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vocabulary 03주차

diverge 뜻: 갈라져 나오다, 분기하다 / 유의어: vary; go in different directions from the same point / 예문: The spokes of the wheel diverge from the hub.
divergent 뜻: 벗어난, 이탈하는, 갈라지는, 분기하는 / 유의어: differing, deviating / 예문: The two witnesses presented the jury with remarkably divergent accounts of the same episode.
divest 뜻: 벗기다, 박탈하다 / 유의어: strip, deprive / 예문: He was divested of his power to act
divination 뜻: 마력의 도움으로 미래를 예시함 / 유의어: foeseeing the future with the aid of magic / 예문: I base my opinions not on any special gift of divination but on the laws of probability
divulge 뜻: 폭로하다 / 유의어: reveal / 예문: I will not tell you this news because I am sure you will divulge it prematurely
docile 뜻: 순종하는, 쉽게 조종되는 / 유의어: obedient, easily managed / 예문: As docile as he seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious, snarling beast.
docket 뜻: 미결소송사건 일람표 / 유의어: program, as for trial; book where such entries are made / 예문: The case of Smith vs. Jones was entered in the docket for July 15.
doddering 뜻: 흔들리는, 늙어서 떨리는 / 유의어: shaky, infirn from old age / 예문: Although he is not as yet a doddering and senile old man, his ideas and opinions no longer can merit the respect we gave them years ago.
doff 뜻: 벗다 / 유의어: take off / 예문: He doffed his hat to the lady
doggerel 뜻: 보잘것 없는 시 / 유의어: poor verse / 예문: Although we find occasional snatches of genuine poetry in his writing is mere doggerel.
dogmatic 뜻: 적극적인, 독단적인 / 유의어: arbitrary, dictatorial / 예문: Do not be so dogmatic about that statement; it can be easily refuted.
dolorous 뜻: 슬픔에 찬 / 유의어: sorrowful / 예문: He found the dolorous lamentations of the bereaved family emotionally disturbing and he left as quickly as he could.
dolt 뜻: 바보같은 사람 / 유의어: stupid person / 예문: I thought I was talking to a mature audience; instead, I find myself addressig a pack of dolts and idiots.
domicile 뜻: 집, 주소 / 유의어: home / 예문: Although his legal domicile was in New York city, his work kept him away from his residence for many years.
dormant 뜻: 잠자는, 혼수상태의, 동면한 / 유의어: sleeping, lethargic, torpid / 예문: Sometimes dormant talents in our friends surprise those of us who never realized how gifted acquaintances really were.
dorsal 뜻: 동물의 등의 / 유의어: relating to the back of an animal / 예문: A shark may be identified by its dorsal in which projects above the sunfac of the ocean.
dotage 뜻: 노쇠, 망령 / 유의어: senility / 예문: In his dotage, the old man bored us with long tales of events in his childhood.
doughty 뜻: 용기있는 / 유의어: courageous / 예문: Many folk tales have sprung up about this doughty pioneer who opened up the New World for his followers.
dour 뜻: 부루뚱한, 완고한 / 유의어: sullen, stubborn / 예문: The man was dour and taciturn.
dregs 뜻: 침전물, 무가친한 잔재 / 유의어: sediment, worthless residue / 예문: The dregs of society may be observed in this slum area of the city.
droll 뜻: 이상하고 즐거운 / 유의어: queer and amusing / 예문: He was a popular guest because his droll anecdotes were always entertaining.
dross 뜻: 폐기물, 무가치한 불순물 / 유의어: waste matter, worthless impurities / 예문: Many methods have been devised to separate the valuable metal from the dross.
drudgery 뜻: 힘드는 육체 노동 / 유의어: menial work / 예문: Cinderella's fairy godmother rescued her from a life of drudgery.
dubious 뜻: 의심스런 / 유의어: doubtful / 예문: He has the dubious dinctition of being the lowest ranked member of his class.
duenna 뜻: 소녀감독부, 여성보호자 / 유의어: attendant of young female, chaperone / 예문: Their romance could not flourish because of the presence of her duenna.
dulcet 뜻: 감미로운 소리가 나는 / 유의어: sweet sounding / 예문: The dulcet sounds of the birds at dawn were soon drowned out by the roar of traffic passing our motel.
