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Periodic Table

Periodic Table metals

Periodic Table arranges all of the known elements in order of increasing atomic number. Order generally coincides with increasing atomic mass
Metals Solid at room temperature
Metals Shiny luster
Metals Ductile
Metals Malleable
Metals Good conductors of electricity
Metals High Density
Metals High melting points
Metals Reactivity (those metals at the bottom left corner of the periodic table are most reactive
Non-Metals No luster
Non-Metals Poor conducter
Non-Metals Brittle
Non-Metals Not ductile
Non-Metals Not malleable
Non-Metals Low density
Non-Metals Low melting point
Non-Metals Less reactive than metals
Metalloids Elements on both sides of the zig zag line that have properties of both metals and non metals
Periods Rows numbered 1-7
Periods Those in this section have the same number of energy levels or cells
Periods Chemical properties are not all similar
Periods atomic number increases from left to right
Groups A.ka families on the periodic table (coloumns)
Groups Same number of valence electrons
Groups Chemical properties are very similar
Chemical reaction The ability of atoms to combine or separate with other atoms to create new substances
Reactivity of atoms Valence Electrons are the key to this process
Happy/ Stable atoms Having its outer energy level filled with electrons
Happy/ Stable atoms These atoms do not want to bond with other atoms
Alkali Metals / Alkali Earth Metals never found uncombined in nature
Alkali Metals metals soft enough to be cut with a butter knife
Alkaline Earth Metals Fairly reactive metals
Alkaline Earth Metals Serve as important minerals for our body
Transition Metals Less reactive metals
Transition Metals Hard, dense metals that are useful as building materials, jewelry, and coins
Transition Metals Used in oxides to make paints and pigments
Noble Gases Unreactive gases
Noble Gases Do not react naturally
Nobel Gases Used in neon signs, baloons, and lightbulbs
Created by: 8646784
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