wasteful extravagant
Artless Free of deceit
Ascertain Find out with certainty
Debauch Corrupted morally
Austere Serious, ascetic, without luxury
Guiless Innocent and without deception
Balk Refuse to proceed or do something
Ingenuous Innocent, unsuspecting
Belie Contradict or misrepresent
Bogus Fake
Burgeon Growth or flourish
Aver Declare and affirm with confidence
Canonical Authorized, recognized
Castigate Criticize severely, punish in order to correct
Censure Disapproval or reprimand
Antipathy Deep, dislike, aversion, something without reason
Affectation Fake behavior adopted to give certain impression
Archaic Ancient, primitive
Arcane Obscure, secret
Apocryphal Of questionable authenticity. False.
Eschew Avoid, shun, abstain
Vivify Enliven/animate
Grousing Complaining pettily
Indict Formally charge with serious crime
Stymie Prevent or hinder process of
Inveigling Persuade someone to do something by means of deception or flattery
Carping Difficult to please. Fault finding. Critical
Extenuating To make less bad.
Diffidence Shyness, hesitance
Illiberality Narrow-mindedness, bigotry
Comely Pleasant to look at. Suitable.
Malign evil
Munificent generous
Decry publicly denounce
Garish Bright and showy
Ponderous Slow and clumsy. Dull. Excessively solemn.
Cogent Clear, logical and convincing
Disclaim Deny
Cabal Secret political faction
Hoi-polloi Everyday, common people I.E normie
Dulcet Sweet and soothing
Facile Appearing neat, but ignoring true complexities. Easy.
Baneful Destructive
Noxious V unpleasant. Harmful
Stolid Calm, dependable, little emotion.
Equivocal Ambiguous
Paen Expression of praise
Mores customs
Foibles minor weaknesses in character
Pecadilloes small sin or offense. Unimportant.
Excise a tax levied on certain goods and commodities produced or sold within a country and on licenses granted for certain activities.
Doyenne a woman who is the most respected or prominent person in a particular field.
Antedated precede in time; come before (something) in date.
Complimentary expressing a compliment; praising or approving.Given free of charge.
Complementary combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another.
Prescient having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
Indemnify compensate (someone) for harm or loss.
Created by: alexandra722
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