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GRE vocab A to D

apothegm pithy, compact saying
apotheosis elation to godhood, an ideal example of something
appellation name, title
application diligent attention
apposite appropriate
apprise inform
abet assist
abeyance suspended action
abjure renounce upon oath, disavow
abnegation renunciation
abrogate abolish
abscond depart secretly and hide
abstemious sparing in eating and drinking, temperate
accede agree
accoutre equip
accretion growth, increase
accrue come about by addition
acrophobia fear of hights
actuarial calculating
acumen mental keenness
adjuration solemn urging
adulterate make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances
adventitious accidental, casual
advert refer to
aegis shield
affected artificial, pretended, assumed in order to impress
affidavit written statement under oath
alacrity cheerful promptness, eagerness
alimentary supplying nourishment
allay calm, pacify
alluvial pertaining to soil deposists left by running water
altercation noisy quarrel
amalgamate combine, unite in one body
anachonism something or someone misplaced in time
analgesic causing insensitivity to pain
anathema solmn curse
ancillary serving as an aid or accessory
animadcersion critical remark
animus hostile intent
anneal reduce brittleness
annuity yearly allowance
anodyne drug that relieves pain
antediluvian antiquated
antithesis contrast, direct opposite of or to
ape mimic
aphasia loss of speech due to injury or illness
aphorism pithy maxim or saying
apiary where bees are kept
aplomb assurance, poise
apocrythal spurious, not authentic
apostate one who abandons his religious fiath or political beliefs
approbation approval
appurtenances subordinate posessions
aquiline curved
arabesque stule pf decoration with intertwined plants
argot slang
arraign charge in court, indict
arrears being in debt
arroyo gully
ascendancy controlling influence
ascetic practicing selfdenial
asperity sharpness of temper
aspersion slanderous remark
aspirant seeker after position or status
assiduous diligent
astral relating to the stars
astringent binding
atavism resemblance to remote anscestors rather than parents
attenuate make thinner
attrition gradual decrease in numbers
augury omen, prophecy
august impressive, majestic
aureole sun's corona
automaton mechanism that imitates actions of humans
aver assert confidently or declare
avid greedy
avuncular like an uncle
awl pointed tool used for piercing
aviom self evident truth
badinage teasing conversation
baleful threatening
ballast heavy substance used to add stability or weight
barrister counselor at law
beati- bliss shit
belabor ailin
beleaguer besiege or attack
bellicose warlike
besmirch soil, defile
bevy large group
bivouac temporary encampment
bowdlerize expurgate? Expell
brindled tawny or grayish with steaks or spots
brook tolerate, endure
bucolic rustic, pastoral
bugaboo object of baseless terror
bulwark earthwork or other strong defense
burlesque give an imitation that ridicules
cabal small group of bitches
cache hiding place
cadence rhythmic rise and fall
cadge bged, mooch
callow youthful, immature
calorific heartpounding
calumny malicious misrepresentation, slander
canard frankness, open honesty
canon collection or authoritative list of books
cant insincere expressions of piety
canto division of a long poem
capacious spacious
capitulate surrender
captious faultfinding
carafe glass water bottle
carapace shell covering the back
carillon a set of bells capable of being played
carping petty criticism
castigation punishment
cataract great waterfall
catechism book for religious instruction
catholic universal
caustic burning
cavalcade procession, parade
cavil make privolous objections
celerity speed, rapidity
centurion roman army officer
cerebration thought
chaffing bantering
chary cautious
chasten correct by punishment
checkered marked by changes in fortune
chimerical fantastically improbable
churlish boorish
cipher nonentity, worthless person
clairvoyant having foresight
clout great influence
coda concluding sectrion of a musical or literary composition
coeval living at the same time as
cogitate think over
cognate related linguistically
collation light meal
collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme
comestible something fit to be eaten
comity courtesy
commensurate corresponding in extent
compendium brief, comprehensive summary