duplicity 뜻: 이중성, 위선 / 유의어: double-dealing, hypocrisy / 예문: People were shocked and dismayed when they learned of his duplicity in this affair for he had always seemed honest and straightforward.
durance 뜻: 억제, 감금 / 유의어: restraint, imprisonment / 예문: The lecturer spoke of a "durance vile" to describe his years in the prison camp.
ecelctic 뜻: 취사선택하는. 절충주의의. (취미등이) 다방면에 걸친. / 유의어: selective. composed of elements drawn from disparate sources. / 예문: His style of interior decoration was eclectic : bits and pieces of furnishings from widely divergent periods, strikingly juxtaposed to create a u
finite 뜻: 한정된 / 유의어: limited / 예문: It is difficult for humanity with its finite existence to grasp the infinite.
firebrand 뜻: 횃불; 말썽꾼 / 유의어: hothead; troublemaker / 예문: The police tried to keep track of all the local firebrands when the President came to town.
fissure 뜻: 갈라진 틈 / 유의어: crevice / 예문: The mountain climbers secured footholds in tiny fissures in the rock.
fitful 뜻: 발작적인; 단속적인 / 유의어: spasmodic; intermittent / 예문: After several fitful attempts, he decided to postpone the start of the project until he felt more energetic.
flag 뜻: 축 늘어지다; 시들다 / 유의어: droop; grow feeble / 예문: When the opposing hockey team scored its third goal only minutes into the first quarter, the home team's knotted flagged.
flagellate 뜻: 채찍질하다; 힐난하다 / 유의어: flog; whip / 예문: The Romans used to flagellate criminals with a whip that had three violations of the rules.
flagrant 뜻: 극악한 / 유의어: conspicuously wicked / 예문: We cannot condone such flagrant violations of the rules.
flail 뜻: 도리깨질하다 / 유의어: thresh grain by hand; strke or slap / 예문: In medieval times, warriors flailed their foe with a metal ball attached to a handle.
flair 뜻: 재능 / 유의어: talent / 예문: She has an uncanny flair for discovering new artists before the public has become aware of their existence.
flamboynat 뜻: 화려한 / 유의어: ornate / 예문: Modern architecture has discarded the flamboyant trimming on buildings and emphasizes simplicity of line.
flaunt 뜻: 과시하다 / 유의어: display ostentatiously / 예문: She is not one of those actresses who flaunt their physical charms; she can act.
fledgling 뜻: 미숙한 / 유의어: inexperienced / 예문: While it is necessary to provide these fledgling poets with an opportunity to present their work, it is not essential that we admire everything they write.
fleece 뜻: 양털 / 유의어: wool coat of a sheep / 예문: They shear sheep of their fleece, whcih they then comb into separate strands of wool.
flippancy 뜻: 경솔 / 유의어: trifling gaiety / 예문: Your flippancy at this serious moment is offensive.
flippant 뜻: 경솔한, 건방진 / 유의어: lacking proper seriousness / 예문: When Mark told Mona he loved her, she dismissed his earnest declaration with a flippant "Oh, you say that to all the girls!"
flit 뜻: 재빨리 날아가다; 날아가다 / 유의어: dart lightly; pass swiftly by; fly / 예문: Like a bee flitting from flower to flower, Rose flitted from one boyfriend to the next
floe 뜻: 유빙 / 유의어: mass of floating ice / 예문: The ship made slow progress as it battered its way through the ice floes
flora 뜻: [한 지역 또는 한 시대에 특유한]식물[군] / 유의어: plants of a region or era / 예문: Because she was a botanist, she spent most of her time studying the flora of the desert
florid 뜻: 붉그레한; 붉은 / 유의어: ruddy; reddish; flowery / 예문: If you go to Florida and get a sunburn, your complexion will look florid.
