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Spanish Vocab Review

Vocabulary Review for Spanish Exam on 4/30

playa beach
pais country
pueblo town
tierra land, earth, ground
ciudad city
centro downtown
estado state
nacion nation
mapa map
provincia province
condado county
mundo world
continente continent
capital capital
territorio territory
animal animal
planta plant
aire air
arbol tree
agua water
flor flower
verano summer
primavera spring
otono fall/autumn
invierno winter
fresco cool
frio cold
viento windy
calor hot/warm
sol sunny
nublado cloudy
llueve/lloviendo raining
nevando/nieva snowing
tiempo weather
clima climate
nebuloso foggy
noche night
tarde afternoon
manana morning/tomorrow
momento moment
hora hour/time
mes month
ano year
estacion season
media hora half-hour
segundo second
dia day
minuto minute
semana week
obra play
salud health
edad age
azul blue
rojo red
amarillo yellow
anaranjado orange
verde green
morado purple
marron/cafe brown
negro black
blanco white
gris gray
rosado pink
madre/mama mother
padre/papa father
hermana sister
hermano brother
hijo son
hija daughter
abuela grandma
abuelo grandpa
primo boy cousin
prima girl cousin
madrastra stepmother
padrastro stepfather
hermanastra stepsister
hermanastro stepbrother
tia aunt
tio uncle
padres parents
abuelos grandparents
sobrino nephew
sobrina niece
nieto grandson
nieta granddaughter
apodo nickname
gemelos twins
bebe baby
esposo husband
esposa wife
mujer woman
hombre man
parientes relatives
pasatiempo pastime
cancion song
caballo horse
paseo walk
golf golf
beisbol baseball
tenis tennis
futbol soccer
futbol americano football
baloncesto/basquetbol basketball
hacer ejercicios to exercise
levantar to lift
pesas weights
bueno good
bajo short
delgado thin
flaco skinny
bonito pretty
inteligente intelligent
trabajador hardworking
aburrido boring
moreno dark
pelirojo red-haired
interesante interesting
generoso generous
pequena small
mucho many
facil easy
simpatico nice
estricto strict
nuevo new
favorito favorite
cerca near
siempre always
a veces sometimes
abierto open
nadie nobody/no one
malo bad
alto tall
gordo fat
feo ugly
tonto dumb
perezoso lazy
comico funny
chistoso funny
rubio blonde
artistico artistic
divertido fun
egoista selfish
grande big
poco few
dificil difficult
anitpatico mean
justo fair
viejo old
antiguo antique
guapo good-looking
lejos far
nunca never
muchas veces often
cerrado closed
alguien somebody/someone
leal loyal
atletico athletic
desorganizado disorganized
responsable responsible
preocupado worried
romantico romantic
travieso mischievous
atractivo attractive
menor younger
mas more
contento content
emocionado excited
presente present
enfermo sick
cansado tired
nervioso nervous
mediano medium
sabio wise
estupido stupid
agradable pleasant
corto short
templado temperate
temprano early
agresivo aggressive
creativo creative
organizado organized
disponible available
ocupado busy
listo clever
carinoso caring
se ve joven young
mayor older
menos less
feliz happy
alegre joyful
triste sad
ausente absent
sano healthy
sentado seated
bello beautiful
hermoso beautiful
estudioso studious
aplicado hardworking
desagradable unpleasant
distraido absent-minded
largo long
caliente hot
tarde late/afternoon
ventana window
sala living room
cocina kitchen
bano bathroom
pared wall
casa house
jardin garden
dormitorio bedroom
cuarto bedroom
planta baja bottom floor
recamara bedroom
mesa table
televisor/television TV
cama bed
estante shelf
aspiradora vacuum
fregadero sink
ventilador fan
puerta door
comedor dining room
piso floor
techo roof
garaje garage
ascensor elevator
apartamento apartment
escalera stairs
horno oven
escritorio desk
lampara lamp
silla chair
armario closet
EL sofa sofa
refri refrigerator
aire acondicionado air conditioning
prueba quiz
apuntes notes
repaso review
gimnasio gym
escuela secondaria secondary school
composicion composition
companero classmate
director director
cuaderno notebook
lapiz pencil
