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Spanish for me

my special spanish phrases

acaba de volver just retuned
extranjero abroad, foreign
evitar avoid
se trata de it's about
rumbos directions
asumir assume
sintomas symptom
pidío asked
recíen recently
ella tuvo un gato she had a cat
hace poco recently
ella y yo nos queremos we love each other
pistas clues
lagrimas negras black tears;Aunque tú me has echado en el abandono, aunque tú has muerto todas mis ilusiones, en vez de maldecirte con justo encono y en mis sueños te colmo, y en mis sueños te colmo de bendiciones.
espada sword
donde fuego se hace sale fumo where there is smoke there is fire
En cambio actually
jámas never
apenas just barely
sino but
ellos no tienen tanto they don't have much
ustedes tambien son doctores you are also doctors
descanso break
toma asiento take a seat
ninguna None
requiere una cita requires an appointment
entra enters
no le faltan not lacking
ciudadena citizen
amplia wide
pertenesce belongs
alacena pantry, cupboard
acabo de volver just retuned
extranjero foreigner, abroad
entrego delivers
tu cuentas you count
el oso no cabe por la puerta the bear didn't fit through the door
es mi culpa it's my fault
tu cuentas you count
la madre culpa the mother blames
Si, hasta El, si Incluso El yes, even him, include him
Yo voy hacia El I go towards him
El lleva un chaleco he wears a vest
Sartén priest
no queda sal no salt remains, we are out of salt
el agua y nosotros la bebemos we drink the water
adequada appropriate
el agua es escasa en el desierto water is scarce in the desert
es raro encontrar agua en el desierto it is rare to find water in the desert
previa previous
verdadera true
no le faltan no lacking
ciudadana citizen
amplia wide
pertenesce belongs
alacena cupboard
el agua y la bebemos it's water and we drink it . note the "la"
dios te ampare y te favoreszca God protect and favor you
pero este era la reunion donde el senor habia estado durante 8 anos tenia un conflicto de horario this was the meeting where the man they had had for eight years had a schedule conflict
jalón a ride
pelear to fight
pelea a fight
testaferro straw man
declavado diving
amenazar to threaten
rotulos street signs
ella me prestó su lapicero she game me a pencil
tosco rough
anhelante lonoging
acariciar pet the dog
tancaña thrifty
vale la peña worth the trouble
remando paddling
el enjambre a swarm
quiebre kaybray I broke it
es posible acariciar tu perro can I pet your dog
tronido del volcan booming from the volcano
trueno thunder
envidia envy
los perros ladran toda la noche they barked all night
quien tiene los perros de atras de la casa who owns the dogs behind the house?
un regalo para ti a present for you
escoger to choose
agonizo agony
excepto por except for
ingenio azucarero sugar mill
coger to catch
te bañarse to wash youself
friolento he's cold friolenta she's
fue un placer conocete it was nice meeting you
tengo algo de miedo I have some fear
compartir to share
reto challenge
gran panza big belly
perezoso lazy
crecimiento growing
ahorrando saving money
es posible que hayas escuchando esta historia it's possible that you have hear this story
trigamelo bring it to me
lamer to lick
tu perro me Lame your dog is licking me
estoy aprediendo a disfrutar vida I am learning to enjoy life
tracero butt
echado to throw echar
peluca wig
viuda widow
debemos pasar? should we stop by?
vamos volver going to return
perfil bajo low profile
tegreso I'll return
Colarse to sneak
puesto market stall
Lagrimas negates in English Although you have left me in abandon, although you have let die all my illusions, instead of execrating you with just rancour, in my dreams I heap upon you, in my dreams I heap upon you blessings.
Cuando es la proxima salida When is the next departure?
Busqueda a search
Señal Signal
adequada appropriate
El agua es escasa en el desierto water is scarce in the desert
verdadera true
agotar to exhaust, wear down
Cómo desarmar el berrinche de tu hijo con una pregunta how to disarm the tantrum of your child with a question
alejado al diablo far from the devil
dejar que Jesus entre a desenredarlos Let Jesus go to unravel them
nudos knots
haber largardo I left
ultimo paso the last step
gastar to spend
darse cuenta realize
me di cuenta I realized
rechaso reject
aparato gadget
yo giro a la derecha I turn to the right
su llegada her or his arrival
aucencias abscences
cuando lo vas a superar? when are you going to overcome it?
me va a pedir I'm going to ask
Dejó de llover it stopped raining
Él supo hablar He knew to talk
Mejora make better
Yo te deseo lo mejor I wish you the best
Ahor él intento esto how he tries this
rechazo reject
El derrota a su amigo he beats his friend
desatar to tie off
Ella negó ser mi madre She denied being my mother
Lo podemos lograr we can achieve it
La puedes consiguir can you get it?
Que aparentemente ya hubo un médico que le atinó al problema de Mari That apparently there was already a doctor who answered the problem of Mari
ella alcanza she reaches
me apoyan they support me
ellos no me dejan they don't let me
capitulo chapter
nosotros te vamos a alcanzar we are going to catch up to you
gracias por pagar thanks for paying
yo odio el café I hate coffee
ella cuida al perro she takes care of the dog
Abrumado Overwhelmed
Aplastar Aplastar el mosquito Crush, smash
Cúando tenga tu dirección te lo mando when you have your address send it to me
He supuesto que él de ha ido I had supposed hat he had left
previsto foreseen
Usted ha citado you have quoted
red net
hemos pedido la comida we have ordered the food
Él ha elegido bien he has chosen well
Elegir to choose
Apenas barely
Adequada suitable
Fui seguida I was followed
Está cocinada? is it cooked?
Heridos wounds
Max nunca ha sido en china Max has never been to china
Lo hemos hecho We've done it
Él posee he owns
Engatusar coax
abrumado overwhelmed
asunto issue
agua hirviendo boiling water
soy curioso I am curious
exito success
ha dado has given
alcansé mi objectivo reached my objective
Bruma del tiempo mist of time
No aguantó Didn’t tolerate
Created by: gavilan
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