flotsam 뜻: 표류하는 부스러기[쓰레기] / 유의어: drifting wreckage / 예문: Beachcombers eke out a living by salvaging the flotsam and jetsam of the sea
flounder 뜻: 몸부림치다; 서툴게 진행하다 / 유의어: struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter / 예문: Up to his knees in the bog, Floyd floundered about, trying to regain his footing
flourish 뜻: 번성하다; 잘 자라다 / 유의어: grow well; prosper; make sweeping gestures / 예문: The orange trees flourished in the sun
flout 뜻: 거부하다; 비웃다; 무시하다 / 유의어: reject; mock / 예문: The headstrong youth flouted all authority; he refused to be curbed
fluctuate 뜻: 흔들리다; 이동하다 / 유의어: waver; shift / 예문: The water pressure in out shower fluctuates widly; you start rinsing yourself off with a trickle, and two minutes later a blast of water nearly knocks you off your feet. I'll never get used to these fluctuations
fluency 뜻: 유창함; 달변 / 유의어: smoothness of speech / 예문: She spoke French with fluency and ease
fluke 뜻: 요행수 / 유의어: unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune / 예문: When Douglas defeated Tyson for the heavyweight championship, some sportscasters dismissed his victory as a fluke
fluster 뜻: 당황하게 만들다 / 유의어: confuse / 예문: The teacher's sudden question flustered him and he stammmered his reply
fluted 뜻: 홈이 있는 / 유의어: having vertical parallel grooves(as in a pillar) / 예문: All that remained of the ancient building were the fluted columns
flux 뜻: 흐름 / 유의어: flowing; series of changes / 예문: While conditions are in such a state of flux, I do not wish to commit myself too deeply in this affair
flux 뜻: 흐름 / 유의어: flowing; series of changes / 예문: While conditions are in such a state of flux, I do not wish to commit myself too deeply in this affair
fodder 뜻: 가축의 먹이 / 유의어: coarse food for cattle, horses, etc / 예문: One of Nancy's chores at the ranch was to put fresh supplies of fodder in the hores' stalls
foible 뜻: 사소한 실수 / 유의어: weakness; slight fault / 예문: We can overlook the foibles of our friends; no one is perfect
foil 뜻: 대조 / 유의어: contrast / 예문: In Star Wars, dark, evil Darth Vader is a perfect foil for fair-haired, naive Luke Skywalker
foist 뜻: 몰래 써넣다; 떠맡기다, 속여서 팔다 / 유의어: insert improperly; palm off / 예문: I will not permit you to foist such ridiculous idea upon the membership of this group
foliage 뜻: 잎(전부) / 유의어: masses of leaves / 예문: Every autumn before the leaves fell he promised himself he would drive through New England to admire the colorful fall foliage
foment 뜻: 선동하다, 유발하다 / 유의어: stir up; instigate / 예문: Cher's archenemy Heather spread some nasty rumors that fomented trouble in the club. Do you think Cher's foe meant to foment such discord?
foolhardy 뜻: 무모한, 무작정한 / 유의어: rash / 예문: Don't be foolhardy. Get the advice of experienced people before undertaking this venture
foppish 뜻: 멋 부리는, 맵시내는 / 유의어: vain about dress and appearance / 예문: He tried to imitate the foppish manner of the young men of the court
foray 뜻: 습격, 공습 / 유의어: raid / 예문: The company staged a midnight foray against the enemy outpost
forbearance 뜻: 인내 / 유의어: patience / 예문: We must forbearance in dealing with him because he is still weak from his illness
ford 뜻: 여울 / 유의어: place where a river can be crossed on foot / 예문: Rather than risk using the shaky rope bridge, David walked a half-mile downstream until he came to the nearest ford
forebears 뜻: 조상 / 유의어: ancestors / 예문: Reverence for one's forebears(sometimes referred to as ancestor worship) plays an important part in many Oriental cultures
foreboding 뜻: 육감, 예감, 불길한 일의 전조 / 유의어: premonition of evil / 예문: Suspecting no conspiracies against him, Caesar gently ridiculed his wife's forebodings about the Ides of March
forensic 뜻: 법정의; 변론의, 토론의 / 유의어: suitable to debate or courts of law / 예문: In her best forensic manner, the lawyer addressed the jury
