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LWW Test Review

Review questions for unit exam on Long Walk to Water

Why was Salva worried about traveling to Ethiopia? He was worried he wouldn't find his family.
What did the orange headscarf remind Salva of? His mother.
How did Salva help the 1200 Lost Boys? He led them through the desert for over a year.
How were the conditions in the refugee camps? They were crowded with very little food and other basics.
Why were the refugees forced from the camp in Ethiopia? The government collapsed and the new government no longer wanted them there.
Where did Salva travel when he left Africa? To Rochester, NY in the USA
How did Salva learn English? From Michael, an Irish aid worker
Why was the government of Sudan attacking its people in the south? They wanted to force them to change their religion.
How were Dinkas and Nuers able to tell one from another? The adult males had distinctive scar patterns on their foreheads.
What ability did Buksa of the Jur-chol tribe have? He was able to follow a bird's song and find honey.
What two people did Salva lose early in the story? Uncle Jewiir and his friend Mariel
How did Uncle treat Salva differently than the rest of his group? He shared his food , encouraged him, and wouldn't leave him behind.
How did Salva and his group cross the Nile? In canoes they made from papyrus grass.
Why did Nya's sister Akeer and Salva's father get sick? From the dirty water she was drinking
What lesson did Uncle teach Salva in the desert? To set small goals and meet them while working towards a large goal.
What dilemna (hard problem) did Salva's group have when they found the 9 men in the desert? Whether to save themselves or help the men and risk running out of water.
Why did the 6 men kill Uncle? They were Nuer and he was from the Dinka tribe.
What was the place that the people went to to find safety from the war in Sudan? refugee camps
What other countries did Salva walk to in order to find safety (refuge)? Ethiopia, Kenya
What did the well-drilling rig resemble (look like)? a red giraffe
What concerned Nya when the drill finally struck water? the water was brown and muddy looking
What were the young, male refugees from Sudan called? The lost boys
What news did Salva recieve from his cousin in Africa about his family? his father was still alive
What did Salva's father do as a sign of having found what was lost? sprinkled water on his forehead
How did Salva decide to help the people of South Sudan? come back and drill wells for them to provide much-needed water
How will Nya's life change in addition to having clean water to drink? She and her brothers will go to school.
What are some possible themes of the book? Never give up hope, always persevere
Why didn't Nya believe there would be water where the men were drilling? it was dry and rock hard
Why did Salva travel back to Sudan the first time? to see his father
How did Salva become leader of the 1200 boys? they just started following him!
What could water be a symbol of in this book? life
Created by: AllisonJones



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