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test 3 questtions

Media effects on individuals are said to be micro-level effects
Research questions about the immediate, observable influence of mass communication, without consideration of values and power are examples of _____________ research administrative
Which theory suggests that the media may not tell us what to think, but they do tell us what to think about Agenda Setting
Which example was given in class of the powerful effects view of mass media Violent media content has a number of effects on individuals and society. Considered separately these effects may not affect a significant number of citizens, but taken together their influence on individuals and society is significant
Which theory is based on the teachings of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer’s Frankfurt School, and focused on biases of media because they are owned and run by wealthy members of society educated at elite universities British Cultural Theory
After the broadcast of H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds” researchers used surveys and polling methods to study the extent to which radio listeners were influenced by the program. This is considered the beginning of Scientific Perspective
Scholars argued that television has long-term effects on individuals. Why People spend so much time on tv viewing, The messages in tv are very stable and uniform, the tv is so ubiquitous, and tv represents a distorted reality, and TV is a popular tool for individuals to perceive the external environment and learn about society
Mass Communication theories borrow from other areas of research such as psychology, sociology, and political science True
Mass communication ___________ are explanations and predictions of social phenomena that attempt to relate mass communication to various aspects of our personal and cultural lives or social systems theories
_____ is cultivation theory’s term for the phenomenon where television moves different people from with different perspectives toward a “shared, television-created understanding” of society and how society works Mainstreaming
The idea that media are a dangerous drug or a killing force that directly and immediately penetrates a person’s system is summed up in the hypodermic needle theory
Research conducted during WWII that studied how to influence people’s predisposed positive or negative reactions to political causes and political messages was studying____ attitude
People’s psychological dissonance is reduced through the selective processes, one of which is ______, the process by which people interpret messages in a manner consistent with their preexisting attitudes and beliefs selective perception
_______ provides explanations for why people use particular media rather than focusing on content. This theory also offers motivations about individuals to use media Use and gratification theory
The theory of ________ says that television constructs a reality of the world that, although possibly inaccurate, becomes the accepted reality simply because we accept media stories as accurate reflections of reality cultivation analysis
Gilens’ study demonstrated that public perception about race and poverty is more similar to media portrayals than statistical reality
The longitudinal study described in class provided evidence that viewing violence at age 9 increased the likelihood of behaving violently at age 19
Which method of studying violence can only tell us about correlation, and not about causation surveys
Which analogy did George Gerbner used to describe the effect of television on society an ice-age analogy
If someone says to another person “I’ll shoot you if you don’t give me your money” on TV, it doesn’t count as media violence because no actual violent act happens False
Which are effects of violent content It may increase physical and verbal aggression in the real world, It may increase gun, dog, and alarm ownership, and People may more accept violence as a conflict resolution strategy
Media violence is similar to tobacco because their effects are both difficult to understand and the products are both tied to revenue true
Why is there so much violence on TV It is easy to produced, It is easy to understand for audience and It is profitable to export
Which best describes the “Two-Step Flow Theory” of media effects In the first step, opinion leaders consume media content. In the second step, opinion leaders pass information onto opinion followers
Which is true of the violence shown in the media About 40% of violence is committed by “good guys.”
Which is not an effect of violent media content learning, desensitization, fear, and catharsis are all factors of violence
The Transmission model of mass comm sees an ad as controlling the audience by making them consume a prod (or not being effective in persuading) The ritualistic pers of mass comm would ask diff questions it might ask what does the ad say about the culture Can young people have fun without consuming alcoholic products, such as “Skyy Blue” malt beverage
A schema is a cognitive structure that links concepts to create meanings
The diagram of the concept of “camping” and all of the concepts that are associated with it is an example of an associative network and a schema
About what percent of television characters are women in the most recent content analysis about 1/3
Schemas help us organize information in our memory true
About what percent of violent media content depicts only the consequences of violent acts, and not the violence itself less than 5%
Stereotypes exist where In the media portrayals, In the culture, and In individuals’ as cognitive structures
Created by: rwilson4



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