foreshadow 뜻: 예시하다, 징조를 보이다, -의 전조가 되다 / 유의어: give an indication beforehand; portend; prefigure / 예문: In retrospect, political analysts realized that Yeltsin's defiance of the attempted coup foreshadowed his emergence as the dominant figure of the new Russian repub
foresight 뜻: 예지 / 유의어: ability to foresee future happenings; prudence / 예문: A wise investor, she had the foresight to buy land just before the current real estate boom
forestall 뜻: 방지하다 / 유의어: prevent by taking action in advance / 예문: By setting up a prenuptial agreement, the prospective bride and groom hoped to forestall any potential arguments about money in the event of a divorce
forgo 뜻: 포기하다 / 유의어: give up; do without / 예문: Determined to lose weight for the summer, Ida decided to forgo dessert until she could fit into a size eight again
forlorn 뜻: 슬프고 외로운; 비참한 / 유의어: sad and lonely; wretched / 예문: Deserted by her big sisters and her friends, the forlorn child sat sadly on the steps awaiting their return
formality 뜻: 의례; 형식적임 / 유의어: ceremonious quality; something done just for form's sake / 예문: The president received the visiting heads of state with due formality: flags waving, honor guards standing at attention, bands playing anthems at full blast. Signing this p
formidable 뜻: 위협적인 / 유의어: menacing; threatening / 예문: We must not treat the battle lightly for we are facing a formidable foe
forsake 뜻: 버리다; 포기하다 / 유의어: desert; abandon;renounce / 예문: No one expected Foster to forsake his wife and children and run off with another woman
forswear 뜻: 포기하다 / 유의어: renounce; abandon / 예문: The captured knight could escape death only if he agreed to forswear christianity and embrace Islam as the one true faith
forte 뜻: 장점, 장기; 특기 / 유의어: strong point or special talent / 예문: I'm not eager to play this rather serious role, for my forte is comedy
forthright 뜻: 직접적인; 솔직한 / 유의어: straightforward; direct; frank / 예문: I prefer Jill's forthright approach to Jack's tendency to beat around the bush
fortitude 뜻: 용감; 용기 / 유의어: bravery; courage / 예문: He was awarded the medal for his fortitude in the battle
fortuitous 뜻: 우연히 / 유의어: accidental; by chance / 예문: Though he pretend their encounter was fortuitous, he'd actually been hanging around her usual haunts for the past two weeks, hoping she'd turn up
foster 뜻: 기르다; 양육하다; 조장하다 / 유의어: rear; encourage / 예문: According to the legend, Romulus and Remus were fostered by a she-wolf that raised the abandoned infants as her own
founder 뜻: 완전히 실패하다, 침몰하다; (회사나 협회 등의) 발기인 / 유의어: fail completely, sink; person who establishes(an organization, business) / 예문: After bitting the submerged iceberg, the Titanic started taking in water rapidly and soon foundered; Among those drowned when the Tit
founder 뜻: 완전히 실패하다, 침몰하다; (회사나 협회 등의) 발기인 / 유의어: fail completely, sink; person who establishes(an organization, business) / 예문: After bitting the submerged iceberg, the Titanic started taking in water rapidly and soon foundered; Among those drowned when the Tit
fracas 뜻: 혼란; 혼전; 난투 / 유의어: brawl, melee / 예문: The military police stopped the fracas in the bar and arrested the belligerents
fractious 뜻: 날뛰는, 고분고분하지 않은, 규칙을 지키지 않는 / 유의어: unruly / 예문: The fractious horse unseated its rider
frail 뜻: 허약한, 가냘픈, 부서지기 쉬운 / 유의어: weak / 예문: The delicate child seemed too frail to lift the heavy carton
franchise 뜻: 사용권, 독점판매권, 선거권 / 유의어: right granted by authority; right to vote; license to sell a product in a particular territory / 예문: The city issue a franchise to the company to operate surface transit lines on the streets for 99 years ; For most of American h
frantic 뜻: 미친 듯한, 광란한; 지독한 / 유의어: wild / 예문: At the time of the collision, many people became frantic with fear
fraudulent 뜻: 사기의 / 유의어: cheating; deceitful / 예문: The government seeks to prevent fraudulent and misleading advertising
