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GRE Vocab

Abate to reduce in amount
abscond to leave secretly
aggrandize to increase in power, influence, and reputation
amalgamate to combine; to mix together
ameliotate to make better; improve
arbitrate to judge a dispute between two opposing parties
assuage to make something unpleasant less severe
audacious fearless and daring
aystere severe or stern in appearance; underrated
banal predictable;cliche; boring
cacophony harsh, jarring noise
candid impartial and honest in speech
castigate to punish or criticize harshly
caustic biting in wit
chicanery deception by means of craft or guile
cogent convincing and well reasoned
corroborate to provide supporting evidence
credulous too trusting; gullible
decorum appropriateness of behavior or conduct
deference respect; courtesy
deride to speak of or treat with contempt; to mock
desultory jumping from one thing to another; disconnected
diatribe an abusive, condemnatory speech
diffident lacking self-confidence
dilatory intended to delay
dilettante someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic
dirge a funeral hymn or mournful speech
disparate fundamentally different; entirely unlike
dissemble to present a false appearance
dissonance harsh and disagreeable combination
dogmatic dictatorial in one's opinions
eclectic selecting from or make up from a variety of sources
enervate reduce in strength
engender to produce,cause,bring about
enumerate to count,list,itemize
ephemeral lasting a short amount of time
equivocate to use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead
erudite learned, scholarly, bookish
esoteric known or understood by only a few
estimable admirable
exculpate to clear from blame; prove innocent
fawn grovel
fervid intensely emotional
foment to arouse or incite
garrulous tending to talk a lot
gregarious outgoing; sociable
guile deceit or trickery
iconoclast one who opposes established beliefs, customs, institutions
impetuous quick to act without thinking
implacable unable to be calmed down or made peaceful
inchoate not fully formed; disorganized
inimical hostile, unfriendly
innocuous harmless
insipid lacking interest or flavor
intransigent uncompromising
inundate overwhelm; to cover with water
irascible easily made angry
laconic using few words
lament to express sorrow; to grieve
laud to give praise; to glorify
loquacious talkitive
malinger to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill
misanthrope a person who dislikes others
mitigate to soften;to lessen
mollify to calm; make less severe
obdurate hardened in feeling; resistant to persuasion
obsequious overly submissive and eager to please
obviate to prevent; to make unnecessary
occlude to stop up; to prevent the passage of
onerous troublesome and oppressive; burdensome
opprobrium public disgrace
ostentation excessive showiness
paragon model of excellence or perfection
pedant someone who will show off learning
perfidious willing to betray ones trust
perfunctory done in a routine way; indifferent
placate to sooth or pacify
precipitate to throw violently or bring about abruptly; lacking deliberation
prevarivate to lie or deviate from the truth
prodigal lavish;wasteful
propitiate to conciliate; to appease
propriety correct behavior; obedience to rules and customs.
quiescent motionless
rarefy to make thinner or sparser
repudiate to reject the validity of
reticent silent;reserved
satiate to satisfy fully or overindulge
soporific causing sleep or lethargy
specious deceptively attractive; seemingly plausible but fallacious
stolid unemotional; lacking sensitivity
sublime lofty or grand
tacit done without using words
tirade long, harsh speech or verbal attack
torpor extreme mental and physical sluggishness
transitory temporary; lasing a brief time
vacillate to sway physically; to be indecisive
venerate to respect deeply
veracity filled with truth and accuracy
vex to annoy
volatile easily aroused or changeable; lively explosive
zeal passion; excitement
avaricious greedy of gain
bacchanalian Roman festival of Bacchus
baneful cause destruction or serious damage
bedlam a very noisy and confused state or scene
bilious angry or bad-tempered; very unpleasant to look at
bromide statement intended to make people feel happier/calmer, not original or effective
brusque talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, unfriendly way
callow lacking adult sophistication
calumny a misrepresentation intended to harms another's reputation
canard a false report or story; belief or rumor that is not true
candor the quality of being open, sincere and honest
capitulate to stop fighting an enemy or opponent
capricious changing often and quickly
castigated to criticize someone harshly
chagrin feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure
chortle to laugh because amused or pleased by something
compendious marked by brief expression of comprehension
compendium collection of things that have been gathered and are being presented together
compunction feeling of guilt or regret
congenial pleasant and enjoyable
consanguine of the same blood or origin
contrition state of feeling sorry for bad behavior
covetous having a craving for possessions
curmudgeon person who is easily annoyed/angered
cursory done or made quickly
curtail to reduce or limit
decamp to leave a place suddenly and secretly
depilation removal of hair,wool,bristles by chemical/mechanical ways
derision feeling people express when they criticize and laugh at someone or something in an insulting way.
