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Situaciones 8
Chapter 8
English | Spanish | sudy languages |
appointment | cita | |
doctor | me*dico | |
nurse | enfermero | |
surgeon | cirujano | |
dentist | dentista | |
eye doctor | oculista | |
How are you? | ?Co*mo esta* Ud.? | |
How do you feel? | ?Co*mo se siente? | |
I am well. | Estoy bien. | |
I am in good health. | Estoy de buena salud. | |
I enjoy good heath. | Gozo de buena salud. | |
I am not very well. | No estoy muy bien. | |
I am bad. | Estoy mal. | |
I feel bad. | Me siento mal. | |
Do you have a fever? | ?Tiene Ud. fiebre? | |
tired | cansado | |
weak | de*bil | |
sick | enfermo | |
nervous | nervioso | |
depressed | deprimido | |
I have fever. | Tengo fiebre. | |
39 degrees of fever | treinta y nueve grados de fiebre | |
What hurts? | ?Que* le duele? | |
I have a headache. | Me duele la cabeza./ Tengo dolor de cabeza. | |
throat | garganta | |
stomach | esto*mago | |
shoulder | hombro | |
knee | rodilla | |
inner ears | oi*dos | |
How do you feel? | ?Co*mo se siente? | |
I have a cold. | Estoy resfriado. | |
I am dizzy. | Estoy mareado. | |
I suffer from insomnia. | Sufro de insomnio. | |
I suffer from dizzy spells. | Sufro de mareos. | |
I suffer from muscular pains. | Padezco de dolores musculares. | |
I cough a lot. | Toso mucho. | |
cough | toser | |
sneeze | estornudar | |
vomit | vomitar | |
blow one's nose | sonarse la nariz | |
feel dizzy/seasick | marearse | |
faint | desmayarse | |
Please, open your mouth. | Por favor, !abra Ud. la boca! | |
breathe deeply | respirar profundamente | |
swallow | tragar | |
stick out | sacar | |
tongue | lengua | |
measles | sarampio*n | |
mumps | paperas | |
chicken pox | varicela | |
German measles | rubeola | |
I go to a examination. | Voy a examinarlo. | |
listen with a stethoscope | auscultar | |
take the temperature | tomar la temperatura | |
take the pulse | tomar el pulso | |
take the blood pressure | tomar la presio*n | |
take the X-ray | tomar una radiografi*a | |
do a blood test | hacer un ana*lisis de sangre | |
have a shot | poner una inyeccio*n | |
You have pneumonia. | Ud. tiene pulmoni*a. | |
cold | resfriado | |
flu | gripe | |
broncitis | bronquitis | |
mononucleosis | mononucleosis | |
I prescribe to medicine. | Voy a recetarle una medicina. | |
Here is your prescription. | Aqui* tiene la receta. | |
Take these antiboitics | Tome Ud. esos antibio*ticos | |
for the morning and night | por la man*ana y por la noche | |
two times | dos veces | |
every | cada | |
aspirin | aspirina | |
tablets | pastillas | |
pills | pi*ldoras | |
drops | gotas | |
vitamins | vitaminas | |
cough syrup | jarabe para la tos | |
penicillin | penicilina | |
You need to relax. | Ud. debe descansar. | |
stay in bed | guardar cama | |
to get better | mejorarse | |
to take care of yourself | cuidarse | |
ask for another appointment | pedirle otra cita | |
What better! | !Que se mejore! | |
toothache | dolor de muelas | |
cavity | caries | |
novocaine | novocai*na | |
fill | rellenar | |
pull a molar | sacarle una muela | |
pull a wisdom tooth | sacarle una muela del juicio | |
injured | herida | |
cut oneself | cortarse | |
hit | golpearse | |
injure | herirse | |
break oneself | romperse | |
fracture oneself | fracturarse | |
twist oneself's ankle | torcerse el tobillo | |
get a burn | quemarse | |
bandage a cut | vendar la herida | |
stitches | poner puntos | |
put in a cast | enyesar | |
bandage | venda | |
band-aid | curita | |
cast | yeso | |
crutches | muletas |