fraught 뜻: ...으로 찬; ..을 내포한 / 유의어: filled / 예문: Since this enterprise is fraught with danger, I will ask for volunteers who are willing to assume the risks
fray 뜻: 소란, 말다툼, 언쟁 / 유의어: brawl / 예문: The three musketeers were in the thick of the fray
frenetic 뜻: 미친, 광적인 / 유의어: frenzied, frantic / 예문: His frenetic activities convinced us that he had no organized plan of operation
frenzied 뜻: 광적인, 열광적인 / 유의어: madly excied / 예문: As soon as they smelled smoke, the frenzied animals milled about in their cages
fresco 뜻: 프레스코화법(회반죽 위에 그리는 수채화법) / 유의어: painting on plaster(usually fresh) / 예문: The cathedral is visited by many tourists who wish to admire the frescoes by Giotto
fret 뜻: 귀찮게하다; 속타게 하다; 초조하게 하다 / 유의어: to be annoyed or vexed / 예문: To fret over your poor grades is foolish; instead, decide to work harder in the future
friction 뜻: (의견)충돌; 마찰, 불화 / 유의어: clash in opinion; rubbing against / 예문: At this time when harmony is essential, we cannot afford to have any friction in our group
frieze 뜻: 소벽(조각으로 장식한 경우가 많음); 띠 모양의 장식 / 유의어: ornamental band on a wall / 예문: The frieze of the church was adorned with sculpture
frigid 뜻: 몹시 추운 / 유의어: intensely cold / 예문: Alaska is in the frigid zone
fritter 뜻: 낭비하다 / 유의어: waste / 예문: He could not apply himself to any task and frittered away his time in idle conversation
frivolous 뜻: 천박(경박)한; 사소한 / 유의어: lacking in seriousness; self-indulgently carefree; relatively unimportant / 예문: Though Nancy enjoyed Bill's frivolous, lighthearted companionship, she sometimes wondered whether he could ever be serious
frolicsome 뜻: 쾌활한; 명랑한; 장난을 좋아하는 / 유의어: prankish; gay / 예문: The frolicsome puppy tried to lick the face of its master
frond 뜻: 양치류 식물의 잎 / 유의어: fern leaf; palm or banana leaf / 예문: After the storm the beach was littered with the fronds of palm trees
fructify 뜻: 열매를 맺다 / 유의어: bear fruit / 예문: This peach tree should fructify in three years
frugality 뜻: 절약 / 유의어: thrift; economy / 예문: In thes economically difficult days business must practice frugality or risk bankruptcy
frugality 뜻: 절약 / 유의어: thrift; economy / 예문: In thes economically difficult days business must practice frugality or risk bankruptcy
fruition 뜻: 결실; 실현 / 유의어: bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization / 예문: This building marks the fruition of all our aspirations and years of hard work
frustrate 뜻: 방해하다; 좌절시키다 / 유의어: thwart; defeat / 예문: We must frustrate this dictator's plan to seize control of the government
fugitive 뜻: 사라져(없어져) 버리는 / 유의어: fleeting or transitory; roving / 예문: The film brought a few fugitive images to her mind, but on the whole it made no lasting impression upon her
fulcrum 뜻: 지렛목; 지레받침 / 유의어: support on which a lever rests / 예문: If we use this stone as a fulcrum and the crowbar as a lever, we may be able to move this boulder
fulminate 뜻: 폭발음을 내다; 소리지르다, 야단치다 / 유의어: thunder; explode / 예문: The people against whom she fulminated were innocent of any wrongdoing
fulsome 뜻: <아첨 등이> 지나친, 집요한 / 유의어: disgustingly excessive / 예문: His fulsome praise of the dictator annoyed his listeners
functionary 뜻: 공무원 / 유의어: official / 예문: As his case was transferred from one functionary to another, he began to despair of ever reaching a settlement
fundamental 뜻: 기본적인; 근원의 / 유의어: basic; primary; essential / 예문: The committee discussed all sorts of side issues without ever getting down to addressing the fundamental problem
funereal 뜻: 슬픈; 장송의 / 유의어: sad; solemn / 예문: I fail to understand why there is such a funereal atmosphere; we have lost a battle, not a war
furor 뜻: 열광; 격렬한 감격 / 유의어: frenzy; great excitement / 예문: The story of her embezzlement of the funds created a furor on the stock exchange
