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GRE - Adjective

Card list for GRE test (Adjective)

Aberrant markedly different from an accepted norm
Aboveboard without concealment or deception
Abstruse difficult to understand
Abysmal extremely bad ; very great
Acerbic harsh in tone
Adamant refusing to change their behavior or thought
Admonitory expressing warning
Aesthetic concerned with the appreciation of beauty
Affable easy to talk to
Affluent having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
Ambivalent mixed or conflicting emotions as having good and bad feeling about something
Amenable easily persuaded
Amiable having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner
Amorphous having no definite shape
Ample more than enough in size, scope or capacity
Anemic lacking energy and vigor
Anodyne not likely to offend or upset anyone
Antic foolishly odd
Antiquated belonging to an earlier period in time
Antithetical sharply contrasted in character or purpose
Apathetic showing little emotion enthusiasm
Aphoristic concisely suggesting a general truth or principle as containing aphorisms or maxims
Apocryphal well-known but probably not true
Apposite remarkably appropriate
Appreciable large enough to be noticed (amount)
Appurtenant supplying added support
Arbitrary based on random and groundless decision
Arcane understood by only a few
Arch having or showing an amused feeling of being superior to or knowing more than other people
Archaic so old as appearing to belong to ancient period
Arduous requiring considerable mental effort and skill as testing the power of endurance
Arrant complete and wholly (usually modifying a noun with negative connotation)
Artful exhibiting artistic skill ; clever in a cunning way
Artless without cunning or deceit
Ascetic having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure
Askance with a look of suspicion or disapproval
Assiduous marked by care and persistent effort
Atavistic characterized by the recurrence of something ancient or ancestral after an absence of particular period of time
Audacious unrestrained by convention or propriety ; willing to take risks
Auspicious suggesting favorable circumstances and good luck
Austere practicing self-denial ; unadorned in style or appearance ; severe or strict in manner or appearance
Autocratic characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule ; offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power
Avaricious showing an extreme greed for material gain
Avid marked by active interest and enthusiasm
Baleful threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Banal insignificant through having been overused or repeated too often
Base without any moral principles
Beatific experiencing celestial happiness ; showing utter kindness as resembling an angel or saint
Becoming appropriate and nicely matches as according with custom or propriety
Bellicose showing tendency to fight or argue
Belligerent showing readiness to fight
Benighted lacking knowledge or enlightenment
Benign not dangerous to health
Bereft suffering from unrequited love ; sorrowful through loss or deprivation
Besotted strongly feeling or showing love and affection towards ; very drunk
Bilious always angry
Blatant completely obvious in an offensive manner
Bleak having or showing a depressing outlook
Blinkered having or showing a limited outlook or understanding
Boon very close and convivial
Boorish ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance
Brazen done openly without shame or embarrassment
Brusque marked by rude or peremptory shortness
Bucolic related to pleasant aspects of a country life
Byzantine highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Cacophonous having an unpleasant sound
Cadaverous looking very thin and pale as resembling a corpse
Callow young and inexperienced
Candid openly straightforward without secretiveness
Capricious determined by chance or whim or impulse rather than necessity or reason
Cardinal serving as an essential component
Catholic of broad scope or free from provincial prejudices
Cavalier given to haughty disregard of others
Cerebral involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct
Chary suspiciously reluctant to do something
Checkered marked by changeable fortune
Chivalrous being attentive to women like an ideal knight
Choleric prone to outbursts of temper
Churlish lacking manners or refinement
Clement (of weather or climate) physically mild ; showing or giving mercy
Cogent powerfully persuasive and easy for the mind to accept and believe
Colossal so great in size or force as to elicit awe
Commendable deserving high praise
Commensurate proportional or corresponding to degree or amount
Complacent satisfied with the fault of oneself or one’s actions ; satisfied with how things are and unwilling to change them
Complaisant showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others
Concomitant describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another
Conspicuous extremely obvious as without any attempt at concealment
Consummate reveling supreme mastery or skill
Contemptuous looking down at others with a sneering attitude
Contentious likely to argue
Contingent determined by conditions or circumstances that follow
Contrite feeling regret for doing something bad
Convivial describing a lively atmosphere
Convoluted highly complex and difficult to understand
Copious in abundant supply
