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CRC certification

what two medications are prescribed to cancer patients to eradicate the cancer or for prophylaxis tamoxifen, anastrozole
the definitions of a best medical record for a RADV audit is documentation validates the CMS requested HCC's and contains all the necessary documentation elements and has additional HCC's not requested by CMS
what is reported by a provider for beneficiaries in medicare advantage plan nature of presenting problem, all chronic conditions
retrospective audits should include provider signatures, supporting documentation of pts dx, DOS
what type of audit evaluates appropriate risk score of pts RADV
what info is required when submitting documentation to support a dx for a RADV/IVA single DOS for outpatient records and the full inpatient set for hospital records
how often should a provider see and assess a pt in a calendar year to validate amputation status once a year
a peg tube is percutaneous endoscopic gastrostromy, g tube, gastrostomy
Conditions listed on the problem list for dm pt are coded as complications of the dm: True or false false
what info is usually documented by provider during pt hx pts response to current treatment, reason for encounter, providers observation of pts mood
which organs are in thoracic cavity heart, lungs
what is true regarding hierarchies utilized by some private payers
the star ratings program monitors performance of medicare advantage plans
what risk adjustment model is used by medicaid CDPS
quality measures like Star ratings and HEDIS have no correlation with the medical record information that is collected in support of risk adjustment. True or False False
which medical records can be submitted for HCC validation physicians office progress note, outpatient hospital, critical access hospital
what elements would not be taken into consideration for risk adjustment the number of years pt has been covered under medicare advantage
what is purpose of RADV audit verify accuracy of dx submitted for payment
when in outpatient setting would you code an uncertain dx code as sign or symptom
when do you code for coexisting conditions at the time of the encounter
medicare funding is allocated previous years known dxs
what data elements are used in predictive modeling DME claims, rx events, physicians claims data, facility claims data
what are domains in PQRS community population health, effective clinical care, efficiency and cost reduction, patient safety
what info is verified during RADV audit all dx codes reported are supported in medical record
what is reported when the provider documents arrow up HTN query physician
what is acceptable signature hand written
which organization is the coding clinic associated with AHA
what is the guidelines for probable, suspected, possible, questionable, in inpatient setting code the condition as if it was established
when can hemiparesis be coded documentation states weakness on one side of body, weakness on one side of body due to stroke
and addendum is used to include info about what was done to pt and should be added in a reasonable time frame, which is usually capped at a mx of X days 60 days
when does medicare require the provider to sign the medical record timely basis
when are cancer dx's coded as current when receiving treatment
what is the goal when coding for risk adjustment purposes code all current dx a pt has
funding is allocated base on what for commercial plans current years known dx's
how many records are submitted per pt in a RADV audit five
what is true regarding the star quality rating system quality bonus payments are made to medicare advantages plans who score at least four stars
what is the goal of HEDIS allow pts to compare health plans
which of the following payment models are used for payment year 2014 blended 25% of 2013 and 75% of 2014
what element of the medical record is NOT used to capture current dx radiology report
what is the purpose of collecting dx's in risk adjustment coding risk adjustment factor
what element of the documentation includes the providers objective findings exam
what is acronym for risk adjustment coding HCC
what is the purpose of risk adjustment values budget care of pt for the following year
medicare defaults much of its risk adjustment dx coding guidance to official coding guidelines and coding clinic
what is reporting period for risk adjustment coding jan to dec
what is the impact on reimbursement under the risk adjustment model if chronic conditions are not coded failure to code for chronic conditions the pt has may result in inaccurate RAF
in Star program which measure is given the highest weight outcomes
what is the purpose for capturing codes in an HCC model determine the combined risk adjustment factor
when is added value factored into the RAF for the HC model for disease interaction when two chronic illnesses paired together are complex to treat
what would lead to an underpayment failing to report all the dx's supported in the medical record
what is true regarding the star program states can either use the federal methodology or propose an alternative for certification by HHS
what is the lowest rating a plan must achieve to avoid penalties three
what is the next step after predictive modeling identifies a dx gap perform a retrospective audit to confirm proper dx code selection
which of the following is a quality review measure PQRS
how is predictive modeling used in risk adjustment determine suspected dx based on data elements
how are PQRS measure reported to CMS claims data, GPRO
under the health and human services hierarchial condition category model which plan has the hightest out of pocket expense once premium is paid bronze
what is true regarding HCC's not all dx codes are assigned an HCC
which is not to be taken into consideration for risk adjustment frequency of office visits
which provider is not an approved provider for dx code capture under the medicare HCC model anesthesiology assistant
