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Day 5

dilatory -slow to act. "he had been ________ in appointing a solicitor" syn: slow, tardy -intended to cause delay. they resorted dilatory procedural tactics" syn: delaying, procrastinating,
dilettante n. a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge. "a ________ approach to science" syn: dabbler, amateur, nonprofessional,
discomfit v. make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed. "he was not noticeably _____-ed by her tone" syn: embarrass, abash,
discordant adj. disagreeing or incongruous. "the principle of meritocracy is ______ with claims of inherited worth" syn: different, in disagreement,
dissemble v. conceal one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs. "an honest, sincere person with no need to ______" syn: dissimulate, pretend
dissolution n. the closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body. "the ________ of their marriage" syn: cessation, conclusion,
distrait adj. distracted or absentminded. "he seemed oddly ______" syn: distracted, preoccupied
divulge v. make known (private or sensitive information). "I am too much of a gentleman to _____ her age" syn: disclose, reveal, broadcast, proclaim
doggerel n. comic verse or words that are badly written or expressed. "the last stanza deteriorates into _____"
dross n. something regarded as worthless; rubbish. "there are bargains if you have the patience to sift through the ____"
dulcet adj (especially of sound) sweet and soothing (often used ironically). "record the ____ tones of your family and friends" syn: soothing, mellow, honeyed, mellifluous, euphonious,
dynamo n. a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy; a generator. an extremely energetic person. "she was a dynamo in London politics"
ebullience n. the quality of being cheerful and full of energy; exuberance. "the ______ of happy children" syn: exuberance, buoyancy, cheerfulness
eclectic adj. -deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. "her musical tastes are eclectic"syn: wide-ranging, broad-based -
edifying enlightening
effrontery extreme boldness; presumptuousness
effusive gushing; excessively demonstrative
egress exit
elegy a mournful poem
emollient soothing
encomium glowing and enthusiastic praise; panegyric
endemic characteristic of or often found in a particular locality
enervate to weaken; to reduce in vitality
engender to cause
enigmatic mysterious; obscure; difficult to understand
ennui dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
enormity excessive wickedness; evilness
ephemeral brief; fleeting
epicure one devoted to sensual pleasure
epithet disparaging word or phrase
epitome embodiment; quintessence
equanimity composure
equivocate to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent
errant traveling
erudite very learned; scholarly
esoteric intended for or understood by a small group or specific group
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing
Created by: jrbat76$
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