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Social WelfarePolicy

Freedman's Bureau (1870) 1. Every Household of Slaves is entitled to 40 Acres and a mule 2. 1st form of Social Welfare until reconstruction in 1872
Jimmy Carter (1975) 1. President; America will get beter next morning 2. Believed in High inflation-- Bad economy -- Decrease tax for wealthy 3. Adoption assistance and child welfare act- Give assistance to families adopting (NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES) 4. INCREASED SPENDING
Herbert Hoover (1928-32) "Chicken in every pot" private charity tried to respond to the need; but their resources were totally inadequate
Hooverville(1920) Homeless camped out in front of white house to show their effect from Great depression --> Hoover asked churches to hand out food --> lack of responses from citizens and no adequate resources
Dustbowl Dust blew from fertilizations; need money to pay back loans like needing rain for seeds
Jane Hoey (1920) Nasw-Child welfare social worker --government official - Director of the Bureau of Public Assistance -Bureau of Family Services within the Social Security Administration. -responsible for implementing the Social Security Public Assistance Act
Harry Hopkins (1940) Thru Roosevelts presidency; Political Leader of New Deal -Relief program for workers; means tested 1. provided construction jobs
Charles Loring Brace (1853) -Contributed to Social Reform; concerned for children without supervision -- Foster Care Movement --Orphan Train --Children's Aid Society
Great Awakening (1700) Religious Movement- remain kind to others (faith) -without leadership -humanitarianism- become considerate of others
The Great Depression(1920's) -Fall in stock prices--> unemployment rose People moved and began to grow crops to pay off loans
Great Society Program (1960) -Under Kennedy presidency -- Establish War On Poverty: Economic Opportunity Act --> Federal funds against poverty
Economic Opportunity Act (1964) local community action agencies 1. Eliminate poverty 2. Expand educational opportunities 3. Increase safety net for poor and unemployed 4. Tend to health and financial needs for elderly
House Un-American Activities Committee (1957) Asked people if they were communists to kick out of country- suspected people in entertainment business
Star Wars Defense (1975) President Carter cut social services to pay for strategic defense when there was no war
Hull House (1889) Used as club house for men to hang out and provided them with support through remuneration: money paid for work or service
RRR Residence, Research and Reform to gather data on community for structural change
Jane Addams (1889) established hull house Used macro approach for structural change in community through the RRR
Head Start gov. support child care Income incorporated the childcare cost 1. co-op approach 2. sliding scales 3. demographic
GI Bill (1944) Benefits for veterans 1. low cost mortgage 2. low interest loans 3. get points for jobs
Milton Friedman (1912) APPROACH TO ECONOMICS Freemarket system with little gov intervention -gov is inefficient -Keep taxes low increases economic activity and increases jobs
Gerald Ford(1974) Took over nixons presidency and became President 1974-1977 - since great depression, the economy became at its worst. --WIN campaign: Americans reduce their spending and consumption and tax wealthy 5% increase per year
Friendly Visitors volunteers (middle class women) provided resources for poor that were more than encouragement
Franklin Frazier (1943) first black man to write about black families in sociological format and wrote a book on race relations
FHA (Federal Housing Authority, 1934) 1. improving housing standards and conditions 2. provide adequate home financing through insurance of mortgage loans 3. stabilize mortgage market
Dorothea Dix (1820) Concerned for peoples mental illness' unresolved -wanted gov to provide assistance to poor -AICP (Association for improving conditions for poor) --pretended to be ill for research -Private philanthropy-improve conditions of poor -no moral problem
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) benefit depends on 1. recipient’s income 2. number of children -- temporary assistance for needy families
Conservative US Political perspective gov should intervene less
Block grant Under Nixon presidency; his approach to funding: there was more freedom for what to do w/money but less money
George Bush (1989) 41st president- signed with americans with disabilities act of 1990- prohbiting discrimination of diabilities
Charitable Organization Societies Scientific and Rational approach to deal with growing poverty 1. how many people in family 2. what schools did they attend
Children's Aid society (1853-1900) An effort at service by Charles Loring Brace; children paid for labors to prevent homeless children
churchill, stalin and roosevelt FDR offering new Deal-allies: winston churchill-Great Britain US-FDR Russia-Stalin
Civil Rights Act 1964 President Johnson prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, sex and ended unequal application of voter registration requirements
What started the civil war in 1820? Abolitionists were frustrated with slavery so the NORTH declared war --> creating rise of direct relief cash assistance --> development of US sanitary commission --> Lincoln killed
Personal Responsibility and work opportunity act (PRWOA) 1996 Welfare reform under Clintons presidency- changes the new deal program 1. on aid for 5 years max 2. Reapply when taken off 3. Immigrants got cut off services
Cold War (1945) Concern of Communism -East and West Germany split
Dwight Eisenhower (1953-61) The poverty rate declined during Eisenhower's presidency, -expanded Social Security, -increased the minimum wage -created the Department of Health, Education and Welfare -supported government construction of low-income housing
Collapse of APTD (1930) Aid(cash assistance) to permanently diabled
Collapse of AB (1930) Grants to the states for Aid for the blind
Collapse of OA (1930) Grants to states for old age assistance
COLA-Cost of living Adjustments 1. Employment contracts 2.pension benefits, 3. government entitlements such as Social Security ---->can be tied to a cost-of-living index, typically to the consumer price index (CPI)
Communism leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
classical European conservatism concern for established tradition, respect for authority and religious values.
indoor relief going to a building/ institution (people can live here/ work house/ poor house)
outdoor relief assistance of clothing, food
Residual approach deals with needs as they come attends to visible needs that can't be addressed by other societal means -ensures that all other efforts are tried -- support from family, market economy and religious institutions -- before assistance measures are given.
