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GRE vocab T
Question | Answer |
quaff | drink with relish |
quagmire | soft wet boggy land, complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself |
quail | lose heart, clower |
qualified | limited, restricted |
quandary | dilemma |
quarry | victim, object of a hunt |
quash | subdue, crush, squash |
quay | dock, landing place |
querulous | fretful, whining |
quibble | minor objection or complint |
quiscent | at rest, dormant, temporarily inactive |
quintessence | purest and highest embodiment |
quip | taunt |
quisling | traitor who aids invadors |
quixotic | idealistic but impratical |
quizzical | teasing, bantering, mocking |
quorum | number of members necessary to conduct a meeting |
quotidian | daily, commonplace, customary |
raconteur | story teller |
ragamuffin | person wearing tattered clothes |
rail | scold, rant |
raiment | clothing |
rakish | stylish, sporty |
rally | revive, recuperate |
ramifications | subdivision |
rampart | defensive mound of earth |
ramshackle | rickety, falling apart |
rancor | bitterness, hatred |
rankle | irritate, fester |
rapacious | excessively grasping, plundering |
rapport | emotional closeness, harmony |
rarefied | mede less dense |
ratiocination | reasoning, act of drawing conclusion from premises |
ravel | rall apart into tangles, unravel or untwist, entangle |
reactionary | opposing progress, politically ultraconservative |
rebuff | snub, beat back |
rebus | puzzle in which pictures stand for words |
recalcitrant | obstinately stubborn, determined to resist authority, unruly |
recapitulate | summarize |
recast | reconstruct, fashion again |
recidivism | habitual return to crime |
recondite | abstruse, profound, secret |
reconnaissance | survey of enemy by soldiers |
recourse | resorting to help when in trouble |
recriminaton | countercharges |
rectitude | uprightness, moral cirtue, correctness of judgment |
recumbent | reclining, lying down completely or in part |
redolent | fragrant, odorous, suggestive of an odor |
redoubtable | formidable, causing fear |
redress | remedy, compensation |
refectory | dining hall |
refraction | bending of a ray of light |
refractory | stubborn, unmanageable |
refulgent | brightly shining, gleaming |
regale | entertain |
regatta | boat or yacht race |
regicide | murder of a king or queen |
rejoinder | retort, comeback, reply |
relegate | banish to an inferior position |
remediable | reparable |
remiss | negligent |
remonstrance | protest, objection |
remunerative | compensating, rewarding |
rend | split, tear apart |
render | deliver, provide, represent |
renege | deny, go back on |
rent | rip, split |
reparable | capable of being repaired |
repartee | clever reply |
repast | meal, feast, banquet |
repercussion | rebound, reverberation, reaction |
repine | fret, complain |
replete | filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed, abundantly supplied |
repository | storehouse |
reprehensible | deserving blame |
reprieve | temporary stay |
reprisal | retaliation |
reprise | repeat performance |
reprobate | person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency |
reprobation | severe disapproval |
reprove | censure, rebuke |
repudiate | disown, disavow |
repugnance | loathing |
requiem | mass for the dead, dirge |
requite | repay, revenge |
rescind | cancel |
residue | balance |
resilient | elastic |
respite | interval of relief, time for rest, delay in punishment |
resplendent | dazzling, glorious, brilliant |
restitution | reparation |
restive | restlessly impatient, obstinately resisting control |
resumption | taking up again, recommencement |
reticent | reserved, uncommunicative, inclined to silence |
retinue | following, attendants |
retiring | shy, modest |
retrench | cut down, economize |
retroactive | taking effect before its enactment or imposition |
retrograde | go backwards, degenerate |
revelry | boisterous merrymaking |
reverie | daydream, musing |
revile | attack with abusive language, vilify |
rhapsodize | to speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner |
ribald | wanton, profane |
rider | amendment or clause added to a legislative bill |
rife | abundant, current |
rigor | severity |
rile | irritate, muddy, vex |
roil | to make liquids murky by stirring up sediment, to disturb |
roseate | rosy, optimistic |
rostrum | platform for speech making, pulpit |
rote | repetition |
rotunda | circular building or hall covered with a dome |
rotundity | roundness, sonorousness of speech |
rout | stampede, drive out |
rubric | title or heading, directions for religious ceremony |
rue | mourn, regret, lament |
runic | mysterious, set down in an ancient alphabet |
rusticate | banish to the country, dwell in the country |
saccharine | cloyingly sweet |