furtive 뜻: 몰래 하는; 은밀한 / 유의어: stealthy; sneaky / 예문: Nothing the furtive glance the customer gave the diamond bracelet on the counter, the jeweler wondered whether he had a potential shoplifter on his hands
fusillade 뜻: 일제 사격; (질문,비난의) 연발 / 유의어: simultaneous firing or outburst(of missiles, questions, etc) / 예문: Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture concludes with a thunderous fusillade of cannon fire
fusion 뜻: 융해; 연합 / 유의어: union; coalition / 예문: The opponents of the political party in power organized a fusion of disgruntled groups and became an important element in the election
futile 뜻: 효과없는; 쓸데없는; 무익한 / 유의어: useless; hopeless; ineffectual; trifling / 예문: It is futile for me to try to get any work done around here while the telephone is ringing every 30 seconds
gadfly 뜻: 등에; 귀찮은 사람 / 유의어: animal-biting fly; an irritating person / 예문: Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty-eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody
gaffe 뜻: (사교,외교상의) 과실, 실수 / 유의어: social blunder / 예문: According to Miss Manners, to call your husband by your lover's name is worse than a mere gaffe; it is a tactical mistake
germinate 뜻: 싹이 트다 / 유의어: cause to sprout; sprout / 예문: After the seeds germinate and develop their permanent leaves, the plants may be removed from the cold frames and transplanted to the garden.
gerrymander 뜻: <선거구를>자기 당에 유리하게 개정하다 / 유의어: change voting district lines in order to favor a political party / 예문: The illogical pattern of the map of this congressional district is proof that the State Legislature gerrymandered this area in order to favor the major
gestate 뜻: ~을 회태하다 / 유의어: evolve, as in prenatal growth / 예문: While this scheme was being gestated by the conspirators, they maintained complete silence about their intentions.
gesticulation 뜻: 몸짓하기 / 유의어: motion; gesture / 예문: Operatic performers are trained to make exaggerated gesticulation because of the large auditoriums in which they appear.
ghastly 뜻: 무시무시한 / 유의어: horrible / 예문: The murdered man was a ghastly sight.
gibber 뜻: 영문 모를 말을 지껄이다 / 유의어: speak foolishly / 예문: The demented man gibbered incoherently.
gibbet 뜻: 교수대 / 유의어: gallows / 예문: The bodies of the highwaymen were left dangling from the gibbet as a warning to other would-be transgressors.
gibe 뜻: 놀려대다 / 유의어: mock / 예문: As you gibe at their superstitious beliefs, do you realize that you, too, are guilty of similarly foolish thoughts?
giddy 뜻: 현기증 나는; 아찔한 / 유의어: light-herted; dizzy / 예문: He felt his giddy youth was past.
gingerly 뜻: 아주 신중하게 / 유의어: very carefully / 예문: She was asked to give the gist of the essay in two sentences.
gist 뜻: 요점 / 유의어: essence / 예문: She was asked to give the gist of the essay in two sentences.
glaze 뜻: 유리를 끼우다 / 유의어: cover with a thin and shiny surface / 예문: The freezing rain glazed the streets and made driving hazardous.
glean 뜻: <이삭을>줍다 / 유의어: gather leavings / 예문: After the crops had been barvested by the machines, the peasants were permitted to glean the wheat left in the fields.
glib 뜻: 말 잘하느느 / 유의어: fluent / 예문: He is a glib speaker.
gloat 뜻: 고소한 듯이 바라보다; 자못 흡족한듯이 바라보다 / 유의어: express evil satisfaction; view malevolently / 예문: As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you think of the many victims you have defrauded?
glossy 뜻: 광택이 나는 / 유의어: smocth and shining / 예문: I want this photograph printed on glossy paper.
glower 뜻: 상을 찡그리다 / 유의어: scowl / 예문: The angry boy glowered at his father.
glut 뜻: 과도하게 공급하다; 과도하게 채우다 / 유의어: overstock; fill to excess / 예문: The many manufacturers glutted the market and could not find purchasers for the many articles they had produced.
glutinous 뜻: 아교질의; 점착성의 / 유의어: sticky; viscous / 예문: Molasses is a glutinous substance.
gluttonous 뜻: 난쟁이; 땅 신령 / 유의어: dwarf; underground spirit / 예문: The gluttonous boy ate all the cookies.
