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Vocab and Phrases

Mejilla Cheek
Hasta luego Bye /until next time
Nos vemos See you
Buenos días Good morning
Buenas tardes Good afternoon
Buenas noches Good evening
Hasta mañana Until tomorrow
Hasta el martes Until Tuesday
Te presento I present to you
Le presento I present to you (formal)
¿De dónde eres? Where are you from?
Soy de estados unidos I'm from the USA
Soltero/a Single
Casado/a Married
Divorciado/a Divorced
Viudo/a Widowed
Alemania Germany
alemán German man
alemana German woman
Australia Australia
australiano Australian man
australiana Australian woman
Corea Korea
Bélgica Belgium
Croacia Croatia
Brasil Brazil
Panamá Panama
Canadá Canada
Estado Unidos United States
Francia France
Inglaterra England
Japón Japan
España Spain
Mongolia Mongolia
Marruecos Morocco
Irán Iran
Guatemala Guatemala
guatemalteco Guatemalan man
iraní Iranian
marroquí Moroccan
mongol Mongolian man
español Spanish man
japonés Japanese man
inglés English man
francés French man
estadounidense US American
canadiense Canadians
panameño Panamanian mam
brasileño Brazilian mam
croata Croatian
belga Belgian
coreano Korean
Capintero Carpenter
Dentista Dentist
Profesor/a Profeser
abogado/a lawyer
administrador/a administrator
Albañil Builder
Ama de casa Housewife
Arquitecto/a Architect
Artista Artist
Bailarín/bailarina Ballet dancer
Bombero Firefighter
Cajero/a Cashier
Cantante Singer
Carnicero Butcher
Carpintero/a Carpenter
Cartero Postman
Cocinero/a Chef
Comediante Comedian
Contador/a Accountant
Costurera/sastre Tailor/seamstress
Científico/a Scientist
Cirujano/a Surgeon
Dentista Dentist
Electricista Electrician
Enfermero/a Nurse
Escritor/a Writer
Estudiante Student
Fotógrafo/a Photographer
Ingeniero/a Engineer
Jardinero Gardener
Locutor Announcer
Mecánico Mechanic
Médico/doctor/doctora Doctor
Modelo Model
Músico Musician
Niñera Nanny/babysitter
Obrero/a Worker
Panadero Baker
Periodista Journalist
Piloto Pilot
Pintor/a Paintor
Plomero Plumber
Policía Police
Profesor/a Profesor
Programador/a Programmer
Psicólogo/a Psychologist
Químico/a Chemist
Recepcionista Receptionist
Secretaria/o Secretary
Sobrecargado Flight attendent
Taxista Cab driver
Vendedor/a Seller of things
Veterinario/a Vet
Violinista Violinist
Ucrania Ukraine
Tailandia Thailand
Suiza Switzerland
Suecia Sweden
Polonia Poland
Irlanda Ireland
Grecia Greece
Finlandia Finland
Filipinas Philippines
Egipto Egypt
Nuero/a Son/daughter in law
Created by: Adalia
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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