Cosmopolitan comprising many cultures and global in reach or outlook
Coterminous being of equal scope or duration
Craven pathetically cowardly
Creditable deserving of praise but not that amazing
Credulous showing a lack of judgement or experience and tending to believe readily
Crestfallen brought low in spirit
Cryptic mysterious (usually intentionally)
Culpable deserving blame as being wrong or injurious
Cumbersome difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
Debonair having a sophisticated charm or lively air
Decorous having a good taste in manner and conduct
Deferent showing respect
Deleterious harmful for living things
Demure modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
Derelict (of a person) not doing one's duties
Derisive vocally expressing contempt or ridicule
Derogatory expressing a low opinion of someone or something
Desiccated lacking vitality or spirit
Destitute poor enough to need help from others ; completely lacking or wanting
Desultory marked by the lack of definite plan or purpose as jumping from one thing to another
Detrimental causing harm or injury
Diabolical very wicked like the devil
Didactic designed to teach someone
Diffident lacking self-confident
Dilapidated in terrible condition
Dilatory wasting time
Diminutive very small
Disaffected unsatisfied as toward authority
Discreet careful to protect one's speech or actions in order to avoid offense or draw attention
Discrete constituting a separate part or entity
Discursive tending to depart from the main point as in speech or writing
Disheartened becoming less hopeful and enthusiastic
Disingenuous not straightforward as giving a false appearance of frankness
Disinterested unaffected by self-interest
Disparate fundamentally distinct in quality or kind
Dispassionate unaffected by strong emotions or prejudice
Docile willing to be taught or supervised
Dogmatic very opinionated as not accepting that your belief may not be true
Doleful filled with or evoking sadness
Dolorous showing sorrow
Doughty marked by fearless resolution
Ebullient joyously unrestrained
Eclectic comprised or composed of multiple things or elements drawn from various resources
Effervescent marked by high spirits or excitement
Efficacious producing intended result
Egregious extremely bad or standing out in negative way
Elegiac expressing sorrow
Eloquent expressing oneself readily, clearly and effectively
Elusive difficult to capture or remember
Embryonic in the early stage of development
Eminent standing above others in quality or position
Empathetic showing understanding of other people's states or emotions
Enamored strongly attracted to or in love with
Endemic originating from where it is found
Entrenched established firmly and securely
Ephemeral lasting a very short time
Equitable fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience
Equivocal open to two or more interpretations
Errant being wondering or not sticking to a circumscribed path
Erratic having no fixed course ; likely to perform unpredictably
Ersatz copied from something else and usually not as good as the original
Erudite having profound knowledge that is learned by studying
Esoteric understandable by only a group of people
Estimable deserving of esteem and respect
Ethereal characterized by lightness and insubstantiality
Evanescent tending to vanish like vapor
Evasive escaping from difficulty or commitment ; deliberately vague or ambiguous
Evenhanded without partiality
Exacting requiring or demanding accuracy
Excruciating extremely painful
Exigent demanding immediate action or attention
Exiguous extremely small in size or amount
Exorbitant greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
Expansive communicative and prone to talking in a sociable manner
Extant still in existence
Facetious cleverly amusing in tone
Facile not showing enough thought or effort ; done or achieved in a way that is too easy
Factious characterized by internal disagreement or likely to cause disagreement
Factitious artificial
Fallacious of a belief that is based on faulty reasoning
Fastidious overly concerned with details
Feckless describing someone who is irresponsible or has no purpose in life
Fecund intellectually productive
Fell terribly evil
Fervid characterized by intense emotion
Fickle liable to sudden and unpredictable change especially in affections or attachments
Fledgling young and inexperienced
Flippant not showing a serious or respectful attitude
Florid excessively ornamented or decorated
Flush being in abundance
Foolhardy recklessly bold or rash in doing something dangerous or risky
Forlorn showing hopelessness
Forthcoming readily available ; coming soon ; at ease in talking or willing to share information to others
Forthright characterized by directness in manner or speech as without subtlety or evasion
Fortuitous happening by chance or having no apparent cause
Fractious irritable and is likely to cause disruption
Frivolous not important or serious
Frugal not spending much money but spending wisely
Furtive done secretly and quietly to avoid being noticed (usually by taking pains)
Futile producing no intended result or effect
Garrulous full of trivial conversation
Gauche socially awkward
Genial marked by sympathy or friendliness
Genteel marked by elegant quality in taste and manners
Germane appropriate and relevant
Glib speaking with ease but without sincerity
Gossamer characterized by unusual lightness or delicacy