dilapidated in very bad condition because of age or lack of care
dilettante admirer or lover of the arts
disparage to describe as unimportant,weak,bad, etc
dolorous causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief
embullience quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts
elegiac poem of serious reflection, typically for the dead
epigram short clever poem or saying
ersatz copied from something else and usually not as good
eschew to avoid because don't think right or proper
espouse to express support for
euphonic pleasing or sweet sound
excoriate to criticize very harshly
extol to praise highly
facetious used to describe speech that is meant to be funny but usually regarded as annoying
feigned fictitious
filial relating to a son or daughter
frenetic filled with excitement, activity or confusion
gainsay to deny or disagree with; to show something false
gibe to utter taunting words
harangue forceful or angry speech
histrionic too emotional or dramatic
ignoble of lower birth or common origin
ignominious causing disgrace or shame
imbue to cause someone to be deeply affected by a feeling
impugn oppose or attach as false or lacking integrity
incipient beginning to develop or exist
iniquity unfair or evil
inter to bury (a dead body)
inveigh to protest or complain bitterly
invidious unpleasant and likely to cause bad feelings in others
irascible becoming angry very easily
lackadaisical feeling or showing lack of interest or enthusiasm
lambaste to criticize very harshly
levity a lack of seriousness; amusing quality
libidinous feeling or relating to strong sexual desires
licentious sexually immoral or offensive
meager very small or too small in amount
mellifluous having a smooth, flowing sound
mercenary soldier who is paid by foreign country to fight in army
mercurial changing moods quickly and often
mordacious biting or given to biting
mordant expressing harsh criticism especially in funny way
munificent very generous
myriad very large number of things
obsequies funeral or burial rite
opprobrious very strong disapproval by a number of people
ostentatious intended to impress or attract notice
penurious very poor
peregrination to travel especially on foot
perfidy act of betraying
peripatetic going from place to place, usually as part of job
perspicacious ability to notice and understand difficult/ not obvious
petulant getting angry when don't get what want
pillory mean for exposing one to public scorn/ridicule
pique sudden feeling of annoyance/anger when offended
placate to cause to fell less angry about something
pliant able to move freely, too easily influenced/controlled by others
probity when person is completely honest
prosaic dull/ordinary
pusillanimous weak and afraid of danger
querulous complaining in an annoyed way
quixotic hopeful romantic in a way that isn't practical
quotidian ordinary; done each day
raillery friendly joking about or with someone
remonstrate to disagree and argue or complain about something
renege to refuse to do something already agreed to
revile to speak out about in critical/insulting way
ribald referring to sex in a rude but amusing way
riposte quick and clever reply
salient very important or noticeable
salubrious making good health possible
scanty very small in size/amount
scion person born into rich, famous, important family
scurrilous said/done unfairly to make people have bad opinion
sepulchral very sad and serious
sinecure job/position in which someone is paid to do little/no work
sordid very bad or dishonest
spurious not genuine; based on false ideas/bad reasoning
taciturn to be quiet; not speak freely
tempestuous full of strong emotions
threnody song/person that expresses sorrow for dead
trenchant very strong, clear, effective
trepidation fear that causes hesitation because think something bad will happen
trite not interesting or effective because used too often
tyro novice
umbrage being offended by what someone said/ done
vituperate to abuse or censure severely
vociferous expressed in very loud and forceful way
vouchsafed to give to someone as promised or privilege
waspish easily annoyed; very thin
Created by: ejohnson17
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