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introspection examining one's own thoughts and feelings
ambidextrous able to use the left hand or the right equally well
retrospective looking back on past
precursors a person or thing that precedes, as in a process or job
gerontocracy government ruled by old people
braggart boastful
entice attract, lure
endeavor to try very hard, to make an effort
stray 1. to deviate from the direct course: to stray from the main road. 2. to wander, roam: the new puppy strayed from room to room.
acumen keen, quick, accurate insight or judgment
sporadic happening from time to time. synonyms: occasional, infrequent
affinity close connection; relationship
animosity strong dislike
heterogeneous made up of different kinds
anguish severe mental or physical pain or suffering
apt appropriate or suitable in the circumstances
grumble complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way
offhand without preparation or forethought
loll rest to sit or stand in a lazy way hang (dog's tongue)
edible find to be eaten/not poisonous
inquest legal or judicial inquiry, especially before a judge and especially made by a coroner into the cause of someone's death
accolade praise; approval
conjoin to join together
timid shy easily frightened
opaque not transparent; not able to seen through. synonyms: cloudy, hazy
disallow refuse to allow or accept as a correct
console give comfort or sympathy to
warrant authority written order guarantee
reminiscent suggest something in the past
embezzle use in a wrong way for one's own benefit
brittle easily broken
moribund (of a person) at the point of death
dwarf a person much smaller the usual size
livid furiously angry, enraged
scribble write hastily (quickly)
poseur a person who attempts to impress by acting unlike himself
dullard a stupid, insensitive person
succumb 1. to give way to superior force; yield 2. to yield to disease, wounds, old age, etc.; die.
reiterate say or do again several times
flimsy lacking solidarity, strength
turmoil trouble disturbance
gallant brave, behaves well with women
fission splitting or division (esp. of cells)
encapsulate close the capsule
complaisant trying to please; obliging
grievous causing grief or pain; serious dire grave
abstruse difficult to comprehend; obscure
ail to cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble to
edify instruct; correct morally
satiate satisfy fully
fidelity loyalty accuracy
paradigm a model example of pattern
tractable easily controlled or guided
beguile mislead or delude; cheat; pass time
coagulation change to a thick and solid state
foolproof incapable of failure or error
suffice be enough
lampoon publicly mock or ridicule
immutable that cannot be changed
cordial warm and sincere
retrograde receding
unscathed unharmed, unhurt
superimpose put something on the top
boisterous noisy; restraint
implosion collapse; bursting inward
enigma something that is puzzling
jabber talk excitedly; utter rapidly
treacherous not to be trusted, perfidious
redeem get back by payment compensate
impede hinder, get in the way of
foster nurture; care for
incongruous out of place; not in harmony or agreement
multifarious having many different parts, elements, forms. " __________ activities"
skit short piece of humorous writing
repulsive causing a feeling of disgust
hapless unlucky
eschewed deliberately avid using; abstain from
fond having an affection or liking for.
infuriate make angry, enrage
Created by: jrbat76$
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