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The hand over hand instruction is an example of: prompt
The Psychiatric Technician would encourage screening for the gene responsible for Tay Sachs in populations with ancestry of: Eastern European Jewish
The term “target behavior” refers to: the behavior that will be measured.
The weekly paycheck this person receives for doing work is an example of a(n): fixed interval reward.
There are islands of gray matter located deep inside the cerebrum. Damage to this area may result in athetoid cerebral palsy. These cells are called: • basal ganglions
A person with Lesch-Nyan disease would most benefit from- A low-stress environment and attentiveness to his needs.
A client who throws chairs when the room becomes noisy is best served by-• Teaching him to request to leave when the room becomes too noisy.
During breakfast, a client will become agitated if she is placed in a chair without arms. The best intervention would be- Place her in a chair with arms.
A client with Fragile X syndrome is learning a workshop task. The best teaching strategy would be -Show him the completed task; shape his attempts until successful.
A person with vision impairments is best supported by which of the following objectives?- Will utilize tactile materials on wall to find way to dining room.
When caring for a person who is blind, you should- Identify yourself verbally before touching the client.
When on an outing with a client with moderate cerebral palsy, the most likely safety concern would be- Falling, because of the lack of an anterior protective response.
A client with multiple sensory motor deficits wants to learn a workshop task. He will be best supported by- Providing specialized seating so he can focus on the task.
A client’s screaming behavior has been determined to be maintained by attention. The best intervention would be- When he screams, ignore him; when he is quiet, teach appropriate ways to get attention.
A client with Down syndrome is prone to gum disease. The most likely cause is- Low resistance to infection
What action would the Psychiatric Technician do when assisting a client putting on a shirt after the client has had a rotator cuff repair surgery and the physician has ordered “passive use of the right arm only”?- Assist with sliding on the sleeve of the affected arm first.
A person with cerebral palsy tremors type wants to attend an employment fair on the grounds of a Developmental Center where he lives. The door is locked to his residence. What would the Psychiatric Technician’s most appropriate action?- Unlock the door.
Behavior change is best maintained by responding to behavior:- With positive reinforcement after the client is acting appropriately.
An elderly woman with a developmental disabilities is having difficulty sleeping after a long day of walking at the mall. She has diagnosed arthritis in her knees. Which p.r.n. medication would help her to sleep best?- Advil
Gradually getting a person to perform a task broken down into smaller parts is called?- . shaping
Guiding a person’s hand from bowl to mouth as part of a self-feeding program is an example of…- prompt.
Having a client clean up the area they soiled in a toileting accident, as well as surrounding areas that were not disturbed, would be an example of:- over-correction.
Identification of antecedent behavior is important when targeting a behavior for change because… altering the environment may be all that is necessary to correct the problem behavior.
Identify the condition of failure of lipid metabolism resulting in neurological degeneration.- Tay-Sach's Disease.
If a client did not follow through with a targeted behavior, it would be best for the Psychiatric Technician to:- not reinforce the client with a token
If a person doesn’t agree with the decisions made in his/her IPP meeting,- an appeal can be filed with the Regional Center.
Normalization deals with reducing stigmas. An effective means of stigma reduction is:- education
Observing a person for a period of time to see what behavior or skills he/she exhibits and how often it occurs without influence is called the…- baseline.
Psychiatric Technician has been teaching a client to talk. The client has learned to say the name of the Psychiatric Technician "Ed" but he now calls all male figures "Ed." this is an example of:- generalization
A client loves M & M candies. In training sessions, the Psychiatric Technician uses M & M candies as reinforcers, but notices that the candy is not as reinforcing toward the end of his training sessions. This is an example of: • satiation
Respite care provides:- relief to parents from care-taking.
Sex education is expecially important for the developmentally disabled population because, developmentally disabled people are: More often victims of sexual abuse that the general population.
Staff placing an upright forefinger to his/her lips to quiet a group is an example of…. .a prompt.
Identify the diagnostic procedure most commonly used prenatally in determining genetic problems. Amniocentesis.
If the Psychiatric Technician wishes to increase the behavior of waking up with the alarm clock using group shaping the technician should: • Give the client a token as soon as they wake.
In a plan to assist a client with severe mental retardation to dress himself more independendently, the most appropriate first step would be written as-• Client will pull socks on with verbal prompting.
Inappropriate sexual behavior by a client should be dealt with by: Interrupting it in a non-punitive manner
Prior to the development of an intervention strategy to modify a behavior, it is essential for the Psychiatric Technician to:- gather baseline data including frequency
Select the statement that is correct when positioning a client in a wheelchair for feeding. -Head slightly flexed, feeder positioned in front.
Which term best describes the process of ignoring inappropriate behaviors?- extinction
In Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome:- there is an overproduction of uric acid which accumulates in the blood
In the condition often referred to as Trisomy 21, the most frequent causes of death are respiratory infections and congenital heart disease. This condition is also known as:- Down's Syndrome.
The Psychiatric Technician is assisting the child with mental retardation in a program to develop dining skills. Which of the following actions should the Psychiatric Technician do?- Conduct the training in the dining room when just a few others are present.
In addition to a lesser severity of illness, which of the following will increase the likelihood that the individual with mental retardation will be cared for in the family’s home? • The family is of Asian, Black or Hispanic origin.
The Psychiatric Technician is beginning a program that will assist the child with mental retardation to learn dining skills. Which of the following would be the correct action for the Psychiatric Technician to take? Use one utensil at each meal.
