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GRE vocab M to P

mace ceremonial staff
macerate soften by soaking in liquid, waste away'
machinations evil schemes or plots
maculated spotted, stained
madrigal pastoral song
maelstorm whirlpool
maganimity generosity
magnate person of prominence or influence
magniloquent boastful, pompous
maladroit clumsy, bungling
malapropism comic misuse of a word
malediction curse
malefactor evildoer, criminal
malfeasance wrongdoing
malingerer one who feigns illness to escape duty
malodorous foul smelling
manacle handcuff, restrain
mannered affected, not natural
manumit emancipate, free from bondage
marshal put in order
martial warlike
martinet obsessed with rules?
masticate chew
matriculate enroll
matrix point of origin
maudlin effusively sentimental
mawkish mushy and gushy
maxim proverb, a truth pithily stated
mealymouthed indirect in speech, hypocritical, evasive
melee fight
mellifluous sweetly or smoothly flowing, melodious
menagerie collection of wild animals
mendacious lying
mendicant beggar
mercantile concerning trade
mercenary motivated by soely money or gain
mercurial capricious, changing, fickle
meretricious flashy, tawdry
merger combination
metallurgical pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores
metaphysical pertaining to speculoative philosophy
mete measure, distribute
meteoric swift, momentarily brilliant
mettle courage, spirit
milieu environment, means of expression
militate work against
minatory menacing, threatening
mincing affectedly dainty
minutiae petty details
mire entangle, stick in swampy ground
misadventure ill luck, mischance
misanthrope one who hates mankind
misapprehension error, misunderstanding
miscreant wretch, villain
misgivings doubts
misogamy hatred of marriage
misogynist hater of women
missive letter
mite small coin, small object or creature
mode prevailing style
modicum limited quantity
modish fashionable
mogul powerful person
mollycoddle pamper, indulge excessively
monolithic solidly uniform, unyielding
moratorium legal delay of payment
mordant biting, sarcastic, stinging
mores conventions, moral standards, customs
moribund dying
mote small speck
motley mixed
mountebank charlatan, boastful pretender
mulct defraud a person of something
multifarious varied, greatly diversified
mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual
munificent very generous
mutability ability to change in form, fickleness
myopic nearsighted, lacking foresight
myraid very large number
nadir lowest point
nascent incipient, coming into being
natation swimming
natty neatly or smartly dressed
nebulous vague, hazy, cloudy
necromancy black magic, dealings with the dead
nefarious very wicked
nemesis someone seeking revenge
neologism new or newly coined word or phrase
neophyte recent convert, beginner
nepotism favortism
nether lower
nettle annoy, vex
nexus connection
nib beak, pen point
nicety precision, minute distinction
niggardly meanly stingy, parsimonious
niggle spend too much time on minor points, carp
nihilist one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless
noisome foul smelling, unwholesome
nominal in name only, trifling
nondescript undistinctive, ordinary
nonplus bring to a half by confusion, perplex
nostrum questionable medicine
nubile marriageable
nugatory futile, worthless
numismatist person who collects coins
nuptial related to marriage
obdurate stubborn
obeisance bow
obfuscate confuse, muddle
oblique indirect, slanting
obloquy slander, disgrace, infamy
obsequious slavishly attentive, servile
obsequy funeral ceremony
obsidian black volcanic rock
obstreperous boisterous, noisy
obtrude push forward or intrude, butt in, stick out or extrude
obviate make unnecessary, get rid of
occident the west
occlude shut, close
occult mysterious, secret, supernatural
odious hateful, vile
odium detestation, hatefulness, disrepute
officious meddlesome, excessively pushy in offering one's services
oligarchy government by a priviledged few
omnipresent universally present
onerous burdensome
onus burden, responsibility
opiate medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain, something that relieves emotions or causes inaction
opportunist individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances
opprobrium infamy, vilification
opus work
oracular prophetic, mysterious
oratorio dramatic poem set to music
ordain decree
ordinance decree
ordination ceremony conferring holy orders
orientation act of finding oneself in society
ornithologist scientific student of birds
orthography correct spelling
osseous made of bone, bony
ossify change or harden into bone
ostensible apparent, professed, pretended
outmoded no longer stylish, old fashioned
outspoken blunt, candid
outstrip surpass, outdo
overweening presumptuous, arrogant
ovoid eggshaped
pachyderm thich skinned animal
paean song of praise or joy
palate roof of the mouth
palatial magnificent
palimpsest parchment used for second time after original writing has been erased
pall grow tiresome
pallet small poor bed
palliate ease pain, make les severe or offensive
pallid pale, wan
palpable tangible, easily perceptible
paltry trifling, petty, insignificant
pan criticize harshly
panacea cureall, remedy for all diseases
panache flair, flamboyance
pander cater to the low desires of others
panegyric formal praise
panoramic denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view
parable short, simple story teaching a moral
paragon model of perfection
paramount foremost in importance
paramour illicit lover
pariah social outcast
parity equality, close resemblance
parlance language, idiom
parley conference
parochial narrow in outlook, provincial, related to parishes
paroxysm fit or attack of pain or laughter or rage
parquet floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaiclike pattern
parry ward off a blow, deflect
parsimony stinginess, excessive frugality
partisam one sided, prejudiced, committed to a party
passe old fashioned, past the prime
pastiche imitation of another's sthyle in musiocal composition or in writing
patent open for the public to read, obvious
pathos tender sorrow, pity, quality in art or literature that produces these feelings
patina green crust on old bronze works, tone slowly taken by varnished painting
patois local or provinvial dialect
patrician noble, aristocratic
