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GRE Hardest Words

emaciated lean to the nth degree, as in starving
lumber to move clumsily or heavily
bromide an unoriginal idea, platitude
aphorism statement of general truth
banality trite and unoriginal
ambulatory able to move
abstemious abstaining, sparing in drink, temperate
gourmand one who enjoys good food
libertine one who is highly unrestrained sexually or morally, a debauched (corrupt) person, roue
debauched corrupt
roue a dissolute (loose in morals) and licentious man; rake
dissolute loose in morals
licentious sexually unrestrained, libertine, lascivious (lustful), lewd
lascivious lustful
lewd lustful, obscene, salacious
salacious lustful, obscene, grossly indecent
wanton unruly, unchaste, excessive
laconic few in words
prate to babble, to prattle
censure deserving blame
affable warm and friendly
frenetic frantic or frenzied
impervious incapable of being influenced You cannot change their habits since they are _______ to reasoning
imperturbable calm, not easily excited
quarter to divide
imbibe to drink in; The dry soil ____ the rain water quickly.
pride a group of; a ____ of lions
inerrant not wandering from the truth, free from error
cloying too sweet or excessively flattering; a perfume with a ____ sweetness; antonym: saccharine
acerbic sour or bitter in manner; Lemon juice is ____.
abstruse hard to understand; He read _____ works in philosophy.
demurrage lateness, the detention of a boat when being loaded or unloaded, beyond the time agreed upon; antonym: cogent
rifle ransack, steal goods
culpable guilty, deserving of censure
censure condemnation
aggravate to make worse; antonym: ameliorate
euphony pleasant sounding; antonym: cacophony
dearth scarcity; antonym: cornucopia
pedagogical scholarly and boring
parsimony excessive frugality, sparing; I am parsimonious with adding parsley to my dish;
encomium a compliment
abjure to swear away, renounce
inclement no mild (of the weather)
inchoate rudimentary, just beginning to be formed
intransigent not flexible, not able to be swayed
malapropos inappropriate
miscreant evildoer
philanderer man who loves without serious intentions
philogynist lover of women
primordial elemental; fundamental
prolix drawn out; needlessly prolonged
risible disposed to laugh
derision mocking laughter
deride to make fun of
secede to separate from
sequester to separate from
subterfuge deception, underhanded evasion
pugnacious full of fight, like a pug
evocative causing an image
pulchritude state of possessing beauty
wily fully of tricks
obviate to make unnecessary, to get rid of, to anticipate
attenuate to make thin, weaken
diffidence shyness
gainsay to deny
burgeon to grow quickly; to sprout
garrulity talkativeness
discreet showing good judgment in conduct; being prudent in behavior; not related to discrete (separate and distinct)
incredulous skeptical, not believable
ingenuous have a frank and open nature, not devious, naive, trusting, innocent; antonym:
apposite apt, pertinent
complacent self-satisfied
complaisant eager to please
amalgam a mixture of combination (of metals), an alloy
arduous laborious, strenuous; antonym: effortless
aseptic germ free
aspersion slanderous statement, a damaging or derogatory criticism, calumny, defamation
assiduous focused, carefully attentive
baleful harmful, malign
bombast pompous speech
cant insincere or hypocritical remarks
caprice sudden, unpredictable, whimsical change
chicanery trickery or deception
churlishness crude or surly behavior
comeliness beauty, attractiveness in appearance
coterie a clique, a group who meet frequently
crass stupid, unrefined, gross, boorish
abnegation self-denial, asceticism
turpitude depravity, base, corruptness
calumny false charges or misrepresentation, slander, aspersion, defamation
espouse to adopt or support
abscond to steal off and hide, to depart clandestinely
alacrity eager and enthusiastic willigness
approbation expression of praise
austere without adornment, bare, ascetic
disabuse to undeceive, set right
effrontery extreme boldness, presumptuousness
equivocate use ambiguous language with deceptive intent; antonym: speak honestly
exigent urgent, pressing
fulminate to loudly attack or denounce; criticize
inured accepting something undesirable
neologism a new word
onerous troubling, burdensome
perfidy intentional breach of faith, treachery
perfunctory done without care or interest
perspicacious acutely perceptive
precipitate acting with haste or impulse; second definition: to cause to happen before anticipation
reticent quite, reserved
paean song of praise and thanksgiving
sordid characterized by filth, grime, or squalor
truculent fierce and cruel, eager to fight
solicitous concerned and eager, willing to learn
ennui boredom, dissatisfaction
dirge lament with music; antonym: paean
propitiation an atoning sacrifice
relegate to forcibly assign, to a lower position
abate to lessen in intensity of degree
accolade an expression of praise
avarice greed, for wealth
bucolic rustic and pastoral
chary wary, cautious, sparing
contrite regretful, penitent, seeking forgiveness
dearth smallness of quantity of number
demur to question or oppose
ebullience quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
irascible easily angered
laud to praise highly
recant to retract, especially a previously held belief
facetious playful, humorous, jocular
harangue a pompous speech, to deliver one
impecunious lacking funds
inveigle to obtain by deception of flattery
pernicious extremely harmful, potentially causing death
preen to dress up, to primp
quaff to drink deeply
redoubtable awe-inspiring
torpid lethargic, sluggish
urbane sophisticated, refined
dissemble to disguise or conceal to mislead
halcyon calm and peaceful
impassive revealing no emotion
insipid without taste or flavor, bland
obdurate unyielding, hardhearting, intractable
obsequious sycophantic, exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
opprobrium disgrace, contempt, scorn
querulous prone to complaining or grumbling, peevish
surfeit an overabundant supply, excess
tenuous having little substance or strength
transient fleeting, passing quickly brief
astringent a tightening effect, harsh, severe
decorum polite or appropriate conduct/behavior
dilettante one with amateurish/ superficial interests
disparage to slight or belittle
divulge to disclose something secret
fawn to praise excessively
flout to show contempt for
glib marked by ease or informality, nonchalant, superficial
immutable not capable of change
impetuous hastily or rashly energeti, impuslive
inimical damaging, harmful, injurious
obstinate stubborn, uncompromising
ostentatious characterized by a pretentious style
probity adherence to highest principles
profligate excessivley wasteful
quotidian occuring daily
recondite hidden, concealed
refulgent radiant, shiny
renege to fail to honor a commitment
sedulous diligent, persistent
soporific causing drowsiness
spendthrift someone who is wasteful
trenchant sharply perceptive, keen, perspicacious
unfeigned genuine, not pretended
vituperate to use harsh, condemnatory language
reproach to scold usually in disappointment
indigent poor
indignant angry, as a result of something unjust
indolent lazy
infatuated foolish, foolishly passionate
repartee a clever reply
arbitrary 1. based on subject not reason 2. determined by impulse or whim 3. not limited by the law; despotic
quandary dilemma
vice an evil, degrading or immoral habit or practice
amercement a fine
mulct to penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture
ennobling raising, make noble
vaunt brag
cloister monastery
sinuous twisting
tycoon wealthy person
coracle small boat
corroborate confirm
guffaw laud laughter
extol praise
biennial lasting 2 years
saturnine temperament like that of Saturn, ironic
impugn attack another
errand a short trip
wan pale
shoddy badly made, dishonest, shabby
bemoan lament, express grief over
candid open, honest
indemnify to reimburse, to compensate for a loss
beatific exalted joy and blessedness
canaille dross, rabble, dregs
Created by: russianerudite
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