The Psychiatric Technician is counseling a pregnant client who is abusing alcohol. The mother is told she may see which of the following characteristics in the newborn with fatal alcohol syndrome? Low birth weight. Low birth weight.
The Psychiatric Technician is preparing the young adult with a developmental disability to find employment. Which of the following skills would be the most important to help the client develop? Developing good work habits
The Psychiatric Technician is assisting the client with a developmental disability to develop community skills. Which of the following should be part of this training? • • Choosing appropriate clothing based on weather conditions.
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching the adolescent with a developmental disability how to choose what clothes to wear each day. Which of the following is a rule that the client should be taught to follow? Always carry a light jacket in the spring and fall.
The child with Down’s syndrome is learning to dress herself. Which of the following may enhance the client’s learning of this skill? Make the head and arm holes in the clothing larger.
The client with bilateral hand weakness needs assistance to eat. Which of the following would be the best action to be taken by the Psychiatric Technician? Provide the client with a two-handled cup.
In an effort to have the client attend to personal hygiene needs, the Psychiatric Technician should do which of the following? Help the client establish a morning hygiene routine.
]A 68 year-old female with mild mental retardation and severely arthritic hands is losing the ability to hold a fork and knife. Which of the following actions taken by the Psychiatric Technician will best meet the needs of this client? Obtain adaptive eating utensils for the client to use.
The Psychiatric Technician is going to teach the client an aspect of activity of daily living (ADL). That would include which of the following? Choosing clothes for the type of weather of the day.
The client with a developmental disabiltiy is confined to bed but is alert and active. Which of the following would best help this client maintain the integrity of his muscles and joints? The client moves head, arms, and legs through tolerated degrees of movement.
The family of a 2 year-old is helping her meet her developmental tasks. Which of the following should the parents do to facilitate this? • Allow the child to bring a favorite doll to the day care center.
The 19 year-old male client with a developmental disability is receiving instructions for self-care now that he is found to be HIV positive. Which of the following instructions should be included? Wear gloves when changing cat litter or birdcages.
The Psychiatric Technician is going to teach the client an aspect of instrumental activity of daily living (IADL). That would include which of the following? Doing laundry.
The Psychiatric Technician has been following a client with a developmental disability who has recently received an ostomy. The client is alert, oriented and otherwise active. Which of the following should the client be able to do prior to being discharge Apply a new pouch to the ostomy.
The visually impaired individual is learning to shop at the store. Which of the following is the best way to manage paying for the items? Fold money of different denominations in different ways.
Which of the following will best allow the visually impaired individual to meet his needs for nutrition. Arrange food in the refrigerator in specific locations.
The Psychiatric Technician is helping a developmentally disabled client set up residence in the community. The client is profoundly deaf. What would benefit the client most ? A flashing light instead of a doorbell.
The client who prepares his own foods at home is experiencing a dry mouth as a result of medication he is taking. Which of the following should the Psychiatric Technician suggest to promote the client’s ability to meet his nutritional and comfort ne- Try very sweet or tart foods.
Which of the following activities would be considered instrumental activity of daily living training for a developmentally disabled consumer? Learning to use the bus.
The Psychiatric Technician is working with the family of a 4 year-old boy. To help this child meet his developmental tasks, which of the following activities should the family do? Encourage child to safely explore the backyard.
For the client with weakness of both hands which of the following is the best intervention? Serve finger foods as much as possible.
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching an adolescent who is developmentally disabled how to decide which clothes to wear each day. Which of the following should the client be specically taught to do?- Carry an umbrella if there is a chance of rain. Carry an umbrella if there is a chance of rain.
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching an adolescent who is developmentally disabled how to decide which clothes to wear each day. Which of the following should the client be specifically taught to do?-. Do not wear sandals if the temperature is below 65 degrees
Which of the following is true about Down’s syndrome?- It is the most common cause of mental retardation.
One of the goals of a functional analysis is to identify the target behavior. Which of the following terms best describes a target behavior? Behaviors to be improved (increase or decrease) in a behavior modification program
There are several myths about the effective use of behavior modification. Which of the following is not considered a myth or misconception concerning the application of behavior modification? • Its treatment procedures and techniques are ways of altering an individual’s current environment
Which of the following answers best describes an example of a contingent reinforcement.- When the individual must run four laps before he gets his favorite cold soda
Which of the following examples best describes an unconditioned reinforcement? • Food for a hungry person
Which of the following examples best describes a conditioned reinforcement? Getting an paycheck for work done.
Which of the following statements best describes the spontaneous recovery of a behavior? An developmentally disabled individual who started slapping himself again after the slapping behavior had been eliminated
A psychiatric technician moves from fully graduated guidance to partial graduated guidance while training a disabled individual in using a spoon. The technique the psychiatric technician is using is known as?= Fading Technique
A child is rewarded when pronouncing the words close enough to her verbal community. This process is an example of:- Shaping
Which of the major chaining methods are mostly recommended by behaviorists to use when teaching individuals with severe cognitive developmental disabilities?= Backward chaining
Having a client clean up the area they soiled in a toileting accident, as well as surrounding areas that were not disturbed, would be an example of: over-correction.
If the Psychiatric Technician wishes to increase the behavior of waking up with the alarm clock using group shaping the technician should: Give the client a token as soon as they wake.
Created by: Kferns178



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