libro book
pegamento glue
calculadora calculator
cartel poster
goma de borrar eraser
pizzara blackboard/whiteboard
tiza chalk
examen test
notas grades
clase class
biblioteca library
colegio highschool
escuela primeria primary school
estudiante student
alumno alumni
profesor professor
maestro teacher
novela novel
mochila backpack
boligrafo pen
pluma pen
regla ruler
hoja de papel piece of paper
reloj clock
computadora computer
bandera flag
alfabeto alphabet
pupitre student desk
autobus bus
metro subway
barco boat
parque park
supermercado supermarket
correo post office
escuela school
aeropuerto airport
museo museum
iglesia church
a la derecha to the right
detras de behind
delante de ahead
encima de on top of/above
turista tourist
visitar to visit
pasaporte passport
coche car
carro car
llegadas arrivals
vuelo flight
ferrocarril railroad
tranvia tram
tren train
avion airplane
hotel hotel
universidad university
tienda store
restaurante restaurant
cine movie theater
banco bank
zoologico zoo
teatro theater
al la izquierda to the left
enfrente de in front of
debajo de below
vacacion vacation
excursion excursion
estacion de autobus bus station
viaje trip
salidas departures
boleto ticket
volver to return
ida y vuelta round trip
disculpe excuse me. (need info)
perdoname excuse me. (i'm sorry)
lo siento i'm sorry.
de nada you're welcome.
bienvenido welcome
chao bye
adios bye
te presento i present to you.
con permiso excuse me. (when you want to pass by)
pasa adelante come in.
gracias thanks
por favor please
mucho gusto nice to meet you.
hasta luego see you later.
ajo garlic
pera pear
limon lime/lemon
frutas fruit
verduras vegetables
carne meat
pollo chicken
uvas grapes
manzanas apples
platano bananas
frijoles beans
arroz rice
fresas strawberries
cebolla onion
zanahoria carrot
lechuga lettuce
tomate tomato
nueces nuts
cerdo pork
pavo turkey
naranja orange
sal salt
azucar sugar
cafe coffee
leche milk
bebida drink
refresco soda
limonada lemonade
te tea
batido milkshake
vino wine
grasas fats/grease
vegetariano vegetarian
pescado fish
frito fried
torta sandwich
camarones shrimp
postre dessert
pastel cake
galletas cookies
mariscos seafood
aceites oils
langosta lobster
papa potato
pimienta pepper
chicle gum
ensalada salad
pan bread
huevos eggs
jugo juice
maiz corn
mantequilla butter
queso cheese
salada salty
sopa soup
jamon ham
tocino bacon
helado ice cream
elote corn on the cob
marmelada jelly
guisantes peas
ropa clothes
natacion swimming
matematicas math
algebra algebra
geometria geometry
trigonometria trigonometry
lenguas languages
ingles English
aleman German
frances French
latin Latin
espanol Spanish
ciencias science
biologia biology
quimica chemistry
fisica physics
ciencias sociales social studies
sociologia sociology
historia history
antropologia anthropology
filosofia philosophy
geografia geography
extracurriculares extracurriculars
educacion fisica PE
musica music
arte art
tecnologia technology
otros other
literatura literature
religion religion
descanso break
almuerzo lunch
revistas magazines
luz light
radio radio
podio podium
basurero trash can
basura trash
guitarra guitar
bicicleta bicycle
tiras comicas comic strips
juguete toy
disco compacto CD
papel paper
tarea homework
tijeras scissors
carpeta folder
diccionario dictionary
pincel paintbrush
cursos courses
materia materials
horario schedule
carta letter
tarjeta postcard
centro comercial mall
casa house
dulceria candy shop
zapateria shoe store
carniceria butcher shop
teatro theater
piscina pool
campo country
lago lake
pizzeria pizzeria
libreria book store
trabajo work
escuela school
boda wedding
circo circus
acuario aquarium
evento event
partido game (sport)
parque de atraciones amusement park
almacen warehouse
joyeria jewelry store
panaderia bakery
pasteleria pastry shop
jugueteria toy store
unido united
separado/aparte separate
serio serious
tiene canas gray-haired
timido timid
libre free
cansado tired
picante spicy
sabroso tasty
