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GRE Lesson 9

100 word chunks of Barron's data

cognizance knowledge; ADJ. cognizant; having knowledge; aware
cohabit live together
cohere stick together
cohesion tendency to keep together
cohorts group of people who share some common quality; armed band; a group of between 300 and 600 soldiers under one commander (in the ancient Rome)
coiffure hairstyle
coin make coins; invent or fabricate (a word or phrase); N. coinage: word or phrase recently invented
coincidence the chance occurrence, at the same time, of two or more seemingly connected events; V. coincide: happen at the same time; be in agreement; CF. coincident; CF. coincidental
colander utensil with perforated bottom used for straining
collaborate work together; cooperate treasonably with the enemy
collage work of art put together from fragments
collate examine and compare in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order (the sheets of a book before they are bound)
collateral security given for loan; ADJ: secondary; descended from the same person but through different sons or daughters
collation a light meal; collating
collected composed; calm; self-possessed
colloquial pertaining to conversational or common speech; informal; N. colloquialism: colloquial expression
colloquy informal discussion; conversation
collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others; V. collude
colossal huge
colossus gigantic statue; person or thing of great size or importance
coma deep prolonged unconsciousness caused by disease, poison, or a severe blow
comatose in a coma; extremely sleepy
combustible easily burned; N. CF. combustion
comeback retort; quick clever reply; return to former status
comely attractive; agreeable; having a pleasing appearance
comestible something fit to be eaten
comeuppance deserts; well-deserved punishment or misfortune; rebuke
comity courtesy; civility; Ex. comity of nations
commandeer take (private property) for military use without needing permission or giving payment; draft for military purposes
commemorate honor the memory of; serve as a memorial to; Ex. commemorate the 100th anniversary/those who died in the war
commemorative remembering; honoring the memory of; Ex. commemorative stamp
commensurate equal in extent; of the same size
commiserate feel or express pity or sympathy for
commodious spacious and comfortable
commonplace ordinary; N: something ordinary or common; trite remark
commonwealth nation governed by the people; republic; people of a nation
communal held in common; public; of a group of people; of a commune
commune small (often rural) community whose members share work and income; V: exchange thoughts or feelings; Ex. commune with nature
compact agreement; contract; ADJ: tightly packed; firm; brief; concise; Ex. compact statement
compartment one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided
compassion sympathy for the suffering of others; ADJ. compassionate
compatible harmonious; in harmony with; able to exist together
compelling overpowering; irresistible in effect; holding one's attention; that compels one to do something; Ex. a compelling adventure story; V. compel
compendium brief, comprehensive summary; ADJ. compendious
compensatory making up for; repaying
compilation listing of information in tabular or book form; compiling
compile assemble; gather; accumulate; make (a report or a book) from facts and information found in various places; Ex. compile a dictionary
complacency self-satisfaction; smugness; ADJ. complacent
complaisant trying to please; obliging; willing to please others
complement complete; consummate; make perfect; N.
complementary serving to complete something
compliance conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield; disposition to yield to others; V. comply
compliant readily acting in accordance with a rule, order, or the wishes or others; yielding; comforming to requirements
complicity participation; involvement (in a questionable act or a crime)
component element; ingredient
comport bear one's self; behave; Ex. comport oneself; N. comportment
compost mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer; V: put or make compost
composure mental calmness
compound combine; produce by combining; increase; make worse by adding to or increasing; exacerbate; Ex. compound an error; ADJ: consisting of two or more parts; N: combination of two or more parts; area enclosed by a wall containing a group of buildings;
comprehend include; understand
comprehensive broad; including a lot or everything; thorough; inclusive
compress force into less space; squeeze; contract; put into fewer words; N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever, etc.
comprise include; consist of
compromise adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of; put into danger, disrepute, or a dishonorable position; Ex. compromise one's principle; N.
compulsion compelling; strong desire that is difficult to control; irresistible impulse
compulsive resulting from compulsion
compulsory obligatory; that must be done
compunction remorse; strong uneasiness caused by guilt
compute reckon; calculate
concatenate link as in a chain
concave hollow; curved inwards; OP. convex
concede admit; acknowledge as being true (often reluctantly); yield; grant; Ex. concede a goal
conceit vanity or self-love; too high opinion of one's own value; extravagant metaphor (in poetry)
concentric having a common center
conception beginning; forming of an idea; fertilization; V. conceive: form an idea in the mind; devise; become pregnant; CF. inception
concerted mutually agreed on; done together by agreement; Ex. concerted effort; CF. in concert: working together
concession an act of yielding; conceding; something conceded; point, right, etc. given unwillingly; privilege of maintaining a business in a certain place; Ex. oil concessions in the North sea; CF. concessionaire
conciliatory reconciling; soothing; V. conciliate: reconcile; soothe; win the friendly feelings (by removing anger)
concise brief and compact
conclave private secret meeting
conclusive decisive; ending all debate
concoct prepare by mixing or combining; make up in concert; devise (something false) so as to deceive; Ex. concoct an elaborate excuse for being late; N. concoction
concomitant that which accompanies; Ex. Deafnes is a frequent concommitant of old age; ADJ: existing or happening together with something else
concord harmony; accord
concordat formal agreement
concur agree; coincide; happen at the same time
concurrent happening at the same time; in agreement
condescend (derog.) bestow courtesies with a superior air; descend to the level of one considered inferior
condign adequate; (of punishment) severe and well deserved
condiments seasonings; spices
condole express condolences; N. condolence: sympathy for someone who has experienced great sorrow
condone overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse
conducive helpful; contributive; V. conduce; Ex. conduce to/towards
conduit aqueduct; passageway for fluids
confidant(confidante) trusted friend (to whom one tells one's secret)
confide tell in confidence (to a person one trusts); be confident about
confidence self-assurance; calm unworried feeling based on a strong belief in one's abilities; strong belief in the ability of a person or plan; trust or faith in a person or thing; something confided; secret; Ex. confidence in your ability; Ex. I'm telling yo
confidential spoken or written in secret; trusted with private matters; Ex. confidential secretary
confine shut in an enclosed space; restrict; keep within limits; N. confinement
confiscate seize; take possession of (private property) by official order (usu. as a punishment); commandeer
Created by: misterriley
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