Grandiloquent pompous or extravagant in language or manner especially in a way that is intended to impress
Gregarious instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
Gullible easily deceived or tricked
Hackneyed lacking significance through having been overused
Hagiographic excessively flattering toward someone's life or work
Halcyon marked by peace and prosperity
Haphazard marked by great carelessness ; dependent upon or characterized by chance
Haughty having or showing arrogant superiority
Histrionic overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style
Hoary ancient
Humdrum dull and lacking excitement
Iconoclastic defying tradition or convention
Ignoble completely lacking nobility in character or purpose
Ignominious deserving disgrace or shame
Illicit contrary to or forbidden by law
Illustrious widely known and esteemed
Immaterial not relevant
Immutable not able to be changed
Impartial free from undue bias or preconceived opinions
Impeccable without fault or error
Impecunious lacking money
Impending close in time or about to occur
Imperious having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
Impertinent disrespectful or improperly forward
Impervious not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
Impetuous characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
Implacable opposed to someone or something in a very angry or determined way that cannot be changed or mitigated
Implausible describing a statement that is not believable
Imponderable impossible to estimate or figure out
Impregnable immune to attack ; incapable of being challenged or refuted
Improvident not given careful consideration
Imprudent not wise
Impudent improperly forward or rude or disrespectful
Inadvertent unexpectedly or unintentionally happened
Inane without sense or intelligence
Inarticulate incapable of expressing ideas clearly and effectively in speech or writing
Incessant continuing without stopping or interruption
Inchoate imperfectly formed or only partly in existence
Incisive demonstrating an ability to draw or recognize fine distinctions
Incongruous lack of harmony or compatibility or appropriateness
Incontrovertible impossible to deny or disprove
Incorrigible not able to be changed or corrected ; not manageable
Incumbent necessary for someone as a duty or responsibility
Indigenous originating in a certain area
Indigent having very little
Indignant feeling angry over a perceived injustice
Industrious characterized by hard work and perseverance
Ineffable too sacred or difficult to be uttered or expressed
Ineluctable impossible to avoid or evade
Inexorable stubborn ; impossible to stop or prevent
Infelicitous inappropriate
Inflammatory extremely controversial
Ingenuous characterized by an inability to mask your feelings
Inimical likely to cause damage or have a bad effect
Inimitable defying imitation
Innocuous does not produce any ill effects
Inscrutable not easily understood
Insidious working subtly but in a destructive way
Insipid dull and uninteresting
Insolent rude and arrogant
Insolvent bankrupt or unable to pay one’s bill
Insufferable difficult to endure
Intermittent stopping and starting at irregular intervals
Internecine characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides within a conflicting group or organization
Intransigent unwilling to change one's behavior or opinion
Intrepid fearless
Invective characterized by harsh or insulting words
Inveterate habitual
Invidious likely to cause resentment
Inviolable never to be broken, infringed or dishonored
Inviolate must be kept sacred
Involved difficult to understand
Irascible quickly aroused to anger
Irrefutable impossible to deny or disprove
Irresolute uncertain how to act or proceed
Irrevocable incapable of being retracted, withdrawn or taken back
Itinerant traveling from place to place to work
Jaundiced showing or affected by prejudice or envy
Jejune lacking interest or significance ; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
Jocular characterized by jokes and good humor
Jovial marked by good humor and full of happiness
Jubilant delightful because of triumph or success
Laborious characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion especially physical effort
Lachrymose showing sorrow
Laconic brief and to the point
Lascivious sexually perverted
Laudable worthy of high praise
Lavish characterized by extravagance and profusion
Leery showing a lack of trust in someone or something
Lethargic lacking energy
Limpid having clarity in terms of expression
Loath unwilling to do something contrary to your custom
Loquacious full of trivial conversation
Lucid transparently clear and easy to understand
Lugubrious excessively mournful
Luminous softly bright
Macabre suggesting the horror of death and decay
Magisterial offensively or excessively showing one's authority or power
Magnanimous noble and generous in spirit toward someone less powerful
Maladroit not skillful in action or thought
Malevolent showing a wish to do evil to others or arising from intense hatred
Malleable capable of being shaped or bent ; easily influenced
Malodorous having an unpleasant smell
Martial suggesting war or military life
Maudlin overly emotional and sad
Mawkish expressing emotion in exaggerating or embarrassing way
Mellifluous pleasing to the ear
Mendacious tending to be untruthful
Mercurial prone to unexpected or unpredictable changes in mood