sacrosanct | most sacred, inviolable |
sagacious | perceptive, shrewd, having insight |
salacious | lascivious, lustful |
salient | prominent |
sallow | yellow, sickly in color |
salubrious | healthful |
salutary | tending to improve, beneficial, wholesome |
sanctimonious | displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness |
sanguine | cheerful, hopeful |
sap | diminish, undermine |
sardonic | disdainful, sarcastic, cynical |
sartorial | pertaining to tailors |
sate | satisfy to the full, cloy |
satiate | satisfy fully |
saturnine | gloomy |
savant | scholar |
scintilla | shread, least bit |
scad | great quantity |
scintillate | sparkle, flash |
scotch | stamp out, thwart, hinder |
scourge | lash, whip, severe punishment |
scruple | fret about, hesitate, for ethical reasons |
scurrilous | obscene, indecent |
scurvy | despicable, contemptible |
scuttle | sink |
seamy | sordid, unwholesome |
secession | withdrawl |
secrete | hide away or cache, produce and release a substance into an organism |
sedition | resistance to authority, insubordination |
sedulous | diligent |
seemly | proper, appropriate |
seine | net for catching fish |
seminal | germinal, influencing future development, related to seed or semen |
sententious | terse, concise, aphoristic |
sentient | capable of sensation, aware, sensitive |
septic | putrid, producing putrefaction |
sepulcher | tomb |
sequester | isolate, retire from public life, segregate, seclude |
sere | parched, dry |
sextant | navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude |
sheathe | place into a case |
shrew | scolding woman |
shunt | turn aside, divert, sidetrack |
shyster | lawyer using questionable methods |
sibylline | phophetic, oracular |
sidereal | relating to the stars |
simper | smirk, smile affectedly |
sinecure | well paid position with little responsibility |
sinewy | strong and firm, tough |
singular | unique, extraordinary, odd |
sinuous | winding, bending in and out, not morally honest |
skiff | small, light sailboat or rowboat |
skinflint | stingy person, miser |
skulduggery | dishonest behavior |
skulk | move furtively and secretly |
slag | residue from smelting metal, dross, waste matter |
slake | quench, sate |
slapdash | haphazard, careless, sloppy |
sleeper | something originally of little value or importance athat in time becomes very valuable |
sleight | dexterity |
slew | large number or quantity |
slight | insult to one's dignity, snub |
slipshod | untidy or slovenly, shabby |
slovenly | untidy, careless in work habits |
sluice | artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water |
slur | insult to one's character or reputation, slander |
smattering | slight knowledge |
sobriety | moderation, seriousness |
sodden | soaked, dull as if from drink |
sojourn | temporary stay |
solace | comfort in trouble |
solder | repair or make whole by using a metal alloy |
solecism | construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically |
solicitous | worried, concerned |
solstice | point at which the sun is farthest from the equator |
solvent | able to pay all debts |
somnambulist | sleepwalker |
somnolent | half asleep |
sonorous | resonant |
sophist | teacher of philosophy, quibbler, employer of fallacious reasoning |
sophistry | seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning |
sophomoric | immature, half baked, like a sophomore |
soporific | sleep causing, marked by sleepiness |
spangle | small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation |
spartan | lacking luxury and comfort, sternly disciplined |
spat | squabble, minor dispute |
spate | sudden flood |
specious | seemingly reasonable for incorrect, misleading |
spectral | ghostly |
spendthift | someone who wastes money |
sphinx like | enigmatic, mysterious |
spoonerism | accidental transposition of sounds in successive words |
spruce | neat and trim |
spry | vigorously active, nimble |
spurious | false, counterfeit, forged, illogical |
staid | sober, sedate |
stalwart | strong, brawny, steadfast |
stanch | check flow of blood |
statute | law enacted by the legislature |
statutory | created by statute or legislative action |
stentorian | extremely loud |
stigma | token of disgrace, brand |
stilted | bombastic, stiffly pompous |
stint | be thrifty, set limits, supply, allotted amount, assigned portion of work |
stipple | paint or draw with dots |
stipulate | make express conditions, specify |
stockade | wooden enclosure or pen, fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier |
stodgy | stuffy, boringly conservative |
stoke | stir up a fire, feed splentifully |
stolid | dull, impassive |
stratum | layer of earth's surface, layer of society |
stricture | critical comments, severe and adverse criticism |
strident | loud and harsh, insistent |
stringent | binding, rigid |
