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What hormone is responsible for maintaining a pregnancy? Progesterone
What are irregular, painless contractions called? braxton Hicks contractions
When should a pregnant come in to the hospital when having contractions? when the contractions last more than 60 seconds and become regular
What does the term decidua amean? It is the endometrial lining of the uterus
What is Chadwick' sign A bluish discoloration of the cervix,vulva and vagina. The nurse would inspect the woman for this discoloration
What is Goodell's sgn? is a sofenting of the cervix thast occurs due to hormonal changes
Are pregnant more susceptible to yeast infections? Yes
What is palmar erythema/ It is a reddish discoloration of the palms and it occurs in about 60% of Caucasian women and in about 35% of African American woman during pregnancy
The pregnant woman has ptyalism. What teaching can the nurse do? Chewing gum and using lozenges can offer limited relief
A woman in her second trimester complains of being short of breath?Lungs are clear and oxygen saturation is 98% Encourage slow deep breathing
A pregnant woman in her third trimester comes in and complains of excessive fatique. Her hemoglobin is 11.2 g/dl. What action by the nurse is best? Assess if the woman's diet is adequate for iron and protein
How does the nurse know if teaching regarding heartburn(pyrosis) during prgnancy is effective? I will not lie down for an hour after eating.
A client complains of sharp, right sided lower abdominal pain.. This type of pain is due to round ligament pain
A more serious condition that cause pain similar to round ligament pain is appendicitis.What additional questions should the nurse ask? Do you have fever ,constipation, or any diarrhea
According to Reva Rubin ,completion of what task is of paramount importance for a pregnant woman to dues so as to be successful in her maternal role? Incorporating the pregnancy into her total identitiy
A woman is near term, she is accompanied by her partner, The father confides that the patient is cranky,irritable and yells at him for no reason Rassure the father that these behaviors are normal. encourage him to b e supportive
What is couvade syndrome? iT IS WHEN A MALE PARTNER EXPERIENCES THE SAME MATERNAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS as his pregnant partner
What are the primary sources of caffeine for Pregnant woman? Coffee, tea,and soda
Pregnant woman should be encouraged to restrict their intake of caffeinated beverages to------- Less than two cups of caffeine a day
Pregnant woman's medications and finds that one of them is categorized as Category D. What is category D? Category D --there is evidence of adverse effects in animals fetuses,and fetus risk in human. Medical team needs to decide if the benefits of this drug outweigh the risk,as it can harm the fetus.
% percent of maternal weight gain is attributed to placental fluid
What does the triple marker screen and the quadruple marker screen for ? alpha-fetoprotein,esterdiol, human chorionic gonadotropin, and other markers
What does the triple marker and quadruple marker screen for> These tests screen for potential neural tube, defects, Down Syndrome,and Trisomy 18
If these triple or quad scan is positive, what should occur? The patient should be referred to a genetics specialist for counseling and further testing.
A pregnant woman ia taking iron tablets. What Is important to teach this woman? Drink at least one glass of roange juice a day
A woman is pregnant for second time. This is her second pregnancy. She has only gained 5 pounds and is concerned about her body image. What should the nurse be concerned about? Anorexia nervosa
Women can continue to work during pregnancy. Some medical problems and pregnancy complications can be a red flag to reduce work hours.. What do they include diabetes,kidney disease, heart diseas, hypertnesion ,and a history of spontaneous abortion
a PREGNANT WOMAN PRACTICES YOGA FIVE TIMES A WEEK. What should you ask the patient? Ask if any yoga positions involve arching the backYou should not arch back beyond 45 degrees.