limpio clean
sucio dirty
igual equal
mismo same
suficiente sufficient
bastante enough
gigante giant
servilleta napkin
cuchillo knife
cuchara spoon
tenedor fork
plato plage
tazon bowl
vaso glass
copa cup
taza coffee mug
camarero waiter
camarera waitress
mesero waiter
mesera waitress
comida food
cuenta bill/check
propina tip
al lado de next to
lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
miercoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sabado Saturday
domingo Sunday
enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April
mayo May
junio June
julio July
agosto August
septiembre September
octubre October
noviembre November
diciembre December
sed thirsty
hambre hungry
razon right
sueno sleepy
miedo scared
natacion swimming
extrano foreign language
bibliografia literature
diseno design
proyector projector
economia economics
alfombra carpet/rug
edificio building
montana mountains
cafe cafe
estadio stadium
fiesta party
graduacion graduation
solo cuando only when
durante during
ayer yesterday
anteayer two days ago
anoche last night
todos los dias everyday
nietos grandkids
medio hermano half-brother
media hermana half-sister
mujer woman
hombre man
proteinas proteins
salida exit
entrada entrance
perro dog
gato cat
oso bear
pavo turkey
puerco pig
gallina chicken
vaca cow
pajaro bird
serpiente snake
tortuga turtle
mono monkey
camiso shirt
camiseta t-shirt
blusa blouse
chaqueta jacket
abrigo coat
pantalones pants
pantalones cortos shorts
calcetines socks
falda skirt
vestido dress
tacos heels
zapatos de tenis tennis shoes
zapatos shoes
sombrero hat
corbata tie
guantes gloves
cartera wallet
collar necklace
aretes earrings
joyas jewelry
sueter sweater
cinturon belt
bolsa purse
El Ano Nuevo New Years
La Noche Viejo New Years Eve
La Navidad Christmas
La Noche Buena Christmas Eve
Cinco de Mayo May 5
El Dia de la Independencia Independence Day
El Dia de los Enamorados Valentine's Day
El Dia de San Patricio St. Patrick's Day
Pascuas Easter
El Dia de Accion de Gracias Thanksgiving
El Dia de la Madre Mother's Day
El Dia del Padre Father's Day
toronja grapefruit
delicioso delicious
dulce sweet/candy
mal bad
sustancioso rich
fuente dish
globo balloon
invitacion invitation
invitado guest
decoraciones decorations
vela candle
regalo gift
cuerpo body
cabeza head
cara face
nariz nose
orejas ears
boca mouth
ojos eyes
mejillas cheeks
frente forehead
garganta throat
pecho chest
brazo arm
espalda back
piernas legs
rodilla knee
manos hands
dedos fingers
pies feet
tobillo ankle
pelo hair
estomago stomach
estatura stature
calvo bald
introvertido introverted/shy
rizado curly
liso straight
canosa grey-haired
elegante elegant
sofisticado sophisticated
lleno full
vacio empty
uno one
dos two
tres three
cuatro four
cinco five
seis six
siete seven
ocho eight
nueve nine
diez ten
once eleven
doce twelve
trece thirteen
catorce fourteen
quince fifteen
dieciseis sixteen
veinte twenty
veintidos 22
treinta thirty
cuarenta forty
cincuenta fifty
sesenta sixty
setenta seventy
ochenta eighty
noventa ninety
cien 100
ciento seis 106
doscientos 200
trescientos 300
cuatrocientos 400
quinientos 500
seiscientos 600
setecientos 700
ochocientos 800
novecientos 900
mil 1.000
mil doscientos y diecinueve 1.219
uniforme uniform
impresor printer
luz light
semestre semester
robotica robotics
computacion computer science
ano escolar school year
drama drama
italiano Italian
tareas chores
stereo stereo
telefono telephone
periodico newspaper
cita date/appointment
encuentro meeting
cliente client
hoy today
semana proxima next week
ano pasado last year
primero first
llego next
despues after
antes de before
por fin finally
todavia still
ya already
braceleta bracelet
paraguas umbrella
gorra ball cap
botas boots
medias stockings
traje suit
sandalias sandals
traje de bano swimsuit
cuello neck
hombro shoulder
cintura waist
fiebre fever
gripe sick
cos cough
resfriado a cold
millon million
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