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Word Smart - C

Cacophony harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance
Cadge to sponge, beg, or mooch
Cajole to inveigle, coax, wheedle, sweet-talk
Calumniate to slander, make a false accusation
Canon an established set of principles or code of lawn, often religious in nature
Capricious inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic; unpredictable
Cardinal of basic importance or consequence; primary
Caret an insertion mark used by editors and proofreaders
Carnality something relating to the body or flesh
Castigation severe criticism or punishment
Catalyst a substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction without itself changing; a person or thing that caused change
Causality the relationship between cause and effect
Caustic burning or stinging; causing corrosion
Censure to criticize severely; to officially rebuke
Chaos a condition of confusion or unpredictability
Chary wary; cautious; sparing
Chasten to chastise or correct; subdue
Chauvinist one blindly devoted to a group of which one is a member
Chic stylish and fashionable; sophistication in dress
Chicanery trickery or subterfuge
Chimera an illusion
Choleric tending toward anger
Churlish boorish, vulgar, loutish; difficult and intractable
Coalesce to come together; to fuse or unite
Coda concluding section to a musical or literary piece, something that concludes or completes
Cogent appealing forcibly to the mind of reason; convincing
Color to change as if by dyeing, influence, distort, or gloss over
Commensurate matching, corresponding, or proportionate in degree, size, amount, or other property
Complaisance the willingness to comply with the wishes of others
Confound to cause to be confused; to frustrate
Connoisseur an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert
Consequential pompous, self-important
Contemn to scorn or despise
Contentious argumentative; quarrelsome; causing controversy or disagreement
Contiguous sharing a border; touching; adjacent
Contrite regretful; penitent; seeking forgiveness
Convention a generally agreed-upon practice or attitude
Convoluted complex or complicated
Corrigible capable of being set right, correctable, reparable
Countenance to approve of or tolerate
Cozen to deceive, beguile, hoodwink
Craven contemptibly fainthearted, pusillanimous, lacking any courage
Credulous tending to believe too readily; gullible
Crescendo a gradual increase in intensity, particularly in music
Culpable deserving blame
Cynicism an attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness
Created by: gregivq
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