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Desayuno Breakfast
Almuerzo Lunch
Cena Dinner
Arroz Rice
Carne Meat
Chocolate Chocolate
Ensalada Salad
Frijoles Beans
Huevo Egg
El maiz Corn
Mantequilla Butter
Pan Bread
Papa Potato
Pescado Fish
Pollo Chicken
Salsa Sauce
Sopa Soup
Verduras Vegetables
Helado Ice Cream
Torta Cake
Banana Banana
Manzana Apple
Maracuya Passion fruit
Naranja Orange
Agua Water
Cafe Coffee
Jugo Juice
Leche Milk
Refresco Soda
Carniceria Butchers shop
Fruteria Fruit and vegetable store
Panaderia Bakery
Pescaderia Fish market
Supermercado Super Market
Agrio(a) Sour
Amargo(a) Bitter
Dulce Sweet
Picante Hot(spicy)
Salado(a) Salty
Caliente Hot
Frio(a) Cold
La mesa Table
El mantel Tablecloth
La servilleta Napkin
La cuchara Spoon
El cuchillo Knife
El tenedor Fork
El plato Dish
La taza Cup
El vaso Glass
La botella Bottle
El azucar Sugar
La pimienta Pepper
La sal Salt
El mesero Server
La carta Menu
Limpio Clean
Sucio Dirty
Comer To eat
Beber To drink
Desayunar To eat breakfast
Cenar To have dinner
Cocinar To cook
Cortar To cut
Mezclar To mix
Preparar To prepare
Limpiar To clean
Estar To be
Gustar To like
Encantadar To love
Almorzar To have lunch
Probar To taste
Pedir To ask for
Medir To measure
Repetir To repeat
Servir To server
Competir To compete
Poner To put
Hacer To do
Conocer To know
Saber To know
Ver To see
Salir To leave
Traer To bring
Caer To fall
Decir To say
Dar To give
Oir To hear
Veinir To come
Created by: Wallaby
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