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Vocab 19-24

NEMESIS - link MY SIS an opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome
NETTLE - link SETTLE to irritate; vex
NOCTURNAL - link NIGHT TURTLE of or occurring at night
NULLIFY - link FLY to make useless; cancel; undo
NURTURE - link NURSE to nourish, to feed; to educate; to train; to foster
OBESE - link BEES extremely fat; grossly overweight
OBTRUDE- link NUDE to impose oneself or one’s ideas on others; to stick out
OFFAL - link AWFUL waste parts, especially of a butchered animal; rubbish
OFFICIOUS - link OFFICE interfering; intrusive; eager in offering unwanted services or advice
ONEROUS - link OWNER troublesome or oppressive; burdensome
OPAQUE - link FAKE impervious to light; dull; hard to understand; unclear
OSTENSIBLE - link SENSIBLE appearing as such; offered as genuine or real
PACIFIST - link FIST one who is in opposition of war or violence
PALISADE - link PAL IN THE SHADE a fortification of timbers set in the ground; an extended cliff
PALLIATE - link PAL HE ATE to make seem less serious; to mitigate
PALPABLE - link PAL THE BULL capable of being touched or felt
PANACHE - link MUSTACHE dashing elegance of manner or style
PANDEMIC - link PANDA widespread; general
PANORAMA - link CAMERA an unbroken view of a wide area
PARABLE - link PAIR OF BULLS a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson
PARAGON - link PAIR OF GUNS a model or pattern of excellence
PARLEY - link PARTY a conference, especially between enemies
PATRIARCH - link PASTRY ART the leader of a family or tribe
PATRIMONY- link PAT'S MONEY an inheritance from a father or an ancestor; anything inherited
PECCADILLO - link ARMADILLO a slight or trifling sin; a minor offense
PECUNIARY - link PECULIAR DAIRY consisting of or relating to money
PEDESTRIAN - link PEDESTRIAN ordinary; moving on foot
PERPENDICULAR - link PEN upright or vertical; being at right angles to the plane of the horizon
PERSONIFY - link PERSON FLY to think of or represent as having human qualities; to typify
PHILIPPIC - link FLIP IT a verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, insulting language; a tirade
PINION - link PIN to bind the wings so as not to fly; to confine
PIOUS - link PIE devout or virtuous; holy
PLETHORA - link FLORA a state of excessive fullness; superabundance
PLIABLE - link FLY BULL receptive to change; easily persuaded or controlled; easily bent or twisted
PLUCKY - link DUCKY brave and spirited; courageous
POLARIZE - link POLAR ICE to break up into opposing factions or groups
POLTROON - link PLATOON a coward
PORTAL - link PORTHOLE an entrance, door or gate
PORTEND - link POOR END to warn of as an omen; forecast
PRATTLE - link RATTLE to babble; to talk meaninglessly
PREDATORY - link BREAD STORY victimizing or destroying others for one’s own gain; pillaging
PREHENSILE - link UTENSILE adapted for grasping or holding
PRESENTIMENT - link PRESENT a sense that something is about to occur; a premonition
PRISTINE - link CLEAN extremely pure; untouched
PRODIGIOUS - link DISH enormous in size, quantity, degree; marvellous, amazing
PROFOUND - link TOES FOUND intellectually deep or penetrating; reaching to, rising from, or effecting the depths of one’s nature
PROPINQUITY - link PROXIMITY proximity, nearness; kinship
PRUDENT - link STUDENT cautious; discreet; exercising good judgment
PSYCHE - link BIKE the human soul; the mind
PURBLIND - link BLIND having poor vision; nearly or partly blind
QUAFF - link GIRAFFE to drink heartily
QUAIL - link QUAIL (bird) to shrink with fear; to cower; to lose heart and courage
QUELL - link QUILT to extinguish; to put down or suppress by force
QUIETUDE - link QUIET DUDE calm; tranquility; peacefulness
RAFFISH - link FISH cheaply vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry; disreputable
RANSACK - link RANSACK to search thoroughly; pillage
REIGN - link RAIN the exercise or possession of supreme power
REPLETE - link PETE full or supplied to the utmost; gorged
PARADIGM - link PAIR OF DIMES a pattern that serves as a model or example
Created by: tdryden88
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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