paucity scarcity
peccadillo slight offense
pecuniary pertaining to money
pedagogue teacher
pedagogy teaching, art of education
pedant scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities
pedantic showing off learning, bookish
pedestrian ordinary, unimaginative
pejorative negative in connotation, having a belittling effect
pell mell in confusion, disorderly
pellucid transparent, limpid, easy to understand
penchant strong inclination, liking
pendant hanging down from something
pendulous hanging, suspended
penumbra partial shadow
penury severe poverty, stinginess
peon landless agricultural worker, bond servant
perdition damnation, complete ruin
peregination journey
peremptory demanding and leaving no choice
perennial something long lasting
perfidious treacherous, disloyal
perfunctory superficial, not thorough, lacking interest
perigee point of moon's orbit when it is nearest to earth
perpatetic walking about, moving
perjury false testimony while under oath
pernicious very destructive
perpration conclusion of an oration
perquisite any gain above stipulated salary
perspicacious having insight, penetrating, astute
perspicuity clearness of expression, freedom from ambiguity
perspicuous painly expressed
pert impertinent, forward
pertinacious stubborn, persistant
pervasive spread throughout
pestilential causing plague, baneful
petulant touchy, peevish
pharisaical pertaining to the Pharisees, who paid scrupulous attention to tradition, selfrighteous, hypocritical
philatelist stamp collector
philistine narrow minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain
philology study of language
phlegmatic calm, not easily disturbed
phylum major classification, second to kindgom, division
physiognomy face
piebald of different colors, ,ottled, spotted
piecemeal one part at a time, gradually
pied variegated, multicolored
pillory punish by placing in a wooden frame, subject to criticism and ridicule
pinion restrain
piquant pleasantly tart tasting, stimulating
piscatorial pertaining to fishing
pith core or marrow, essence, substance
pithy concise, meaningful, substantial, meaty
pittance small allowance or wage
placid calm, peaceful
plaintive mountful
plait braid, intertwine
plasticity ability to be molded
platitude trite remark, commonplace statement
platonic purely spiritual, theoetical, without sensual desire
plaudit enthusiastic approval, round of applause
plebian common, common people
plenary complete, full
plenitude abundance, completeness
pluck courage
plumb examine critically in order to understand, measure depth, vertical
plutocracy society ruled by the wealthy
polemic controversy, argument in support of point of view
polemical aggressive in verbal attack, disputatious
politic expedient, prudent, well devised
polity form of government of nation or state
polyglot speaking several languages
pontifical pertaining to a bishop or pope, pompous or pretentious
portend foretell, presage
portent sign, omen, forewarning
posterity descendants, future generations
postulate self evident truth
potable suitable for drinking
potentate monarc h, sovereign
poultice soothing application applied to sore and inflamed portions of the body
practicable feasible
pragmatic practical
pramatist practical person
prate speak foolishly, boast idly
precept practical rule guiding conduct
precipitate rash, premature, hasty, sudden, throw headlong, hasten
precipitant something that causes percipitation
precipitous steep, overhasty
precis concise summing up of main points
preclude make impossible, eliminate
precocious advanced in development
predilection partiality, preference
predispose give in inclination toward, make susceptible to
preeminent outstanding, superior
preempt head off, forestall by actinf fist, appropriate for oneself, supplant
prefactory introductory
prelate church dignitary
premise assumption, postulate
premonitory serving to warn
preponderance superiority of power or quantity
presage foretell
prescience ability to foretell the future
presentiment feeling something will happen, anticipatory fear, premonition
preternatural beyond that which is normal in nature
pretext excuse
prevaricate lie
primogeniture seniority by birth
pristine characteristic of earlier times, primitive, unspoiled
privation hardship, want
probity uprightness, incorruptibility
proclivity inclination, natural tendency
prodigal wasteful, reckless with money
prodigious marvelous, enormous
profligate diffipated, wasteful, wildly immoral
prognosticate predict
prolixity tedious wordiness, verbosity
promiscusous mixed indiscriminately, haphazard, irregular
promontory headland
promulgate proclaim a doctrine or law, make known by official publication
propensity natural inclination
prophylactic used to prevent disease
propinquity nearness, kinship
propitiate appease
propitious favorable, fortunate, advantageous
proponent supporter, backer
propound put forth for analysis
propriety fitness, correct conduct
propulsive driving forward
prosaid dull and unimaginative, matter of fact, factual
proscenium part of stage in front of curtain
proscribe ostracize, branish, outlaw
proselytize induce someone to convert to a religion or belief
prosody the art of versification
prostrate stretch out full on ground
protean versatile, able to take on many forms
protocol diplomatic etiquette
protract prolong
proturberance protrusion, bulge
provenance origin or source of something
provender dry food, fodder
privident displaying foresight, thrifty, preparing for emergencies
provincial limited in outlook, unsophisticated
provisional tentative
proviso stipulation
proxy authorized agent
prurient having or causing lustful thoughts and desires
puerile childish
pugilist boxer
pugnacity combativeness, disposition to fight
puissant powerful, strong, potent
pulchritude beauty, comeliness
punctilious stressing niceties of conduct or form, minutely attentive to fine points
pundit authority on a subject, learned personm exoert
punitive punishing
purchase firm grasp or footing
purport intention, meaning
purported alleged, claimed, reputed or rumored
purveyor furnisher of foodstuffs, caterer
pusillanimous cowardly, fainthearted
putative supposed, reputed
pylon marking post to guide aviators, steel tower supporting cables or telephone lines
Created by: ailin
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