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GRE vocab I to L

ichthyology study of fish
iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions
idiosyncrasy individual trait
igneous produced by fire, volcanic
ignobloe unworthy, not noble
ignominy deep disgrace, shame or dishonr
illimitable infinite
illusive deceiving
imbibe drink in
imbroglio complicated situation, plainful or complex misunderstanding, entanglement, confused mass
imbue saturate, fill
immolate offer as a sacrifice
immure shut up in confinement, imprison
immutable unchangeable
impalpable imperceptible, intangible
impassable not able to be traveled or crossed
impasse predicament from which there is no escape
impassive without feleing, stoical
impecunious without money
impel drive or force onward
impenitent not repentant
imperious domineering, haughty
impertinent insolent, rude
imperturbable calm, placid
impetuous violent, rash, hasty
impetus moving force, incentive, stimulus
impinge infringe, touch, collide with
implacable incapable of being pacified
impolitic not wise
imponderable weightless
importunate urging, demanding
importune beg persistently
imprecation curse
impregnable invulnerable
improvident thriftless
imprudent lacking caution
imprudence impertinence, insolence
impugn dispute or contradict
impuissance powerlessness, feebleness
impunity freedom from punishment or harm
impute attribute, ascribe
inalienable not to be taken away, nontransferable
inane silly, senseless
incandescent strikingly bright, shining with intense heat
incarcerate imprison
incarnate endow with flesh, personified
incendiary arsonist
inchoate recently begun, rudimentary, elementary
incidental not essential, minor
incipient beginning, in an early stage
incisive cutting, sharp
inclement stormy, unkind
incommodious not spacious, inconvenient
inconsequential insignificant
incontinent lacking self restraint
incontrovertible indisputable
incorporeal lacking a material body
incredulity tendency to disbelief
incredulous withholding belief, skeptical
incubus nightmare, burden, mental care
inculcate teach
incumbent obligatory, currently holding office
incur bring upon oneself
incursion temporary invasion
indefatigable tireless
indelible not able to be eased
indemnify make secure against loss, compensate for loss
indices signs, indications
indigence poverty
indigent poor, destitute
indignity offensive or insulting treatment
indissoluble permanent
indite write, compose
indubitable unable to be doubted
inductive pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general
inenriated habitually drunk,
ineffable unutterable, cannot be expressed with speech
ineffectual not effective, weak
ineluctable irresistible, not to be escaped
inerrancy infallibility
inexorable relentless, unyielding
infidel unbeliever
infraction violation
infringe violate, encroach
ingratiate become popular with
inimical unfriendly, hostile, harmful, detrimental
inimitable matchless, not able to be imitated
iniquitous wicked, immoral
innocuous harmless
innuendo hint, insinuation
inordinate unrestrained, excessive
insalubrious unwholesome, not healthful
inscrutable impenetrable, mysterious
insensate without feeling
insensible unconscious, unresponsive
insidious treacherous, stealthy, sly
insinuate hint, imply, creep in
insipid lacking in flavor, dull
insolvent brankrupt, lacking money to pay
insouciant indifferent, without concern or care
insularity narrow mindedness, isolation
insuperable unbeatable
insurgent rebellious
insurmountable overwhelming, unbeatable
insurrection rebellion, uprising
interdict prohibit, forbid
interim meantime
interloper intruder
interminable endless
internecine mutually destructive
interpolate insert between
interregnum period between two reigns
intimate hint
intractable unruly, stubbon, unyielding
intransigence refusal of any compromise, stubbornness
intrepid fearless
inundate overwhelm, flood, submerge
inured accustomed, hardened
invalidate weaken, destroy
invective abuse
inveigh denounce
inveigle lead astry, wheedle
inveterate deeprooted, habitual
invidious designed to create ill will or envy
irascible irritable, easily angered
irremediable incurable, uncorrectable
irrepressible unable to be restrained or held back
irreproachable blameless, impeccable
isthmus narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land
itinerant wandering, traveling
jaded fatigued, surfeited
jaundiced prejudiced
jaunt short journey, trip
jaunty lighthearted, animated, easy and carefree
jettison throw overboard
jibe agree, be in harmony with
jingoist extremely aggressive and militant patriot, warlike chauvinist
jocose given to joking
jocular said in jest
jocund merry
juggernaut irresistible crushing force
juncture crisis, joining point
junket trip, esp one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense
junta group of persons joined in political intrigue
jurisprudence science of law
ken range of knowledge
kismet fate
knell tolling of a bell, esp to indicate funeral or disaster
knoll small hilll
labile likely to change, unstable
lachrymose producing tears
lackadaisical lacking purpose or zest, halfhearted, languid
laconic brief and to the point
laity laypersons
lambaste beat, thrash verbally or physically
lampoon ridicule
lancet small surgical tool for making incisions
larceny theft
larder pantry, place where food is kept
largess generous gift
lascivious lustful
lassitude languor, weariness
latitude freedom from narrow limitations
laud praise
leery suspicious, cautious
legerdemain sleight of hand
levee earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding
levy impose, collect
lexicographer compiler of a dictionary
lexicon dictionary
libel defamatory statement, act of writing something that smears a person's character
libertine decauched person
libidinous lustful
libretto text of an opera
licentious amoral, unrestrained
lien legal claim on a property
ligneous like wood
lilliputian extremely small
limn draw, outline, describe
limpid clear
lineaments features, esp on face
lionize treat as a celebrity
liquidate clear up, settle accounts
list tilt, lean over
litany supplicatory prayer
litigation lawsuit
litotes understatement for emphasis
livid lead colored, black and blue, ashen
loath reluctant, disinclined
lode metal bearing vein
loll lounge about
lope gallop slowly
low moo
lucid easily understood
lucre money
lugubrious mournful
lumen unit of light energy
luminary celebrity, dignitary
lurid wild, sensational, graphic
Created by: ailin
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