Meteoric resembling a meteor in speed or brilliance
Meticulous marked by extreme care in treatment of details
Mettlesome filled with courage or valor
Mollify to make someone angry less angry
Moment significant and important value
Moot open to argument or debate
Mordant showing harsh quality in manner or thought
Moribund being on the point of death ; not changing or growing
Morose ill-tempered and not inclined to talk
Mundane relating to an ordinary world ; repetitive and boring
Munificent very generous
Muted being or made softer or less loud
Myopic lacking foresight or imagination
Negligible very small as to be meaningless
Noisome having an extremely bad smell
Nonchalant coming across as uninterested or unconcerned
Nonplussed unsure how to act or respond
Obdurate unable to be persuaded
Obliging showing a cheerful willingness to help others
Oblique not straightforward
Obscure known by only few people
Obsequious attempting to gain favor from influential people by flattery
Obstinate refusing to change your behavior or your ideas
Obstreperous noisily and stubbornly defiant
Obtuse slow to learn or understand because of lacking intellectual acuity or insight
Officious intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
Onerous difficult to do or deal with
Opaque not clearly understood or expressed
Opulent very wealthy or superior in quality
Ornate marked by elaborate rhetoric or oratory ; covered with fancy patterns
Ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others ; vulgar or tawdry
Overweening excessively arrogant
Palatable acceptable to the taste or mind
Paradoxical seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true
Parochial narrowly restricted in the scoop of outlook ; not interested in more important things
Parsimonious excessively unwilling to spend
Pastoral relating to the countryside in a pleasant sense
Patent glaringly obvious
Pecuniary relating to or involving money
Pedantic characterized by narrow focus on ; too worried about small details or rules
Pedestrian lacking imagination
Peevish easily irritated or annoyed
Pejorative expressing disapproval
Pellucid transparently clear and easily understandable
Penurious lacking money ; miserly
Percipient highly perceptive
Peremptory showing the insulting attitude of people who think that they should be obeyed without question
Perennial lasting an indefinite long time
Perfunctory done routinely and with little interest or car
Peripatetic traveling by foot
Pernicious working in a hidden but injurious way
Perspicacious acutely insightful and wise
Pertinent having precise and logical relevance to the matter at hand
Petulant easily irritated or annoyed
Phantasmagorical characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions
Philanthropic generous in assistance to the poor
Philistine smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values
Phlegmatic showing little emotion
Picayune not valuable or important
Piquant having a pleasant and exciting taste
Pithy concise and full of meaning
Placid not easily irritated
Plodding slow and laborious
Plucky marked by courage and determination
Poignant emotionally touching
Pollyannaish extremely optimistic
Ponderous moving slowly
Portentous ominously prophetic
Pragmatic guided by practical experiences or observations rather than theory
Precarious not securely held or likely to collapse
Precipitate done hastily or rashly without deliberation
Precipitous extremely steep ; done with very great haste or without enough planning or thinking
Precocious characterized by an exceptionally early development or maturity
Preemptive designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence
Prescient perceiving the significance of events before they occur
Presumptuous excessively forward
Pristine untouched and unused
Prodigal wasteful as spending more than you can afford
Prodigious so great in size, force or extent as to elicit awe
Profligate using resources recklessly
Profuse pouring out in abundance
Prolific intellectually productive
Prolix using or containing too many words in writing or speech
Propitious producing intended or good result
Prosaic dull and lacking imagination
Protean readily taking on different roles
Provident careful in regard to your own interests
Provincial characteristic of limited perspective ; not fashionable or sophisticated
Provisional under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
Puerile displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
Pugnacious eager to fight or argue
Puissant powerful
Punctilious marked by precise accordance with details
Pyrrhic describing a victory that comes at such a great cost that the victory is not worthwhile
Querulous habitually complaining
Quiescent being quiet and still
Quixotic wildly idealistic
Quotidian very usual or common as to be done everyday
Raffish not completely acceptable or respectable but interesting and attractive
Rakish marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness
Rarefied made more subtle or refined
Rash done or made quickly without enough planning or thinking
Raucous unpleasantly loud and harsh
Ravenous devouring or craving food in great quantities as when feeling very hungry
Recondite difficult to comprehend
Redoubtable inspiring fear or awe
Refractory stubbornly resistant to authority or control
Remiss being negligent or without enthusiasm in one’s duty
Replete completely stocked or furnished with something
