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Repaso Chapters 1-5

La maletera Trunk (of a car)
La tarjeta de embarque Boarding pass
El compartimento superior Overhead bin
El despegue Takeoff
El aterrizaje Landing
La pista Runway
Procedente de Coming, arriving from
Hay que One must, it's necessary
De vez en cuando Occasionally
Dentro de poco Shortly
Despertarse To wake up
Levantarse To get up
Quedarse To remain/stay
Acostarse To go to bed
Llamarse To call oneself/be called
El espejo Mirror
La tienda de campaña Tent
Derecho(a) Right
Izquierdo(a) Left
¡Ya voy! I'm coming!
El horario Train schedule
La llegada Arrival
De ida y vuelta Round trip
El vagón Train car
El periódico Newspaper
La revista Magazine
La parada Stop, station
Libre Free
El risco Cliff
Una senda Path
La cuenta Check (restaurant)
El platillo Saucer
El cuchillo Knife
El mantel Tablecloth
La servilleta Napkin
Los mejillones Mussels
Las almejas Clams
La langosta Lobster
El aceite Oil
Seguir To follow
Una feria Festival, fair
Los difuntos Deceased
El camposanto Cemetery
Una calavera Skull
Un disfraz Disguise, costume
Enterrado(a) Buried
La paja Straw
La menora Menorah
Todo el mundo Everyone
Mientras While
Created by: RachelRiegel
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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