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Kapitel 4

Kapitel 4
der Morgen morning
der Vormittag morning, before noon
der Mittag noon
der Nachmittag afternoon
der Abend evening
die Nacht night
heute Morgen this morning
heute Nachmittag this afternoon
morgen frŸh tomorrow morning
morgen Abend tomorrow evening
morgens in the morning, mornings [habitual]
vormittags before noon [habitual]
mittags at noon [habitual]
nachmittags in the afternoon, afternoons [habitual]
abends in the evening, evenings [habitual]
nachts at night, nighs [habitual]
montags Mondays, on Monday(s) [habitual]
dienstags Tuesdays, on Tuesday(s) [habitual]
mittwochs Wednesdays, on Wednesday(s) [habitual]
donnerstags Thursdays, on Thursday(s) [habitual]
freitags Fridays, on Friday(s) [habitual]
samstags Saturdays, on Saturday(s) [habitual] [common]
sonntags Sundays, on Sunday(s) [habitual]
das Ballett ballet
die Ballette ballets
die Disko disco, dance club
die Diskos discos, dance clubs
in die Disko gehen to go clubbing [less common]
das Fernsehen watching television
der Film film
die Filme films
das Kino cinema; (movie) theater
die Kinos cinemas; (movie) theaters
ins Kino gehen to go to the movies
die Komšdie comedy
die Komšdien comedies
das Konzert concert
die Konzerte concerts
ins Konzert gehen to go to a concert
der Krimi crime, detective, mystery film or book
die Krimis crime, detective, mystery films or books
die Oper opera
die Opern operas
in die Oper gehen to go to the opera
das Theater (stage) theater
die Theater (stage) theaters
ins Theater gehen to go to the theater
das TheaterstŸck play (stage) drama
die TheaterstŸcke play (stage) dramas
die Tragšdie tragedy
die Tragšdien tragedies
ab*holen to pick up (from a place)
an*fangen to begin
er fŠngt an he begins
an*rufen to call up
auf*hšren (mit) to stop (doing something)
auf*rŠumen to clean up, straighten up
auf*stehen to get up; to stand up
auf*wachen to wake up
aus*gehen to go out
ein*kaufen gehen to go shopping
ein*laden to invite
er lŠdt ein he invites
ein*schlafen to fall asleep
er schlŠft ein he goes to sleep
fern*sehen to watch television
er sieht fern he watches television
mit*kommen to come along
mit*nehmen to take along
vorbei*kommen to come by
vor*haben to plan (to do)
Er hat nichts vor. He has no plans. / He plans to do nothing.
zu*hšren to listen
zurŸck*kommen to return, come back
dŸrfen to be permitted to; may
er darf he is permitted to; he may
kšnnen to be able to; can
er kann he is able to; he can
mšgen to care for; to like
er mag he cares for; he likes
mšchte would like to
mŸssen to have to; must
er muss he has to; he must
sollen to be supposed to; ought, should
wollen to want to; to plan to
er will he wants to; he plans to
die Minute minute
die Minuten minutes
die Sekunde second
die Sekunden seconds
die Stunde hour
die Stunden hours
Um wie viel Uhr At what time?
Wie spŠt ist es? What time is it? (1)
Wie viel Uhr ist es? What time is it? (2)
Es ist eins. It's one. [time]
halb half
nach after
um zwei at two
das Viertel quarter
Es ist zehn vor zwšlf. It is ten to twelve. (11:50)
frŸhstŸcken to eat breakfast
spazieren gehen to go for a walk
Ich gehe spazieren. I'm going for a walk.
treffen to meet
er trifft he meets
die Bibliothek library
die Bibliotheken libraries
das Fitnesscenter gym
die Fitnesscenter gyms
der Plan plan
die PlŠne plans
die Tasse cup
die Tassen cups
eine Tasse Kaffee a cup of coffee
die Vorlesung (university) lecture
die Vorlesungen (university) lectures
der Vortrag lecture, presentation
die VortrŠge lectures, presentations
die Woche week
die Wochen weeks
pro Woche per week
das Wochenende weekend
die Wochenenden weekends
doch (intensifying particle often used with imperatives)
gemŸtlich cozy, cozily
gewšhnlich usual(ly)
mal (softening particle often used with imperatives)
man one, people, you, they
Hier darf man nicht parken You may not park here.
spannend suspenseful, exciting
spŠt late
sonnabends Saturdays, on Saturday(s) [habitual] [less common]
Ich gehe ins Theater. I'm going to the theater.
ein*kaufen to shop
Es ist ein Uhr. It is one o'clock.
Es ist halb zwei. It is half past one. (1:30)
Es ist fŸnf nach acht. It is five after eight. (8:05)
Es ist Viertel vor elf. It is a quarter to nine. (10:45)
Es ist Viertel nach fŸnf. It is a quarter after five. (5:15)
Ich mšchte jetzt am liebsten schlafen. I would really like to sleep now. / I would like to sleep most now.
Ich esse am liebsten Pizza. I like to eat pizza the most. [Pizza is my favorite food.]
Ich mag das am liebsten. I like that best.
Ich mšchte jetzt lieber singen. I would rather sing now.
weg*gehen to go clubbing / to go out [common]
Created by: afrahm
Popular German sets




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