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5,280 feet 1 mile
1,760 yards 1 mile
10 mm 1 cm
1,000 mm 1 m
1,000 m 1 km
16 oz 1 pound
2,000 lb 1 ton
16 oz 1 pound
2 pt 1 qt
4 qt 1 gal
1,000 ml 1 L
kilo- thousand (1,000)
deci- tenth (0.1)
centi- hundreth (0.01)
milli- thousandth (0.001)
1 kilometer (km) 1,000 m
1 meter (m) 1.0 m
1 decimeter (dm) 0.1 m
1 centimeter (cm) 0.01 m
1 millimeter (mm) 0.001 m
1 kilogram (kg) 1,000 g
1 gram (g) 1.0 g
1 milligram (mg) 0.001 g
ampere a measure of electrical current
Avogadro's number a unit of relative quantity equal to the number of atoms or molecules per mole of a substance. The currently accepted value is 6.022 141 99 X 1023 per mole.
Avoirdupois fancy name for the weight scale based on a pound containing 16 ounces
baker's dozen 13 units (in case one of the muffins falls on the floor).
barrel a measure of liquid volume equal in the US to 31.5 gallons; it's also half a hogshead and one-quarter of a butt.
Beaufort a scale that measures wind speed; also used for measuring hurricanes.
bit the smallest unit of information used in computer engineering, equal to 1/8 of a byte.
bolt a large roll of cloth.
bucket 2 pecks or 16 quarts (dry measure).
bushel 2 buckets or 4 pecks (dry measure).
butt 2 hogsheads or 4 barrels - i.e., 126 gallons (liquid measure)
byte a unit of information used in computer engineering, equal to 8 bits.
carat a jeweler's measure of weight (for diamonts) or purity (for gold).
coulomb a measure of electric charge
cord a quantity of logs, measuring 128 cubic feet.
cubit an ancient unit of length equal to about 18 inches
curie a unit of radioactivity
decibel a customary logarithmic measure most commonly used for measuring sound.
dram 1/16 of an ounce
elite a unit of type measurement
fahrenheit anotehr temperature scale, which places the freezing point of water at 32 degrees and the boiling point at 212 degrees
fathom a measure of water depth, equal to 6 feet.
flagon a traditional unit of liquid measurement equal to a gallon.
furlong unit of distance equal to 220 yeards or 1/8 of a mile.
gill 4 ounces (liquid measure)
grain 1/70000 of a pound
hectare a unit of and measurement equal to 2.47 acres
hertz measure of frequency
hogshead 2 barrels or one-half of a butt - i.e., 63 gallons (liquid measure).
joule a quantity of energy
knot a measure of speed at sea
Kelvin another temperature scale, which sets absolute zero (the freezing point of all mater) at 0 degrees; its degrees are equivalent to degrees Celsius +273
ohm a measure of electrical resistane.
league a unit of distance, used nautically, eaualing 3 miles or 4.8 kilometers
peck 8 quarts or one-quarter of a bushel (dry measure)
pH A scale that measures whether a substance is an acid or a base. It goes from 0 to 14:0 is an acid, 14 is a base and 7 is neutral
pica a unit of type measurement
quintal a unit of weight equal to 100 kilograms
Richter a logarithmic scale that measure tremors, earthquakes and the like
rod 16.5 feet or 5.5 yards.
Saffir-Simpson a scale that mearsures the intensity (called a category) of an earthquake
score a traditonal unit of quantity equal to 20
troy another weight scale in which, unlike the more common Avoirdupois scale, a pound contains only 12 ounces.
volt a unit of electrical output
watt a measurement of power
Created by: kvilleneuve
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