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DL 57 Verbs Pres. 4

Duolingo 57 of 57: Verbs: Present 4

essen to eat
bekommen to receive
passen to fit
behandeln to treat
existieren to exist
fördern to promote
besitzen to own
schaffen to accomplish
fahren to drive, go
können to be able to
testen to test
telefonieren to call, phone
entstehen to come into being, take form, begin
tun to do
verlassen to leave
beachten to observe, pay attention to
schützen to protect
versuchen to attempt
erfolgen to happen
erklären to explain
setzen to place
verfügen to have
wandern to hike
entdecken to discover
senden to send
starten to start
empfehlen to recommend
diskutieren to discuss
zählen to count
ergeben to result in, produce
wünschen to wish
behalten to keep
benötigen to require
sollen to be supposed to, should
verstehen to understand
erfahren to learn through experience
handeln to deal
bestehen to exist, to pass a test
vertreten to represent
vergeben to forgive
lösen to solve
veröffentlichen to publish
beraten to advise
liefern to deliver
planen to plan
aktivieren to activate
bilden to form
leisten to achieve
hängen to hang
beenden to finish
heißen to be called
eröffnen to open
bearbeiten to work on, deal with
legen to put
garantieren to guarantee
messen to measure
untersuchen to examine
genügen to be enough
lassen to let
berechtigen to entitle
vermitteln to convey
entfernen to remove
bestätigen to confirm
gewinnen to earn, to win
wirken to take effect
besuchen to visit
Created by: drosselbart
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