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KS3 Physics vocab.

Common Entrance (KS3) Physics vocabulary

AMMETER An instrument used for measuring current in a circuit.
AMPERE The unit for electrical current
AMPLITUDE The size of a sound vibration. A higher amplitude produces a louder sound.
CURRENT The unit for the flow of electricity along a wire. Measured in AMPERES.
DAY The time it takes a planet to revolve once on it axis.
DENSITY The mass of 1 cm³ of an object. Calculated using the formula MASS ÷ VOLUME
DIFFUSION The movement of tiny particles like atoms or molecules that cause them to mix together or move across thin membranes. Diffusion happens because the particles in a substance are constantly moving. Diffusion explains some important processes in biology such as the movement of gas in the alveoli.
DIODE An electrical component that only allows a current to flow in one direction.
DISPERSION Name the process of white light being split into a spectrum by a prism
ECLIPSE of the sun When the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth causing a shadow of the Moon to fall on the Earth.
FORCE A Push or a pull. Measured in NEWTONS (n). It cause an object to SPEED UP, SLOW DOWN OR CHANGE SHAPE.
FRICTION A force which causes a moving object to slow down.
FUSE A short length of wire designed to melt when the current flowing though it gets too high.
GAS One of the three states of matter. (The other two are solids and liquids).
GRAVITATIONAL ENERGY The energy something has caused by it's height
GRAVITY The force that pulls all objects down towards the centre of the Earth.
INSULATOR A material that does not allow electricity or heat to flow through it easily eg wood, glass or plastic to flow through it
JOULE The metric unit for energy
KILOGRAM The metric unit for MASS
KINETIC ENERGY The energy stored in a moving object
LDR Light Dependent Resistor. A component that has a high resistance in the dark and a low resistance in the light
MEASURING CYLINDER Name an instrument you would use to measure the volume of a liquid:
MOON A natural satellite of the Earth. Orbits the Earth once every 28 days.
NEWTON The unit for force (and weight)
OPAQUE A word used to describe a material that does not allow light to pass through it. Examples Brick and wood.
PARALLEL CIRCUIT A type of circuit where the current divides and follows more than one path.
PERMEABLE A word used to describe a type of rock that allows water to soak into it. Example are chalk and limestone.
PITCH Describes how high or low a sound is.
PLANET An object in orbit around the Sun.
PRESSURE The force on 1 cm² of a surface. Calculated using the formula FORCE ÷ AREA.
REED SWITCH What name is given to the kind of switch that can be closed using a magnet.
REFLECTION The word that describes what happens when light bounces off a smooth surface (eg a mirror).
REFRACTION The name is given to the bending of light.
RESISTANCE The property of a conductor that reduces the current flowing through it.
SATELLITE Is the moon a satellite, planet or star?
SPECTRUM What is the name given to the rainbow of colours produced by a prism?
SPEED Calculated as distance ÷ time
SPEED what is being calculated using the formula DISTANCE ÷ TIME
STAR The object at the centre of any solar system . It supplies the solar system with energy
STRAIN ENERGY The form of energy is in a stretched elastic band or compressed spring.
TEMPERATURE A measure of how hot or cold something is. Measured using a thermometer in degrees Celcius (°C)
THERMOMETER An instrument used to measure temperature.
UPTHRUST The force that pushes up on a floating object
VOLUME (sound) How loud or soft a sound is. Decided by the AMPLITUDE of the sound wave.
WEIGHT Weight is a force on an object caused by gravity. Measured in newtons.
YEAR The time it takes a planet to complete one full orbit around the sun.
Unit of PRESSURE Newtons per square centimetre (N/1 cm²)
Unit of DENSITY Grams per cubic centimetre (g/cm³ )
FREQUENCY The number of sound vibrations a second. A higher frequency causes a higher pitch.
CHEMICAL ENERGY The energy stored in a battery, firework rocket, or any kind of fuel such as coal.
ELECTRICAL ENERGY A battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
RESISTOR A component that reduces the current in a circuit
LED Light Emitting Diode. A special diode that glows when electricity passes through it.
Created by: MikeCurtis
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