goad 뜻: 손동하다 / 유의어: urge on / 예문: He was goaded by his friends until he yielded to their wishes.
gouge 뜻: 후벼내다 / 유의어: tear out / 예문: In that fight, all the rules were forgotten; the adversaries bit, kicked, and tried to gouge each other's eyes out.
gullible 뜻: 속기 쉬운 / 유의어: easily deceived / 예문: He preyed upon gullible people, who believed his stories of easy wealth.
hackneyed 뜻: 진부한 / 유의어: commonplace. trite / 예문: The English teacher criticized her story because of its hackneyed and unoriginal plot.
haphazard 뜻: 우연한 / 유의어: random. by chance / 예문: His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with the authors of the book.
implement(v) 뜻: 실행하다, 시행하다; 장구를 제공하다 / 유의어: supply what is needed; furnish with tools / 예문: I am unwilling to implement this plan until I have assurance that it has the full approval of your officials.
imply 뜻: 함축적으로 의미하다, 암시하다 / 유의어: suggest a meaning not expressed; signify / 예문: Even though your statement does not declare that you are at war with that country, your actions imply that that is the actual situation.
imponderable 뜻: 무게가 없는, 무게를 알 수 없는; 평가할 수 없는, 헤아릴 수 없는 / 유의어: weightless; unfathomable / 예문: I can evaluate the data gathered in this study; the imponderable items are not so easily analyzed.
ingenuous 뜻: 순진한 / 유의어: naive. young. unsophisticated / 예문: These remarks indicate that you are ingenuous and unaware of life's harsher realities.
instigate 뜻: 시작하다. 일으키다 / 유의어: urge. start. provoke / 예문: I'm afraid that this statement will instigate a revolt.
inured 뜻: 익숙한; 단련된 / 유의어: accustomed; hardened / 예문: He became inured to the Alaskan cold.
invalidate 뜻: 무효로 만들다 / 유의어: weaken; destroy / 예문: The relatives who received little or nothing sought to invalidate the will by claiming that the deceased had not been in his right mind when he had signed the document.
invective 뜻: 비난 / 유의어: abuse / 예문: He had expected criticism but not the invective which greeted his proposal.
inveigh 뜻: 통렬히 비난하다; 욕설하다 / 유의어: denounce; utter censure or invective / 예문: He inveighed against the demagoguery of the previous speaker and urged that the audience reject his philosophy as dangerous.
inveigle 뜻: 꾀다; 솔깃한 말로 속이다 / 유의어: lead astray; wheedle / 예문: She was inveigled into joining the club.
inverse 뜻: 반대의 / 유의어: opposite / 예문: There is an inverse ratio between the strength of light and its distance.
invert 뜻: 거꾸로 하다 / 유의어: turn upside down or inside out / 예문: When he inverted his body in a hand stand, he felt the blood rush to his head.
inveterate 뜻: 뿌리깊은; 상습적인 / 유의어: deep-rooted; habitual / 예문: She is an inveterate smoker.
invidious 뜻: 꽤씸한 / 유의어: designed to create ill will or envy / 예문: We disregarded her invidious remarks because we realized how jealous she was.
invincible 뜻: 무적의 / 유의어: unconquerable / 예문: Superman is invincible.
inviolability 뜻: 신성 / 유의어: security from being destroyed, corrupted or profaned / 예문: They respected the inviolability of her faith and did not try to change her manner of living.
invoke 뜻: 빌다; 호소하다 / 유의어: call upon; ask for / 예문: She invoked her advisor's aid in filling out her financial aid forms.
invulnerable 뜻: 상하게 할 수 없는 / 유의어: incapable of injury / 예문: Achilles was invulnerable except in his heel.
iota 뜻: 아주 조금 / 유의어: very samll quantity / 예문: She hadn't an iota of common sense.
irascible 뜻: 성마른; 성급한 / 유의어: irritable; easily angered / 예문: His irascible temper frightened me.
irate 뜻: 성난 / 유의어: angry / 예문: When John's mother found out that he had overdrawn his checking account for the third month in a row, she was so irate floated on the surface of the water.
