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Ch. 16 review

charges can be ____ or _____ positive; negative
the charge of the object is determined by the transfer of _____ electrons
like charges _____ while unlike charges _______ repel; attract
electrons have a ______ charge and move around. Charge is _______ negative; conserved
millikan's oil drop experiment showed________ ________ __________ charge is quantized
Charles Coulomb's work led to a better understanding of _______ _______ electric charge
________ are materials in which electric charge moves freely conductors
______ are materials in which electric charges do not move freely insulators
if a glass rod is rubbed with silk, electrons leave the rod, so the silk becomes ______ charged and the rod becomes ______ charged negatively; positively
_____ occurs when you charge a conductor by bringing it near another charged object and then grounding the conductor. only works on _______ induction; conductors
________ occurs when you bring a charged object near an insulator inducing a surface charge on the insulator. only works on ________ polarization; insulators
_________ occurs when two objects are rubbed together and electrons are transferred due to friction. works on ______ & _______ charging by contact; conductors and insulators
electric force is similar to gravity because they are _____ ______ and get ______ when distance between objects decrease field forces; stronger
electric force is different from gravity because electric force is _______ and gravity cannot ______ attractive; repel
electric force when distance is halved? 4 times stronger
electric force when distance is doubled? 1/4 as strong
electric force when distance is tripled? 1/9 as strong
electric force when distance is three times closer 9 times stronger
you can increase an electric field between two objects by _____ the ______ and _____ the ______ increase charge; decrease distance
when drawing electric field lines, arrows always point _______ a positive charge away
when drawing electric field lines, arrows always point _____ a negative charge toward
when drawing electric field lines, the number of lines is ____ to the strength of the field proportional
excess charge accumulates _________ or where radius of curvature is _______ at sharp points; smallest
electric field strength depends on _____ and ______ charge; distance
Created by: accident_prone
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