Restive unable to stay still because you feel bored or not satisfied
Resurgent raising again as to new life and vigor
Reticent not revealing one’s thought
Retiring reluctant to draw attention to yourself
Reverent showing respect or veneration
Ribald humorously vulgar
Robust sturdy and strong in form, constitution or construction
Rudimentary being in the earliest stages of development
Rustic characteristic of country people
Sagacious having good judgement and acute insight
Sanctimonious pretending to be morally better that another
Sanguine confidently cheerful and optimistic
Sardonic disdainfully or ironically humorous
Sartorial related to fashion or clothes
Saturnine morose or gloomy
Savvy having particular understanding or knowledge
Scintillating describing someone who is brilliant, lively and amusing
Scrupulous having sense of right and wrong ; characterized by extreme care and great effort
Sedulous marked by care and persistent effort
Self-effacing reluctant to draw attention to yourself
Sentimental effusively or insincerely emotional especially in art, music and literature
Serene calm and peaceful
Slapdash carelessly and hastily put together
Smug marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction
Snide indirectly mocking or insulting
Solicitous showing hovering attentiveness
Soporific inducing mental lethargy or sleep inducing
Sordid involving ignoble actions and motives
Spartan unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment
Specious deceptively pleasing as to appear to be true but actually false
Splenetic very irritable
Sporadic recurring in scattered and irregular instances
Spurious not genuine or authentic ; based on false idea or reasoning
Staid characterized by dignity and propriety
Stalwart inured to fatigue or hardships
Staunch firm and dependable especially in loyalty
Steadfast marked by firm determination or resolution
Stolid having little emotion or sensibility in the way that is not easily aroused or excited
Stringent demanding strict attention to procedures or rules
Sublime of high moral or intellectual value as to inspire great admiration or awe
Subversive in opposition to an established system or institution
Sullen describing an unhappy person who does not want to talk or smile
Supercilious looking down on others
Superfluous serving no useful purpose ; more than is needed or desired
Surly inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace
Surreptitious done secretly and quietly to avoid being noticed usually by taking pains
Taciturn uncommunicative and reserved
Tantamount being essentially equal to something
Tawdry having a cheap and ugly appearance
Taxing requiring a lot of effort
Telling significant and revealing of another factor
Telltale revealing
Tempered moderated in effect
Tempestuous violently energetic and wildly fluctuating
Tenacious very determined to do something
Tendentious likely to lean towards a controversial view
Thoroughgoing extremely thorough
Thrifty spending money wisely
Timorous easily frightened or nervous
Tortuous highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Tractable easily managed or controlled
Transient lasting a very short time
Transitory lasting a very short time
Treacherous tending to betray ; dangerously unstable and unpredictable
Trenchant having keenness and penetration in thought or expression
Trite boring and uninteresting as repeated too often or being overused
Truculent having a fierce and savage nature
Turgid (of language) pompous and tedious
Uncanny suggesting the operation of supernatural influences
Uncompromising not willing to change a decision or opinion
Unconscionable greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
Unflappable marked by extreme calm and composure
Unforthcoming uncooperative or not willing to give up information
Unimpeachable free of guilt
Unprecedented having never been done or known before
Unprepossessing creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression
Unpropitious (of a circumstance) with little chance of success
Unruly noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline ; difficult to control or manage
Unseemly not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
Unstinting very generous
Untenable (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified
Untoward not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
Untrammeled not confined or limited
Urbane showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience
Vacuous showing a lack of intelligence, matter or significance
Vehement marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
Veneer covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance
Venial easily excused or forgiven
Veracious truthful
Verbose using or containing too many words
Veritable without a doubt
Viable capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are
Vicarious felt as if one were taking part in the experience of another
Vindictive having strong desire for revenge
Vitriolic harsh in tone
Vociferous speaking or expressing feeling loudly
Voracious approaching an activity with enthusiasm
Wanting lacking
Wanton showing no moral restraints to one's anger, desire or appetites
Whimsical resulting from or determined by sudden wish or desire rather than necessity or reason
Winsome charming in a childlike or naïve way
Zealous marked by active interest and enthusiasm
Created by: chaedarkeju
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