What kind of complications occur if the woman takes cocaine during the pregnancy to the newborn? Complications sinclude congenital abnormalities to the skull, brain, face, eyes,intestines, heart, limbs, genital and urinary tract
What information is essential when teaching Dick-Read method of childbirth? Relaxation is vital because pain is caused by fear and tension
A 25 weeks pregnant patient has an elevated blood pressure. What would be an appropriate action of the office nurse? Obtain a urine dipstick for proteinuria and assess for headache,
A pregnant woman in her last trimester has fainted after rising from a supine position. What should be a priority for the nurse? Obtain a blood glucose reading
A pregnant patient has been previously diagnosed as having round ligament pain. Name one important self care intervention. The patient states she she has been supporting her uterus with a pillow when resting
An expectant couple comes to the client complaining of dyspareunia. What should the nurse do? Suggest sexual positions that may be comfortable for the women
A Pregnant client complains of urinary frequency and worries about incontinence. What should the nurse teach this patient Teach the client to perform Kegel exercises. , Remain well hydrated and voids frequently
A pregnant client lifts weights with a partner. What teaching should the nurse address? adjust the bench so that it is tilted and not flat.. Lifting from a supine position can cause vena cava syndrome and decrease placental perfusion
A woman is in her second trimester and desires to continue exercise plan and weight lifting? What exercise should the nurse recommend against/ Walking lunges should be avoided because it may injure connective tissue in the pelvic
In order to do kegel exercises, the pregnant woman needs to learn to isolate the Pubococcygeal muscle. true or false True
fetus is unable to reduce body temperature through perspiration and relies on the mother's body for temperature regulation. True or false true
The first Leopold Maneuver determines which fetal body part occupies the uterine fundus
What question should b ask during the first prenatal visit to determine intimate partner violence.? Do you feel safe in your living environment and relationships
What are presumptive signs of pregnancy ? They are symptoms that are subjectively reported and could be caused by anothe rcondition
Despite planning a pregnancy many women (and their partners) become ambivalent when faced with a positive pregnancy True or false True
What is a positive Hegar sign? It is a softening of the lower uterine segment and a probable sign of pregnancy
If a pregnant woman complains of fever, burning with urination, bloody urine and amenorrhea. To evaluate what is the best thing that a nurse can do? Instruct her in obtaining a midstream urine sample.
What does parity mean? The term "parity" means the number of pregnancies carried to the point of viability,WHich is generally accepted as at least 24 weeks.
Should a pregnant woman receive a flu vaccine? Getting the flu vaccine is an essential element of prenatal car
What is the purpose of the third Leopold maneuver ? This maneuver is performed to confirm the presenting part and to determine is it is engaged
When is the fundal height measurement is initiated _____ and what does it correlated with? 22 weeks and is recorded in centimeter. It should closely approximate the weeks of gestation
When is the nuchal translucency test done? Between 11 and 14 weeks gestation
What does a nuchal translucency measurement of 3 indicate? It indicates a increase risk for trisomy 13, 18,and 21
At 4o years of age, a woman risk of having a baby with Down's syndrome iis? 1 in 85
_________can cause fetal abnormalities such as heart defects and congenital cataracts; Rubella'
What happens during preconceptional counseling? It is an ideal time to identify conditions that could lead to a future negative pregnancy outcomes.. Patient can be educated about the risks and assist in developing a plan to lessen these conditions or avoid them
A negative titer indicates susceptibility to the disease
Women who continue to smoke during a pregnancy often report high levels of trauma and abuse. True or False True and may also have higher levels of PTSD symptoms
Attending prenatal classes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having a prepared space for the baby indicate some_________ degree of positive adaptation to a pregnancy
What is a nursing priority for a woman preparing for a planned home birth? Ensure the woman has safe,rapid,and available transportation to a nearby hospital
What does Lamaze teach about pain in childbirth/ pain is a natural and normal part of childbirth. Lamaze empowers women with strategies to cope with pain in positive ways
What is the Odent method of childbirth? The odent method involves the woman's giving birth in a warm water bath.
Who is not a candidate for this methods. Women who need continuous monitoring such as rupture of the membranes and/or women who want an epidural
What is a doula ? It is a woman who is experienced in labor provide support for a pregnant mother
What is the goal of the human Genome Project? Identify exact DNA sequences and genes occuring in Humans
This is the study of the functions and interactions of all the genes in the genome Genoomics
Where in the cell can one's genes be found? In the Nucleus
Cystic Fibrosis is an example of an autosomal recessive disorder. This means that Both parents are carriers of the disorder
What does it mean when a patient has a condition caused by Monosomy X. It is a condition in which only one of the paired chromosomes is prsent It is a condition in which only one of the paired chromosomes is present
What is a the most common example of a monosomy X disorder? Turner's syndrome
Children with Turner's syndrome are female and have juvenile external genitalia, underdeveloped ovaries, short stature, webbing of the neck, cardiac disorder, and possible intellectual issues
If a baby is born at 26 weeks, can it survive/ It can survive ,because all body systems are completely mature
What is a normal finding with an umbilical cord stump? On vein , two arteries
What is wharton's jelly? Special type of connective tisssue that protects the cord from compressiop
How would you describe the foramen ovale? It is the opening in the heart between the right and left ventricle.
________is the most common genetic disorder among people of Jewish ancestry Tay Sachs disease
How would you define lanugo? It is the fine downy hair seen on fetuses
Created by: bdragich1



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