when are retrospective reviews usually performed after the dx and risk factor data has been reported to CMS
under the HHS and HCC model which plan has the lowest out of pocket expense once the premium is paid platinum
how is FFS data used for the purposes of risk adjustment used to determine the FFS normalization adjustment
what does the abbreviation CDPS indicate Chronic Disability Payment System
what is risk adjustment models used for to determine projected costs of healthcare based on the conditions of patients
in CDPS risk adjustment models where do heart attacks fall medium
what are extra risk adjustment values or factors added when a patient has more then one major significant dx identified in the model interactions
when are prospective reviews performed prior to the dx and risk factor data being reported to CMS
what fx is considered traumatic compound
in which circumstances would an external cause be reported causes of injury or health condition
when provider documents urosepsis what do you do query
which structure in the urinary system differs in position/length between male and femal urethra
where is bile produced liver
what belongs to the appendicular skeleton pelvic girdle
which membrane is found lining the interior walls of digestive system mucous
layer in the middle of the eyeball choroid
term for first portion of the small intestine duodenum
term for draining pus out of ear otopyorrhea
long bone metacarpals
gland that secretes thyroid hormone and calitonin thyroid gland
another term for great toe hallux
glaucoma means abnormally high intraocular pressure
not considered part of the skin hypodermis
bowmans capsule c shaped structure partically surrounding the glomerulus
in order starting with innermost layer for walls of digestive tract mucosa, submucosa, muscle, serosa
auditory ossicles stapes and incus
carries sperm out of the epididymis vas deferens
bone that have trochanters femur
does not contribute to refraction of the eye aqueous
pneumomediastinum presence of air in mediastinum
does not circulate fluids thru body endocrine
tympanic membrane does what separate external ear from middle ear
leaving stomach nutrients move thru what order duodenum, jejunum, ileum
urine transported from kidneys to bladder by what ureter
respiratory structure comprised of cartilage and ligaments trachea
lies on top of the dermis and has access to rich supply of blood stratum germinativum
what is MI lack of O2 to heart tissue, resulting in tissue death
sentinel vs lymp nodes sential first lymph node to be reached by mets CA cells
ABN cost estimate should be within which range $100 or 25%
what document assists provider offices with development of compliance manuals OIG compliance Plan guidance
what is not considered a covered entity under HIPAA patients
which document is reference when looking for potential programs areas identified by the government indicating scrutiny of the serves with the coming year OIG work plan
which act was enacted a part of the american recovery and reninvestment acot of 2009 HITECH
what information is not maintained in medical record financial record
what will the scope of a compliance program depend on the size and resources of the providers practice
what year was AAPC founded 1988
when did HIPAA become law 1996
when did HITECH enacted 2009
according to OIG internal monitoring and auditing should be performed by waht periodic audits
which medicare program part is affected by centers for medicare and Medicaid services part C
what is not covered under HIPAA workers comp
a covered entity may obtain consent from an individual to use or disclose protected health info except for reasearch
what medicare part covers provider fees without the use of private insurance part B
what is the value of remittance advice states what will be paid and why any changes to charges were made
who is responsible for enforcing HIPAA OCR
what can result from improper use of cut and past in EHR dx's that are not relevant for DOS
which payer uses HEDIS measures a variety
RADV means risk adjustment data validation
how are HCC's categorized disease groups
Do HCC category hierarchies play a role in which medical record is submitted for RADV will accept lower or higher HCC to validate an HCC within the same category and can be a financial gain by submitting a higher hierarchy HCC
Retrospective audits provide companies ability to scrub/correct data what does this accomplish opportunity to increase revenue, compare claims to documentation submit deletions if not supported
example of fraud setting a policy to report all pts w/DM and CKD as a dm manifestation in order to elevate risk scores
Risk adjustment is prospective payment system
The purpose of RADV audit is to validate submitted HCC data. True or false True
how can MA plan improve their revenue develop prospective and restrospective reviews to make sure all accurate dx's are captured
An AV Fistula connects artery to vein
Chronic and acute conditions from the prev year that risk adjust are used to establish reimbursement for pt care provided by the MA plan. health reisk is redetermined every year/document all clinical findings in the medical record/HCCs must be captured every 12 months
what do you need to code for vascular ulcer location and type
what is the function of thyroid gland secrete hormones regulating body metabolism and blood calcium
which cells produce hormones to regulate blood sugar pancreatic islets
excessive potassium hyperkalemia
what is predictive modeling analysis of data to determine hypothesis related to the future health care needs of patients
in risk adjustment models, risk scores are used to adjust payments for each beneficiary's expected expenditures. True or false true
what can affect RAF score disease interactions, age, manifestations of chronic illness
Is HEDIS a division of the centers of medicare and Medicaid services no
RAPS is Risk adjustment processing system
what risk adjustment model incorporates high, medium and low risk in the numeric value CDPS
Created by: Thollie



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