strut | supporting bar |
stultify | cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent, frustrate or hinder |
stygian | gloomy, hellish, deathly |
stymie | present an obstacle, stump |
sauvity | urbanity, polish |
subaltern | subordinate |
subjective | occurring or taking place within the mind, unreal |
subjugate | conquer, bring under control |
sublimate | refine, purify |
suborn | persuade to act unlawfully |
subpeona | writ summoning a witness to appear |
subsidiary | subordinate, secondary |
subsistence | existence, means of support, livelihood |
substantiate | establish by evidence, verify, support |
subsume | include, encompass |
subversive | tending to overthrow, destructive |
succor | aid, assist, comfort |
sumptuous | lavish, rich |
sunder | separate, part |
sundry | various, several |
superannuated | retired or disqualified because of age |
supercilious | arrogant, condescending, patronizing |
supererogatory | superfluous, more than needed or demanded |
supernumerary | person or thing in excess of what is necessary, extra |
supine | lying on back |
supplant | replace, usurp |
suppliant | entreating, beseeching |
supplicate | petition humbly, pray to grant a favor |
supposition | hypothesis, surmise |
supposititisou | assumed, counterfeit, hypothetical |
surfeit | satiate, stuff, indulge to excess in anything |
surmise | guess |
surmount | overcome |
suture | stitches sewn to hold the cute edges of a wound or incision, material used in sewing |
swarthy | dark, dusky |
swathe | wrap around, bandage |
swill | drink greedily |
sybarite | lover of luxury |
sycophant | servile flatterer, bootlicker, yes man |
syllogism | logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion, deceptive or specious argument |
sylvan | pertaining to the woods, rustic |
synoptic | providing a general overview, summary |
tacit | understood, not put into words |
taciturn | habitually silent, talking little |
tantamount | equivalent in effect or value |
taper | candle |
tarry | delay, dawdle |
tautological | needlessly repetitious |
tawdry | cheap and gaudy |
teetotalism | practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic drink |
temerity | boldness, rashness |
tempestuous | stormy, impassioned, violent |
temporize | act evasively to gain time, avoid committing oneself |
tenatious | holding fast |
tenacity | firmness, persistence |
tendentious | having an aim, biased, designed to further a cause |
tender | offer, extend |
tenet | doctrine, dogma |
tensile | capable of being stretched |
tenuous | thin, rare, slim |
tepid | lukewarm |
terrestrial | on or relating to the earth |
tesselated | inlaid, mosaic |
testator | maker of a will |
theocracy | government run by religious leaders |
thrall | slave, bondage |
throttle | strangle |
tightwad | excessively frugal person, miser |
tiller | handle used to move boat's rudder |
timbre | quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument |
timorous | fearful, demonstrating fear |
tipple | drink frequently |
tirade | extended scolding, denunciation |
tithe | tax of one-tenth |
titter | nervous laugh |
titular | having the title of an office without the obligations |
toady | servile flatterer, yes man |
tome | large volume |
tonsure | shaving of the dead, esp by person entering religious orders |
torpor | lethargy, sluggishness, dormancy |
torrid | passionate, hot or scorching |
tortuous | winding, full of curves |
touchstone | stone used to test the fineness of fold alloys, criterion |
tout | publicize, praise excessively |
tract | pamphlet, a region of indefinite size |
tractable | docile, easily managed |
traduce | expose to slander |
transcendent | surpassing, exceeding ordinary limits, superior |
transfigure | transform outwardly, usually for th ebetter, change in form or aspect |
transgression | violation of a law, sin |
transmute | change, convert to something different |
transpire | be revealed, happen |
transport | strong emotion |
trappings | outward decorations, ornaments |
travail | painful physical or mental labor, drudgery, torment |
traverse | go through or across |
travesty | harshly distorted imitation, parody, debased likeness |
tremulous | trembling, wavering |
trenchant | forceful and vigorous, cutting |
tribulation | distress, suffering |
tribute | tax levied by a ruler |
troth | pledge of good faith especially in betrothal |
truculence | aggressiveness, ferocity |
truism | self evident truth |
tryst | meeting |
tumid | swollen, pompous, bombastic |
tumult | commotion, riot, noise |
turbid | muddy, having the sediment |
tureen | deep dish for serving soup |
turgid | swollen, distended |
turncoat | traitor |
turpitude | depravity |
tutelage | guardianship, training |
tutelary | protective, pertaining to a guardianship |
tyro | beginning, novice |