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NHS SPAN 2 2017


acostarse to go to bed
almorzar to eat lunch
arreglarse to get ready
buscar to look for
cepillarse to brush one's
columpiarse to swing on a swing
compartir los juguetes to share toys
contar chistes to tell joks
crear un album to scrapbook
dar to give
de pequeno as a child
decir to say/tell
dejar la propina to leave a tip
derretir to melt
despertarse to wake up
ducharse to shower
echar to put in
echar carreras to run races
el aji chile pepper
el azucar sugar
el bistec steak
el cafe coffee
el caldo de pollo chicken soup
el lechon asado roast pork
el mesero waiter
el plato del dia daily special
el vinagre vinegar
estar to be temporary
evitar to avoid
fascinar to love
freir to fry
hacer to do/make
hacer rompecabezas to do puzzles
hacer travesuras to play tricks
hervir to boil
hornear to bake
ir to go
irse to leave
jugar a la casita to play house
jugar a las damas to play checkers
jugar al escondite to play hide and seek
jugar al pilla pilla to play tag
jugar con bloques to play with blocks
jugar con carritos to play with cars
jugar naipes to play cards
la comida meal
la comida rapida fast food
la cucharada tablespoon
la cucharadita teaspoon
la lechuga lettuce
la mantequilla butter
la mayonesa mayonnaise
la mostaza mustard
la pera pear
la pimienta black pepper
la pina pineapple
la receta recipe
la sal salt
la sopa de fideos noodle soup
la taza de medir measuring cup
las bebidas drinks
las chuletas porkchops
las especias spices
las fresas strawberries
lavarse to wash one's
llegar to arrive
llevarse mal to get along poorly
los entremeses appetizers
los mariscos seafood
maquillarse to put on makeup
molestar to bother
montar en bicicleta to ride bike
nadar to swim
odiar to hate
pagar la cuenta to pay the bill
peinarse to comb's one hair
pelearse to fight
picar to dice
pintar to paint
pintarse las unas to paint one's nails
poder to be able to
poner to put
ponerse to put on
ponerse nervioso to become nervious
preocuparse to worry
revolver to scramble
sacar buenas notas to get good grades
salir to go out
saltar a la cuerda to jump rope
secarse to dry one's
ser to be permanent
tener to have
la almendra almond
la carne asada roast meat
la cebolla onion
traer to bring
trepar a los arboles to climb trees
venir to come
Created by: cyach
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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