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Vocab Test 60-120

Stack for Ms.Harisiadis' vocab final 2017

Malevolent Adj.- Evil
Tranquil Adj.- Free from disturbance, calm
Hapless Adj.- Having no luck, unfortunate
Kindred Noun- Family, relatives, kin
Flapdoodle Noun- Nonsense
Dubious Adj.- Causing doubt, uncertainty, or suspicion
Tenacious Adj.- Strong, persistent
Ramshackle Adj.- Especially of a house or vehicle in a state of severe disrepair, rickety
Integral Adj.- Very important and necessary
Succinct Adj.- Using few words to state or express an idea; concise
Scrutinize Verb- Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
Atavistic Adj.- Primal, relating to something ancient, primitive, or instictive
Vigilant Adj.- Alertly watchful especially to avoid danger
Tenuous Adj.- Very weak or questionable
Guile Noun- Craftiness, deviousness, slyness
Refute Verb- To prove something wrong; disprove
Posit Verb- To propose as an explanation; to suggest or postulate
Posthumous Adj.- Occurring, awarded, or appearing after death of the originator
Explicate Verb- To analyze ( a literary work) in order to reveal its meaning
Emanate Verb- To come out from a source; to emit
Calamitous Adj.- Involving calamity, catastrophic, disastrous
Solitude Noun- Seclusion, loneliness
Obstinate Adj.- Stubborn
Colloquial Adj.- Conversational, informal (in terms of speaking or writing)
Venerable Adj.- Respected, old, and wise
Languid Adj.- Weak, listless, slow
Morbid Adj.- Relating to death or disease
Divan Noun- A long low sofa
Enmity Noun- Hostility, hatred
Ensconce Verb- To shelter or conceal
Tedious Adj.- Too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous
Fidelity Noun- Loyalty, devotion
Candor Noun- Honesty
Pallid Adj.- Pale, sickly
Tremulous Adj.- Shaking or quivering slightly
Lucrative Adj.- Profitable, money-making
Indolent Adj.- Lazy, idle, languid
Myriad 1. Noun- A countless or great quantity 2. Adj.- Countless, innumerable
Vain Adj.- Conceited, prideful
Querulous Adj.- Fretful, cantankerous
Revelry Noun- Wild and noisy partying
Incorrigible Adj.- Of a person or their tendencies not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed
Anodyne Noun- A painkilling drug or medicine
Petulant Adj.- Insolent or rude, peevish, sulky
Insolent Adj.- Having or showing a lack of respect for other people; petulant
Repent Verb- To feel or express sincere regret or remorse
Callous Adj.- Heartless
Parody Noun- A humorous or satirical imitation
Visage Noun- A face
Loathsome Adj.- Causing hatred or disgust; repulsive
Eponymous Adj.- (Of a person) Giving their name to something
Espouse Verb- To adopt or support a cause, belief, or way of life
Propriety Noun- Conformity to what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech; social correctness, etiquette
Cornucopia Noun- A symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn
Elude Verb- To evade or escape from
Vociferate Verb- Shout, complain, or argue loudly or forcefully
Thwart Verb- To prevent someone from accomplishing something
Purloin Verb- To steal
Omnicient Adj.- All knowing
Mettle Noun- Courage, strength
Sullen Adj.- Bad tempered and sulky, gloomy
Created by: lopiegabby
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