iridescent 뜻: 무지개 빛깔의 / 유의어: exhibiting rainbowlike colors / 예문: She admired the iridescent hues of the oil that floated on the surface of the water.
irksome 뜻: 싫증나는; 지루한 / 유의어: annoying; tedious / 예문: He found working on the assembly line irksome because of the monotony of the operation he had to perform.
ironic 뜻: 반어의 / 유의어: resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner / 예문: It is ironic that his success came when he least wanted it.
irony 뜻: 풍자; 반어법 / 유의어: hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that convey a meaning opposite to the literal meaning / 예문: Gradually his listeners began to realize that the excessive praise he was lavishing was merely irony; he was actually denouncing his oppo
irreconcilable 뜻: 화해할 수 없는; 융화하기 어려운 / 유의어: incompatible; not able to be resolved / 예문: Because the separated couple were irreconcilable, the marriage counselor recommended a divorce.
irrefragable 뜻: 엉뚱한; 무관계한 / 유의어: not to be disproved; indisputable / 예문: This statement is irrelevant and should be disregarded by the jury.
irremediable 뜻: 불치의; 회복할 수 없는 / 유의어: incurable; uncorrectable / 예문: The error she made was irremediable; she could see no way to repair it.
irreparable 뜻: 수선할 수 없는 / 유의어: not able to be corrected or repaired / 예문: Your apology cannot atone for the irreparable damage you have done to her reputation.
irrepressible 뜻: 억누를 수 없는 / 유의어: unable to be restrained or held back / 예문: Her high spirits were irrepressible.
irresolute 뜻: 결단력이 없는; 우유부단한 / 유의어: uncertain how to act; weak / 예문: She had no respect for him because he seemed weak-willed and irresolute.
litotes 뜻: 곡언법(반의어의 부정으로 강한 긍정 나타냄) / 유의어: understatement for emphasis / 예문: To say, "He little realizes," when we mean that he does not realize at all, is an example of the kind of understatement we call litotes.
livid 뜻: 납빛의; 검푸른; 격노한 / 유의어: lead-colored; black and blue; enraged / 예문: His face was so livid with rage that we were afraid that he might have an attack of apoplexy.
loath 뜻: 싫어하여; 지긋지긋하여 / 유의어: averse; reluctant / 예문: They were both loath for him to go.
loathe 뜻: 몹시 싫어하다 / 유의어: detest / 예문: We loathed the wicked villain.
lode 뜻: 광맥 / 유의어: metal-bearing vein / 예문: If this lode which we have discovered extends for any distance, we have found a fortune.
lofty 뜻: 매우 높은 / 유의어: very high / 예문: They used to tease him about his lofty ambitions.
loiter 뜻: 빈둥거리다; 꾸물거리다 / 유의어: hand around; linger / 예문: The policeman told him not to loiter in the alley.
longevity 뜻: 장수 / 유의어: long life / 예문: The old man was proud of his longevity.
loquacious 뜻: 수다스러움 / 유의어: talkative / 예문: She is very lonquacious and can speak on the telephone for hours.
lubricity 뜻: 매끄러움; 애매함 / 유의어: slipperiness; evasiveness / 예문: He exasperated the reporters by his lubricity; they could not pin him down to a definite answer.
lucid 뜻: 번쩍이는; 명쾌한 / 유의어: bright; easily understood / 예문: His explanation was lucid and to the point.
lucrative 뜻: 유리한 / 유의어: profitable / 예문: He turned him hobby into a lucrative profession.
lucre 뜻: 돈 / 유의어: money / 예문: Prefering lucre to fame, he wrote stories of popular appeal.
ludicrous 뜻: 우스꽝스러운; 어이없는 / 유의어: laughable; trifling / 예문: Let us be serious; this is not a ludicrous issue.
lugubrious 뜻: 애처로운 / 유의어: mournful / 예문: The lugubrious howling of the dogs added to our sadness.
lull 뜻: 일시적인 고요 / 유의어: moment of calm / 예문: Not wanting to get wet, they waited under the awning for a lull in the rain.
lumber 뜻: 무겁게 이동하다 / 유의어: move heavily or clumsily / 예문: Still somewhat torpid after its long hibernation, the bear lumbered through the woods.
Created by: blackliz7



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