Institutional Approach everyone deserves to be supported by the community and the government -can become self-sufficient regardless of personal situation
indoor relief going to a building/ institution (people can live here/ work house/ poor house)
Residual approach deals with needs as they come attends to visible needs that can't be addressed by other societal means -ensures that all other efforts are tried -- support from family, market economy and religious institutions -- before assistance measures are given.
Institutional Approach everyone deserves to be supported by the community and the government -can become self-sufficient regardless of personal situation
Kennedy's domestic policy 1960 -reduce poverty and unemployment -- Great Society Program --SNAP
Robert Kennedy (1960) Advocate for civil rights movement
John Keynes (1933) practice of macroeconomics- Federal gov had responsibility to intervene in market place when problems arise in stock market
Martin L. King people dont need guidance to reach god, they read for themselves, unwillingness to care for able-bodied
Laissez-Faire social-political philosophy stay out of their business! -maximize freedom/ self-regulate markets -private parties are free from government interference such as regulations, privileges, tariffs, and subsidies. to defend the New Deal and counter Reagans economic policies
noblesse oblige its the obligation of poor to assist poor - entrepreneurs with inherited title
Supplemental Security Income Benefit Under Nixon presidency Eligibility for SSI --Looking for a way to reduce expense
Neo Conservatives gov should be involved in personal life but not economically --inconsistent views on social and economic
fascism a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor
Elizabethan Poor Law (1601) Identified categories of poor--> solutions to problems impotent poor were cared for in almshouse The law offered relief to "lame, impotent, old, blind able-bodied poor were to be set to work
Joseph Mccarthy (1957) president- wanted reform for greater life get communists out of country- HUAC
U.S. Liberal Perspective government should intervene and take care of you
Liberal Classical European Perspective Limited gov intervention
Marxism Karl Marx- idea of workers vs capitalist -
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) 1949 research organization through gov.;
National Mental Health Act 1946 Assess mental health problems; what are the causes of mental health? problems in the mental health of the military, as well as inspired by demands by veterans post world war II- mental health problems occuring
National School Milk Program (1954) social welfare program for children in families with low income -Truman
National School Lunch Program 1946 low cost or free lunches funded by federal gov. for children in nonprofit private or public schools -signed by Truman
Programs under EOA 1964 VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) the Job Corps; the Neighborhood Youth Corps; Head Start Summer Youth Programs; Upward Bound
New Deal Program (1930's) FDR signed for act in response of Great Depression: RRR: Relief, Recovery, Reform for unemployed and poor SSC
Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), 1933 FDR-Grants from state to provide aid to poor (unemployed) means test;-NO direct relief; cash assistance
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1933 FDR- Ensured money in bank; insurance covers investment
Poll Tax (1964-made illegal) earned right to vote through fixed amount applied to an individual in accordance with the census -24th amendment made illegal by Kennedy
Progressive Tax (1900) Under Roosevelt-More you make, More you pay
Frances Perkins (1933 to 1945) American sociologist and workers-rights advocate who served as the U.S. Secretary of Labor during Roosevelts presidency -helped with new deal -and labor movement; many workers rights programs
Public Assistance government uses taxes to provide for people (has eligibility requirements) a. section 8, b. food stamps, c. CalWORKs, d. Medicaid card for mental problem e. Supplemental nutrition assistance program f. Temporary cash assistance
Publicly financed medical insurance 1. Medicaid (Johnson) 2. Medicaid (Johnson)
Problems with Economic Opportunity Act Does not promote jobs Not enough money No system of Accountability
The government program designed to provide health care to people who are 65 years of age or older is called: Medicare
Social Insurance Programs Social Security Pension Disability Unemployment retirement
Ronald Reagan, 1984 Poverty seen as un-American under Reagan Administration -giving help is undermining personal responsibilities --cut taxes then rich will have more money to provide jobs
Mary Church Terrell, 1863-1954 African American Association- to change conditions for blacks Parents were freed african americans and became wealthy so she attended college in Europe and worked at organization with blacks to make life changes
Ida B. Wells (1862-1930) African American Association- to change conditions for blacks -Born a slave, but slavery ended when she was 3 -1872 reconstruction over...she begins newspaper writing about tragedies of homes begin torn down
Revenue Sharing (1972) states and private companies shared 25% of costs and given 50% to REACH GOAL OF DECIMATE PROGRAMS
Stock Market Crash (1929) The Great Depression and the development of the Modern Welfare State in the U.S.--> lead to dust bowl
Social Darwinism Most economically fit becomes most successful -let poor take care of themselves -natural selection-most fit specimen survives
Safety Net From War on Poverty (Reagan Presidency); developed because of government intervention rather than lack of it, which pushed consumer credit for meeting citizens' needs rather than applying social welfare policies
Settlement House movement Jane Addams
Mary Richmond Micro approach- works directly with individual --family visitor --created development of social case work (professionalism in charity organization society--use education and training -social diagnosis (ASSESSMENT)
Temporary assistance to needy families (TANF) 1996 Bill Clinton- temporary financial assistance for pregnant women and families with one or more dependent children -provides financial assistance to help pay for food, shelter, utilities
TANF limit 5 Years
Upward Bound (1965) encourage kids to stay in school and attend college (school prep ) -under Johnson
US Sanitary Commission (1820) privately funded-1820's civil war lead to treatment for the sick in trenches/ infections spread from using utensils digging out bullets --cleaned medical facitlity ---women can do more gov provided organizational structure --us public health service
Voting Rights Act (1965) Johnson-overcome what prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under the 15th Amendment
Who is not covered under unemployment? Farm Labourers-migrant workers, african americans, poor Domestic servants- housekeepers, gradeners, women Dependent of workers: women and children
Created by: CGS1992
Popular Human Services sets




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