complicity involvement in a crime
comport bear one's self, behave
compunction remorse
concatenate link as in a chain
concerted done together, mutually agreed on
conclave private meeting
concomitant that which accompanies
concord harmony
condign appropriate, deserved
conduit aqueduct, passageway for fluids
conflagration great fire
conflate meld or fuse, confuse, combine into one
confluence flowing together, crowd
conjugal pertaining to marriage
connivance pretense of ignorance or something wrong, assistance, permission to offend
connubial pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state
consanguinity kinship
conscript draftee, person forced into military service
consecrate dedicate, sanctify
consequential pompous, selfimportant
consign deliver officially, entrust, set apart
consonance harmony, agreement
constituent supporter
construe explain, interpret
consummate wholly without flaw, supremely skilled, complete and utter
continence sexual chastity, serlfrestraint
contrite penitent
controvert oppose with arguments, attempt to refute, contradict
contumacious disobedient, resisting authority
contusion bruise
conversant familiar with
converse opposite
conveyance vehicle, transfer
concicial festive, gay
convoke call together
cordon extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress
corpulent very fat
corollary consequence, accompaniment
corrugated wrinkled, ridged
coterie group that meets socially
countenance approve, tolerate
countermand cancel, revoke
covenant agreement
cow terrorize, intimidate
cozen cheat, swindle
craven cowardly
credence belief
credo creed
crux essential or main point
cull pick out, reject
culvert artificial channel for water
cupidity greed
curmudgeon churlish, miserly individual
cynosure object or general attention
dapper neat and trim
deadpan wooden, impassive
dearth scarcity
debacle sudden downfall
debauch corrupt, seduce from virtue
deciduous falling off
decollete having a low cut neckline
default failure to act
deferance courteous regard for another's wish
defray provide for the payment of
defunct dead, no longer in use of or existence
deleterious harmful
delineate portray, depict, sketch
delusive deceptive, raising vain hopes
demagogue person who appeals to people's prejudice, false leader
demotic pertaining to the people
demur objection, protest
denigrate blacken
denizen inhabitant or resident, regular visitor
denouement outcome, final development of the plot or a play
deplore regret
depose dethrone, remove from office
deprecate express disapproval of, protest against, belittle
depredation plundering
descry catch sight of
desiccate dry up
desuetude state of disuse
desultory aimless, haphazard, digressing at danrom
detraction slandering, aspersion
diadem crown
dialectical relating to the art of debate, mutual or reciiprocal
diaphanous sheer, transparent
diatribe bitter scolding, invective
dictum authoritative and wighty statement
die device for stamoing or immpressing, mold
diffidence shyness
dilatory tending to delay, intentionally delaying
dint means, effort
dirge lament with music
disabuse correct a false impression, undeceive
disaffected disloyal
disapprobation disapproval, condemnation
discerning mentally quick and observant, having insight
discomfit put to rout, defeat, disconcert
disconcert confuse, upset, embarrass
disconsolate sad
discrete separate, unconnected, distinct parts
discursive digressing, rambing
disenfranchise deprive of a civil right
disingenuous lacking genuine candor, insincere
disinterested unprejudiced
disport amuse
disquietude uneasiness, anxiety
disquisition formal sustematic inquiry
dissemble disquise, pretend
dissident dissenting, rebellious
dissimulate pretend, conceal by feining
dissipate squander, waste, scatter
distrait inattentive, distracted
diurnal daily
divest strip, deprive
docket program as for trial
doctrinaire unable to compromise about points of doctrine, dogmatic, unyeilding
doff take off
doggerel poor verse
dosmatic opinionated, arbitrary,doctinal
doldrums blues, listlessness, slack period
doleful mournful
dolorous sorrowful
domicile home
dormer window projecting from the roof
dossier file of documents on a subject
dotage senility
dowdy untidy
dregs sediment
dross waste matter
dubious questionable
dulcet sweet sounding
duress forcible restraint
dyspeptic suffering from indigestion
Created by: ailin
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