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A review of all the verbs you learned in Spanish 6

to help in the castle ayudar en el castillo
to look for things buscar cosas
to walk / to hike in the forest caminar / andar por el bosque
to buy many things comprar muchas cosas
to cut the lawn cortar el céesped
to take care of the animals cuidar a los animales
to relax on the sofa descansar en el sofá
to draw like Picasso dibujar como Picasso
to climb montains escalar montañas
to listen to music escuchar música
to wash the car lavar el coche / el carro / el automóvil
to wash the clothes lavar la ropa
to wash the dishes lavar los platos
to clean the kitchen limpiar la cocina
to carry the books llevar los libros
to wear a uniform llevar un uniforme
to bring the backpack llevar la mochila
to watch TV mirar la televisión
to look at the SMART mirar la pantalla interactiva
to ride a horse montar a caballo
to ride a bike montar en bicicleta
to swim in the pool nadar en la piscina
to sail navegar en vela
to need (to do something) necesitar + infinitivo
to organize the cabin organizar la cabaña
to pass the time with friends pasar el rato con amigos
to vacuum pasar la aspiradora
to iron the clothes planchar la ropa
to practice sports practicar los deportes
to play sports jugar a los deportes
to prepare dinner preparar la cena
to clear the table quitar la mesa
to take out the trash sacar la basura
to shoot with a bow and arrow tirar con arco y flecha
to have an ice cream tomar un helado
to have a refreshment tomar un refresco
to set the table poner la mesa
to work in the garden trabajar en el jardin
to work in the cafeteria trabajar en la cafetería
to use the computer usar la computadora
to go down the stairs bajar las escaleras
to dance flamenco bailar el flamenco
to learn new words aprender nuevas palabras
to drink a lemonade beber una limonada`
to eat a salad comer una ensalada
to understand the lesson comprender la lección
to run around the track correr por la pista
to believe in a fairy godmother creer en una hada madrina
to "ought" to do something deber + infinitivo
to read lots of books leer muchos libros
to respond / answer in class responder en clase
to sell things on EBay vender cosas en EBay
to do the homework hacer la tarea
to do yoga hacer yoga
to site-see hacer turismo
to know lots of information saber mucha información
to open the door abrir la puerta
to cover the eyes cubrir los ojos
to discover new lands descubrir nuevas tierras
to describe the thief describir el ladrón
to divide in match class dividir en la clase de matematicas
to write in Spanish escribir en español
to receive many gifts recibir muchos regalos
to go up the stairs subir las escaleras
to live a healthy life vivir una vida sana
to leave / to go out of the class salir de la clase
to attend a sporting game asistir a un partido
to get to know / to meet new friends conocer a nuevos amigos
to go in a canoe ir en canoa
to go shopping ir de compras
to go down the stairs to the lake bajar las escaleras al lago
to have hunger tener hambre
to have thirst tener sed
to have # of years tener años
to have the sensation of cold tener frío
to have the sensation of heat tener calor
gustar to be pleasing
Created by: Sra_Balsama
Popular Spanish sets




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